Get Real! wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:I actually have downloaded the week 47 report a few days ago and stopped at fig.4 Effectiveness against mortality showing values > 95%.
I wouldn't expect from a University graduate like you to be so sloppy in reading information.
The first question you should ask yourself is how could it be possible for an official report to ever be so contradictory between figure 4 and tables 10 a,b. Is that really possible??
Of course not!! The answer is in figure 5 showing that 95% over the age of 75, and over 80 have already been fully vaccinated.
It's the same thing I described you here:
cyprus47300-4280.html#p911946I am also surprised you did read the warnings but you didn't read the footnotes that explain it clearly.
In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective
If you have the time, you can easily double check the
“Effectiveness against mortality” yourself Pyro as follows…
1. Get the sum of the last two columns (but not the <18) of
Table 8 and call it “A”
2. Get the sum of the last two columns (but not the <18) of
Table 10-a and call it “B”
3. Get the sum of the last two columns (but not the <18) of
Table 10-b and call it “C”
(100 * (B+C)) / A <-- that’s your percentage of effectiveness
NB: You’ll need to do this manually because PDF tables are not Excel compatible.
So, get back to us if it equates to 95%...

Efficacy rates are nowhere near 95%. They only said this for all the little sheep and minions to get vaccinated.
However, there is an efficacy. What the true value is, I don’t know. But according to the Israelis, the efficacy is around 65%. It will increase with a third booster jab. But still not 95%
Even at 65%, it is a worthwhile life saver. So yes, it does save people from dieing of Covid.
What we don’t know is under what long term side effects. Does it kill off our immunity to other things like the flu? Is there a risk of DVT and other heart conditions. Well apparently there are. And people are dieing from these conditions. Not a lot of transparency to be found here as those who speak up are silenced straight away.
And the worst thing of all isn’t the vaccine. It’s the wintering away of basic human rights and freedoms. Creating division between the vaccinated and creating a second class citizenry among the unvaccinated.
One day, our generation will have to answer some pretty tough questions from our children and grand children for destroying their freedoms and creating a world dystopia.
The UK is one of the most transparent countries in the world and the data they publish is extremely good and interesting. Including the death data among the vaccinated vs unvaccinated. It’s completely normal at this point for more people to die among the vaccinated as their vaccination rate is over 80%.
Just to illustrate how far ahead the UK is, Cyprus has no such data that I can find, which means they are withholding information from the Cypriot people. It’s not a good thing at all.