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Financial World

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Financial World

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:27 pm

As it can be seen from the situation in Turkey, Financial world is upto its own trcks and causing huge pain to the public to boot. But why does it happen and how does it happen and is it legal but more imprtantly should it be legal at all.

I would like to find out a few things to bring things into the open. Here are some questions:

1 When did it begin?
2 What kind of people are involved in this world dealing with billions to influence currency values?
3 How does a company buy another without using their own money and worst still transfer the debt to the company they bought?
4 Asset stripping at times driving companies to bankruptcy and ruining the lives of workers?
5 CEOs having a free hand using pension money as they please at the expense of the pensioners at times losing their pesnsions?

These will do for now.
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Re: Financial World

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:50 pm

So when did it begin.

Finance in the form of coins hade been around for thousands of years but in the 1600s to the 1800s there were 5200 Enclosure acts in the UK parliament which took common land used by all and given to the King's henchmen, the Barons. In reality this is exactly what Dengtash did in 1974, he dsitributed most of the GC properties to their henchmen and what was left was given to the TCs and then to the settlers which arrives in the late 70s.

A friend of mine told me that his father went into the Exchange office in late 1970s to try to get some GC land. He was told that there was limited amount of land left and he could only apply for 80 donums of land, He agreed and sorted out his deeds and offered 80 donum land to exchange upon which he was told that in order to claim 80 donum of GC land, he had hand in all his land.

He returned without exchanging any land and commented to his friends that he did not realise KTFD was created on a communist system.

So while a lot of people do not make sound about the working class all over the world being robbed to this day by the the rich, moan like a bitch on heat when it comes to Cyprus.

Corporations to this day are robbing native people of their land and resouces all legally. I her not a sound of objection about that. Its ok after all some of the money eventually ends up in Cyprus as we have found out recently like the Russian money and Serb money too.
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Re: Financial World

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 2:02 pm

What kind of people are at the top of this world making money for their corporations in the bilions and also for themselves too.

People with these charactersicts are allowed to control the financial world.

• the lack of empathy;
• the grandiosity and over-inflated self-worth;
• the lack of remorse or guilt;
• the manipulation, self-serving and exploitative;
• the greed; the lack of moral compass;
• the need for adulation, recognition and adoration;
• pathological lying;
• lack of consistency, the shallowness;
• impulsivity, risk taking with other peoples' money;
• lack of accountability and responsibility;
• inability to apologise;
• the actors able to pull of the charade;
• parasitic, embezzlers;
• the promiscuous;
• the high turnover of partners/spouses, they pass over wives like you do handme down for a pair of shoes to a poor relative;
• the need to control.

Would you allow these cunting bastards to run your house fianances never mind the economy?

This does not apply to a person who buys and sells a few hunderd quid. I myself have bought currency when I visit Cyprus as I need to and before returning, I normally left whats left with family members as I had no intention of the bastards making commision on me twice by selling it back to them whether it was profitable or not.
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Re: Financial World

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:40 pm

Lordo wrote:What kind of people are at the top of this world making money for their corporations in the bilions and also for themselves too.

People with these charactersicts are allowed to control the financial world.

• the lack of empathy;
• the grandiosity and over-inflated self-worth;
• the lack of remorse or guilt;
• the manipulation, self-serving and exploitative;
• the greed; the lack of moral compass;
• the need for adulation, recognition and adoration;
• pathological lying;
• lack of consistency, the shallowness;
• impulsivity, risk taking with other peoples' money;
• lack of accountability and responsibility;
• inability to apologise;
• the actors able to pull of the charade;
• parasitic, embezzlers;
• the promiscuous;
• the high turnover of partners/spouses, they pass over wives like you do handme down for a pair of shoes to a poor relative;
• the need to control.

Would you allow these cunting bastards to run your house fianances never mind the economy?

This does not apply to a person who buys and sells a few hunderd quid. I myself have bought currency when I visit Cyprus as I need to and before returning, I normally left whats left with family members as I had no intention of the bastards making commision on me twice by selling it back to them whether it was profitable or not.

