WORST CHRISTMAS FOR ME AND WORST NEW YEAR DAY COMINGWell since everybody reveals personal info here's mine.
Wife brought home a package of 5 self tests for Covid a few days ago.
I couldn't read the instructions as the letters were too small. Yesterday I used a magnifying glass read the instructions and just out of the blues, we thought of trying them. Mine on the right side of the picture was clear negative. (C line=valid test, T line=Positive to Covid) Mine came out perfectly clear. Wife's T line was almost clear, had just a very faint color. We thought wife was OK, but while she was out shopping she called me that she'd do a rapid test to be sure.
Half an hour later she called me crying...
Daughter would come visit us any minute, so I put a sticker on the door, saying "please don't use your keys, and don't enter the house. Call me..."
Daughter, her husband, and my little love, 5 month old grand daughter, were perfectly healthy nothing to worry about. But they would do a rapid test just to be sure.
I also went out for a rapid test. Done it, and left immediately waiting to get the results via SMS.
On my way home got a call from wife, this time I couldn't understand what she was saying. "My God ALL 3 OF THEM INCLUDING THE BABY POSITIVE". Finally my SMS arrived, it was negative.
And so here I am on Christmas day, wife locked in one room, myself wandering around the house, both of us alone at home, all celebrations cancelled, no souvla no anything.
And I was so anxious to see my lovely grand daughter today.
Damn it, gamoto! I will do another rapid test tomorrow (today they are closed).
For those of you who wonder about the symptoms. Almost nothing guys. Son in law lost the sense of smell though.
So here I am wasting my time in Cyprus forum.