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The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:35 am

Paphitis wrote:Just to illustrate how far ahead the UK is, Cyprus has no such data that I can find, which means they are withholding information from the Cypriot people. It’s not a good thing at all.

You can't miss a chance, can you?
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:37 am


I have earlier posted this one liner but it seems it lost it's way out:
You are now changing the goal posts. What was your initial claim again? :wink:

However I will still answer your question. Notice your proposed calculations don't make sense because:
Mortality efficacy 95% DOES NOT mean that 5% among the vaccinated will die It means we would have 95% reduction in deaths. Furthermore assuming the majority in UK took the AZ Vs Delta variant the efficacy after 20+weeks drops down to 80% on the average population. as per figure 4

If you do the checks on table 10.b you'd find 61% efficacy for the age group >80 y.o.
Or you may jump directly to table 11 and get the answers ready on the plate (163.5 down to 63.5)=61% efficacy

Not bad for this age group considering that most probably they were the first who got vaccinated more than 6 months ago.

NB. There's a footnote that we should not use table 11 to calculate efficacy but what the heck, this is just a discussion forum.
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:16 pm

NB2. From table 11 for other age groups
60-69 75%
50-59 81%
40-49 71% (??)
30-39 80%
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Lordo » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:24 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Just to illustrate how far ahead the UK is, Cyprus has no such data that I can find, which means they are withholding information from the Cypriot people. It’s not a good thing at all.

You can't miss a chance, can you?

I can confirm what Bafidi says but it is not about the data released, it is about how mfar ahead they were not taking control of ports of entry and stopping the virus getting in, while little oll Cyprus and Greece were not only stopping virus getting in they were also paying for the quarantine of those returning. I wil lgive him a figure, in the first 12 months UK allowed in 1300 different incidences of the virus entering the country. Knowing how easy this thing multiplies you can appreceate why we have one of the highest death rates per milion in the world. And even that is not counted properly, anybody who died 28 days after being tested does not count.

I stil return to January 2021 where 30,000 people died in one month despite of the lockdown. I mean so much control we did not know what to do with it.
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:39 pm

Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Just to illustrate how far ahead the UK is, Cyprus has no such data that I can find, which means they are withholding information from the Cypriot people. It’s not a good thing at all.

You can't miss a chance, can you?

I can confirm what Bafidi says but it is not about the data released, it is about how mfar ahead they were not taking control of ports of entry and stopping the virus getting in, while little oll Cyprus and Greece were not only stopping virus getting in they were also paying for the quarantine of those returning. I wil lgive him a figure, in the first 12 months UK allowed in 1300 different incidences of the virus entering the country. Knowing how easy this thing multiplies you can appreceate why we have one of the highest death rates per milion in the world. And even that is not counted properly, anybody who died 28 days after being tested does not count.

I stil return to January 2021 where 30,000 people died in one month despite of the lockdown. I mean so much control we did not know what to do with it.

If he would need to compare Cyprus with the UK, why doesn't he compare his Holy-Rosy Australia with the UK, or his new Holy-Rosy America with the UK, or any other country in this respect?
Where's the data of those countries?? He himself doesn't understand one iota of what these reports say... :lol: :lol:

Of course as you correctly point out he likes to compare only the things in which his holy-rosy do a better job, ignoring the rest. What was that freak BoJo saying at the start of the pandemic? :wink:
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Lordo » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:50 pm

Not that Bafidyi understands what is going on but looking at the figures:

Australia population of 25 million with 2100 deaths
UK population of 66 million with over 150,000 deaths.

I would take Australia any time. They took proper control at the correct time and did manage to contain its spread to a very good extent.
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Get Real! » Sat Dec 11, 2021 5:13 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I actually have downloaded the week 47 report a few days ago and stopped at fig.4 Effectiveness against mortality showing values > 95%.

I wouldn't expect from a University graduate like you to be so sloppy in reading information.

Right, so now that you’ve finally looked into it properly... who is the sloppy one now Pyro? :lol:
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 12, 2021 2:40 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Just to illustrate how far ahead the UK is, Cyprus has no such data that I can find, which means they are withholding information from the Cypriot people. It’s not a good thing at all.

You can't miss a chance, can you?

I’m just telling it the way it is.

We are getting reports like this, with very detailed information from many countries - UK is one of them. You actually got to admire their meticulous nature in recording everything. They do it because it helps with planning in the hospital system and to formulate a strategy.

This is something Cyprus has never been good at. Almost like they are winging it. Or they are withholding information. It’s either disorganisation or a deliberate attempt to suppress.

But regardless, even in the countries that appear transparent in their reporting, they are still not reporting everything. Got instance, try looking for valid data on the side effects. There is some coming out but you do not see in the corporate media anything about heart conditions.
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 12, 2021 2:49 am

Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Just to illustrate how far ahead the UK is, Cyprus has no such data that I can find, which means they are withholding information from the Cypriot people. It’s not a good thing at all.