Watch this movie to confirm.
The Wolf of Wall Street
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Re: Financial World

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:23 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:What kind of people are at the top of this world making money for their corporations in the bilions and also for themselves too.

People with these charactersicts are allowed to control the financial world.

• the lack of empathy;
• the grandiosity and over-inflated self-worth;
• the lack of remorse or guilt;
• the manipulation, self-serving and exploitative;
• the greed; the lack of moral compass;
• the need for adulation, recognition and adoration;
• pathological lying;
• lack of consistency, the shallowness;
• impulsivity, risk taking with other peoples' money;
• lack of accountability and responsibility;
• inability to apologise;
• the actors able to pull of the charade;
• parasitic, embezzlers;
• the promiscuous;
• the high turnover of partners/spouses, they pass over wives like you do handme down for a pair of shoes to a poor relative;
• the need to control.

Would you allow these cunting bastards to run your house fianances never mind the economy?

This does not apply to a person who buys and sells a few hunderd quid. I myself have bought currency when I visit Cyprus as I need to and before returning, I normally left whats left with family members as I had no intention of the bastards making commision on me twice by selling it back to them whether it was profitable or not.

Watch this movie to confirm.
The Wolf of Wall Street

Of course it is true. I have come accross quite a few CEOs with the above characteristics. However the ones I have come accross were assholes and bankrutpted a perfectly functioning company making hunderds of people unemployed.
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Re: Financial World

Postby Maximus » Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:44 pm

Rich people generally avoid the poor,

Here are some of main reasons why,

poor people usually blame the rich for all their problems and hate them,
poor people think they are entitled to take from the rich to distribute to themselves and the poor,
poor people are generally lazy, they cant be bothered to enrich peoples lives unless it involves the above.
poor people usually make excuses for why they are not rich,
poor people dont do what rich people do,
poor people generally hang around with other poor people
poor people are easily brainwashed and manipulated
poor people dont invest in themselves.

Now not everyone is going to be rich but it is possible to lift yourself out of poverty by adopting some of the things that rich people do.

The only difference between rich and poor is the choices they made and thoughts they allow to take root.

Can you image a word without democracy, capitalism and finance? then you are imagining a world of poor people.
Last edited by Maximus on Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Financial World

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:51 pm

Maximus wrote:Rich people generally avoid the poor,

Here are some of main reasons why,

poor people usually blame the rich for all their problems and hate them,
poor people think they are entitled to take from the rich to distribute to the poor,
poor people are generally lazy,
poor people usually make excuses for why they are not rich,
poor people dont do what rich people do,
poor people generally hang around with other poor people
poor people are easily brainwashed and manipulated
poor people dont invest in themselves.

Now not everyone is going to be rich but it is possible to lift yourself out of poverty by adopting some of the things that rich people do.

The only difference between rich and poor is the choices they made and thoughts they allow to take root.

Can you image a word without democracy, capitalism and finance? then you are imagining a world of poor people.

You stupid cunt. Explain that to the mother who has three jobs and still can't make ends meet and has to survive on foodbanks.

Talk of blaming the victims.
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Re: Financial World

Postby Maximus » Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:56 pm

I dont need to explain anything to her, she made HER choices.

I made mine and we are all where we are meant to be as a consequence of those choices.

You are displaying some of those traits I mentioned above.

And before you say anything else you stupid cunt, my family had nothing, was given nothing, didnt inherit nothing, because they lost it all due to war.
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Re: Financial World

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:09 pm

Maximus wrote:I dont need to explain anything to her, she made HER choices.

I made mine and we are all where we are meant to be as a consequence of those choices.

You are displaying some of those traits I mentioned above.

And before you say anything else you stupid cunt, my family had nothing, was given nothing, didnt inherit nothing, because they lost it all due to war.

You make assumtions about me and yet you know nothing about me. And thats how it will remain. You ignorant brain dead cunt.
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Re: Financial World

Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:11 pm

The gravitational pull of Lordo's weird thread merely serves to abuse people! :lol:
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