This is a very interesting development today. spokesperson for the NUS, which says it represents seven million students, said it was disappointed the universities minister had put the news in a press release rather than speak to it directly.
Considering there are 7 million members in the Union, I wonder how many complaints there were that it had to be aired as it was. I bet there was less than 100. Now that is some statistic considering there is about 8% anti-sedentism in the country.
So you can see how it works right?
Going back to the Labour Party investigation and the way the only other party investigated by them was the fascists, I don't suppose it makes any difference to you that:
1. They found Corbyn guilty of interfering twice and both banning members who were being investigated before concluding
2. The very person who sat on the files and delayed the investigation to cause problems for Corbyn was known Blairite who was named in the report none other than the cunt called Cunt Mathews.