You can't miss a chance, can you?

I can confirm what Bafidi says but it is not about the data released, it is about how mfar ahead they were not taking control of ports of entry and stopping the virus getting in, while little oll Cyprus and Greece were not only stopping virus getting in they were also paying for the quarantine of those returning. I wil lgive him a figure, in the first 12 months UK allowed in 1300 different incidences of the virus entering the country. Knowing how easy this thing multiplies you can appreceate why we have one of the highest death rates per milion in the world. And even that is not counted properly, anybody who died 28 days after being tested does not count.

I stil return to January 2021 where 30,000 people died in one month despite of the lockdown. I mean so much control we did not know what to do with it.

There is no doubt that border restrictions were and still are far more effective than vaccinations.

And now that border restrictions are being lifted, Covid will spread like wildfire. Whether you are vaccinated or not.

The only sure fire way to avoid Covid is Masks, hygiene, social distancing, washing hands regularly, sanitising and just watch out.

What is happening though is that many vaccinated people think they are immune and believe they won’t get Covid or end up in an ICU. That is a false security blanket as you still can get Covid and you can still die especially if you have health issues or are unfit. Regardless, Covid isn’t something you want to get. Some people will develop long Covid and cause damage to lungs and other organs long term as well.

What I believe is that Covid will eventually dilute itself down over time to a pathogen that will cause less and less death and effects on the human body to a level similar or even less than the common flu. Then we can just live with it.
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Re: The UK’s Vaccine surveillance report

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 12, 2021 3:07 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Just to illustrate how far ahead the UK is, Cyprus has no such data that I can find, which means they are withholding information from the Cypriot people. It’s not a good thing at all.

You can't miss a chance, can you?

I can confirm what Bafidi says but it is not about the data released, it is about how mfar ahead they were not taking control of ports of entry and stopping the virus getting in, while little oll Cyprus and Greece were not only stopping virus getting in they were also paying for the quarantine of those returning. I wil lgive him a figure, in the first 12 months UK allowed in 1300 different incidences of the virus entering the country. Knowing how easy this thing multiplies you can appreceate why we have one of the highest death rates per milion in the world. And even that is not counted properly, anybody who died 28 days after being tested does not count.

I stil return to January 2021 where 30,000 people died in one month despite of the lockdown. I mean so much control we did not know what to do with it.

If he would need to compare Cyprus with the UK, why doesn't he compare his Holy-Rosy Australia with the UK, or his new Holy-Rosy America with the UK, or any other country in this respect?
Where's the data of those countries?? He himself doesn't understand one iota of what these reports say... :lol: :lol:

Of course as you correctly point out he likes to compare only the things in which his holy-rosy do a better job, ignoring the rest. What was that freak BoJo saying at the start of the pandemic? :wink:

I’m happy to compare.

All these countries - UK, Australia and US are miles ahead in terms of transparency. There are reports like the one published here everywhere, on the net from official Government sources. The research conducted and analysis is second to none.

But, all 3 countries approached the crisis differently, the response was different and worthy of a comparison. And I am living the massive contrast at this time.

Australia - was by far the most draconian response out of these 3 countries. In fact, the response was not only draconian but it was also cruel. Borders were closed real tight to every country on the planet. Australia became a fortress. No one allowed in or out without special dispensation or approvals. Not only that, but internal borders between state to state were closed. If there was an outbreak, entire cities and towns were locked up from the rest of the country. If you were caught on the streets without a mask or in a curfew, you would be arrested. There was police brutality on the streets.

But the response was very successful in fighting Covid.

The UK was like the compromise deal between the US and Australia being the 2 extremes. They would go in and out of lockdown but nothing compared to Australia, or NZ or Korea.

The US was a complete opposite to Australia. They were largely still open for business with not many restrictions. Certainly no police brutality or dystopian antics like we saw in Australia. Americans would never allow it.

So 3 countries that handled things very differently.

But 3 countries which do have a high level of transparency from their Governments. Yes I would have 100% more faith in UK, British or American Governments than yours in Cyprus. Reason, there are hundreds of NGOs funded by the government whose job is to research, collect data for the Government so that they can plan and strategise.

My comment was about the report published by the UK Government. It was a thorough report which you can get a lot of information from for comparison. Very similar to many other reports you can get from many countries no doubt. Cyprus not one of them. There were hints that the report was bogus because of some footnote. But I find the complete opposite as I’m seeing a genuine and well put together and very informative report.

And for me, it is completely logical that more vaccinated will die than unvaccinated as most people are vaccinated in the UK by far. As their vaccination rate continues to climb, there will be even more who die that are vaccinated because that pool of people is large and the unvaccinated pool of pool becomes less and less.
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