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Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Maximus » Fri Dec 10, 2021 5:40 pm

Lordo wrote:People are suffering extreme poverty all over the world and here you are discussing how you can help these corporations causing poverty to keep going. All under the guise that you are trying to save the planet. Hell it will.

I guess it may be if it suited the nararive of the corporations but hell will freeze over first.

Then give your money to the poor and stop buying things for yourself.

Oh wait....I wonder how you earn your money.
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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Lordo » Fri Dec 10, 2021 6:59 pm

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:People are suffering extreme poverty all over the world and here you are discussing how you can help these corporations causing poverty to keep going. All under the guise that you are trying to save the planet. Hell it will.

I guess it may be if it suited the nararive of the corporations but hell will freeze over first.

Then give your money to the poor and stop buying things for yourself.

Oh wait....I wonder how you earn your money.

What the fuck would youi know about what I do or how I live you stupid asshole.

Regarding the environment, I have stoped using a car for 10 years now. Charity wise not only do I contribute financially, I also take part in sponsord walks and raise thousands.

Fuck of and get a life.
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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Maximus » Fri Dec 10, 2021 8:05 pm

I know you ride around on a donkey, preaching to others about global poverty.

Give your money to the poor, not other peoples.

You garo.
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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Lordo » Fri Dec 10, 2021 8:54 pm

Maximus wrote:I know you ride around on a donkey, preaching to others about global poverty.

Give your money to the poor, not other peoples.

You garo.

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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Lordo » Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:49 pm

Every now and then somebody comes up with a good idea but invariably it is soon forgotten.
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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Get Real! » Sat Dec 11, 2021 5:16 pm

Lordo wrote:Every now and then somebody comes up with a good idea but invariably it is soon forgotten.

Yeah, I can see all the "fun" you're having every week riding trains and buses with 6-7 shopping bags! :roll:

Wake up people... why aren't more of you doing that? :roll:
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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Lordo » Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:11 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:Every now and then somebody comes up with a good idea but invariably it is soon forgotten.

Yeah, I can see all the "fun" you're having every week riding trains and buses with 6-7 shopping bags! :roll:

Wake up people... why aren't more of you doing that? :roll:

My friend you are stuck 50 years behind.Ever heard of online deliveries? Gavole mavrole.

There wil be time when we will have a car outside belonging to a car club so anybody can book it and use it as and when needed.

We got bikes and scooters, why not cars?

There is a coordinated bus and train service from London to West Malling in Kent to a large office estate. You catch the train and there is a bus at the other end to take you to your destination but wil also carry general public on route. The reverse is also there. You catch a bus and when you get to the train station, the train is there waiting for you.

If only the rest of the country was like that.
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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Maximus » Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:16 pm

Thats not really a good idea!

You didnt even address peoples needs to haul stuff around.

Cars helped people rise out of poverty Bordo, you should be glad about that.

The car industry was a huge economic sector, so there were many jobs to be had. It was also a huge industry, the workers needed expensive equipment to do their jobs, and they earned high wages as a result. Are you listening Bordo? you listen good.

Cars changed people's lives more than any other invention in history, because cars were so convenient. Before cars were invented, if you wanted to go somewhere, you either walked or you rode a horse or a donkey. at that time many people could only travel as far as they could walk. In most cases, this meant about ten miles of walking, all day. Which was about enough to get to the next town.

When cars became more common, they changed everything. Now it only took about an hour or two to travel hundreds of miles, and people began to do things that had been impossible before. Businesses could now operate across whole regions instead of just one town; families could move to new homes hundreds of miles away; and people could visit friends in distant cities on the weekends.

Cars enriched the lives of billions of people and raised most of humanity out of poverty, Bordo!
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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Get Real! » Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:31 pm

Lordo wrote:My friend you are stuck 50 years behind.Ever heard of online deliveries? Gavole mavrole.

:lol: I must say, your Cypriot is really weird man... it should be:

“Thkiaole mavre”

PS: For the English-only speakers... it’s the Cypriot equivalent to “for crying out loud”, although it literally means “dark Satan”.
Last edited by Get Real! on Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Taking advantage of the latest CY car subsidy scheme…

Postby Maximus » Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:33 pm

Lordo wrote:Every now and then somebody comes up with a good idea but invariably it is soon forgotten.

In this scenario,

hundreds of thousands of people will be laid off, because car manufacturers wont be making many cars. Even more people will lose their jobs because they wont need much materials.

What are you plonkers going to do, when you can only use the car once per week, not when you want or need it, in the car sharing club? :roll:
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