Pyrpolizer wrote:Lordo wrote:More bullshit.
The essence of a comprehensive settlement to the Cyprus problem is practically there......... get it
Not theoretically but practically.
Then the UNSG must have been stupid in declaring an impasse
All these things you claim to have happened was it before or after Anastasiades got drunk and started shouting at the table.
What was the January all about when Anastasiades asked for a week delay and made his way to Athens, do talk about what? Or was he trying to claim half a doner from the Fatman?
More bull my friend.
The Grans Montana was in July 2017Diplomats said Turkey had appeared to be offering little to Greek Cypriots wanting a full withdrawal of Turkish troops from the island, although the Greek Cypriots had indicated readiness to make concessions on Turkish Cypriot demands for a rotating presidency, the other key issue.
I like this one. But what it does not say is Anastasiades wanted full withdrawl from day one of the agreement.
Go complain to Reuters
He can go forth and furquine fornicate with himself
You too chief negotiator
Was the withdrawal of the TA not aslo asked for by Makarios in 1963? I wonder why, can you have a guess?
Was the withdrawal of the Greek forces not aslo asked for by Makarios in 1972? I wonder why, can you have a guess?
<< You would be very funny if this was not a very serious matter. After allowing 12000 Greek Soldiers and being forced by Turkey to remove them? It was not so much the soldiers it was the Guarantee Makarios wanted removed before 1963 because he was planning 1963 from before August 1960.
Especially as he brought in tanks and and all sorts against all UN resolution back in 1964.
You have the maturity of a 3 year old.
For an educated persaon you are incredibly ignorant about simple facts.Guterres finally called a halt at 2 a.m. after a session marred by yelling and drama, a source close to the negotiations said.
Any idea who was doing the yelling?
BTW rotating Presidency was no demand, it was a right. How dare he pretend it was something he could give as a concession. Did he also not say a TC can never be a President of GCs.
He can go fuck himself
Whatever you say chief negotiator.
Bullshit is bullshit does baby.
So the words from the mouth of the UN GS is not really good enough. You are just not paying attention to the news as they develop.
And yes I happen to know somebody very close to Akinci personally and I also knw somebody very close to Talat too. Are you jelous.
Tnis new cove I have no connection to what so ever, nor did I have any with Eroglu or Dengtash. Although I knew people close to Dengtash it was not in a friendly manner so they would certainly not give me any info, not that it was necessary to find out what he was doing or any of the other UBP leaders for that matter.