Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis wrote:Yes I can provide dozens of quality American films in the last 10 years or more.
So many to choose. Such as Hunger Games.
So among the dozens you can provide you chose this one?!
Then you have a very bad sense of quality. In general quality films are rated at about 8+ in IMDB plus win some important awards. Awards for best actor/actress, best song, best costume design are meaningless... Awards for best film, sure that is really important. Fyi this one is rated at 7.2 (a bit above average) and on top of everything it won the Golden Schmoes Awards for the most overrated movie of the year!
And with quality actors. The Americans have it all tapped with their actors and also with non American actors who go there - like Mel Gibson and Nicole Kidman.
The US film industry makes good films. It is far superior to let’s say the Australian Film Industry. There are the occasional great Aussie Productions like Underbelly. The one you mention isn’t one of them imo.
But the Aussie Film Industry is extremely advanced. It’s just that the Aussie Film Industry in reality is American as most of the movies are combined Aussie and American. Many of the American films are actually shot in Australia with Fox Studios and 20th Century Fox etc which you guessed it - owned by Murdoch who owns all the media in Australia, most of it in the UK and a big chunk of the US Market. Harry Potter, was filmed in New Zealand. Unquestionably American but with NZ Film industry and I think Aussie Film industry involvement as well but who are we kidding. Big films like that are American. They only chose to film in NZ because the NZ topography suited them. Nothing more.
All our best actors, go to America. I mean look at them all. There must be 20 odd actors with Aussie twangs trying to have an American accent. Mel Gibson, Nicole and so many more.
Where the American studios excel is in their special effects. Not uncommon sometimes for a US film costing tens of millions to make in order to get the big name actors which are all in LA to begin with, or get the best stunt teams and special effects specialists. I’m talking about special effects like we saw in the Matrix, Star Wars and many more.
Where have you seen that before and that level of investment?
Seriously Pyro. I have a bad sense of quality.
It’s news to me that the Americans have bad quality. They are usually world leading with the content they create, their actors and big box office budgets sometimes exceeding $100 million per movie. Who in the world competes with that?
You can simply do a google search for the movies they create. Titles like:
Harry Potter
The Irishman
Social Network
Etc etc - if I google, you will see dozens of them.
And with actors like
Emma Stone
I watched a great Korean film the other day. No doubt it was quality. I just enjoyed it. But guess what. It was a Netflix production. Netflix being a US company. The Americans funded it. So America’s hand was in that too.
If you want to watch it - it’s called Squid Game