Lordo wrote:Paphitis wrote:Maximus wrote:Lordo wrote:
How the fuck can you decide a person is a bogus assylum seeker before looking at their indivdual cases.
I am talking about cases that have gone through the asylum process and have been given legal verdicts,
85-90% of them are bogus. 85-90% of the people coming to the EU, most probably have a bogus claim to asylum too.
You are talking rubbish.
100% are bogus, including the Syrian refugees. Because they are attempting an illegal crosasing from a country that is in peace and which also offers protection and isn't persecuting them.
Swim along reh psari
He is closer to being right than you are Bordo. Syrians should be going back to Syria and many of them have already.
What you need to remember is, being a refugees in another country is a temporary status anyway.

as soon as it is safe to return, you have to go back.
A refugee is someone seeking refuge from war, persecution or natural disaster.

To seek asylum, you really need to have solid irrefutable proof that you are being persecuted.
Just because the economic situation in their country is bad, doesn't mean they can seek refuge or asylum in another country.
Just because someone is poor, it doesnt mean they can illegally go to another country as a welfare tourist.