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Milk Dad

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Re: Milk Dad

Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:55 pm

Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:You are blinded by your fanaticsm. The Timbu fell had 600 donums of land valued at 23 Million Euros and as given land and properties in the south of equal value. RoC first refused to hand ove r the land to him and went to court and finally forced him to accept 13 million Euros. Surely if it was only worth 13 Million they could have just given him the land and be done with it. Nope they forced him to accept 13 Million. The example you gave just goes to show how light weight you are. Infact donum for donum the TC properties in south are worth a lot more but never mind you continue to wallow in your ignorance. What ever makes you happy. I never said just exchange, I said a fair exchange. Pound for pound as it were.

But it seems you are as ignorant as some of the others here I have stopped taking seriously.

I have studied the issue, I never waited either from Denktash or the RoC to give me facts. Which once again proves you absorb like a sponge every lie the Denktashes, Eroglus, and Tatars tell you.
The facts are:
Area-wise the TCs left behind 1/5th of the properties they got in the Northern part in 1974.
Value-wise those properties worth 1/20th of the properties they got in the Northern part in 1974.

Btw what did the settlers left behind, what the hell did they "exchange"? They already outnumber you don't they?

Have you indeed studdied tghe issue. Well the example I have clearly shows the value of TC properties in the south at least 10 times the vlaue, But thats ok, you can carry on believing what ever you like. Even if it is utter nonsense.

By all means give me some examples where like for like.

For instance what you are caliming is that values in GC Nicosia properties in the north are 20 times the values of the TC properties in the south. And the same for Larnaka, Baf and limasol too. The TC properties in the south are 1/20 of properties in Girne.

Cause I need a good laugh.

Go explain example wise as you looked at this issue.

Guys, sorry to butt in like this but I don't see how there can be such huge price difference in land/property in any country let alone a tiny place like Cyprus. I honestly think you both have to reset your calculators and start again.
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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Maximus » Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:25 pm

Of course there are price differences with property dependent on the area, in every country.

The thing with Cyprus though, is that the value and prices of property in the north dropped significantly BECAUSE, it is stolen, the area is illegally occupied and embargoed, the administration is not recognized and everything about that area is illegitimate in its dealing.

it is all very simple to understand.
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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:56 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:You are blinded by your fanaticsm. The Timbu fell had 600 donums of land valued at 23 Million Euros and as given land and properties in the south of equal value. RoC first refused to hand ove r the land to him and went to court and finally forced him to accept 13 million Euros. Surely if it was only worth 13 Million they could have just given him the land and be done with it. Nope they forced him to accept 13 Million. The example you gave just goes to show how light weight you are. Infact donum for donum the TC properties in south are worth a lot more but never mind you continue to wallow in your ignorance. What ever makes you happy. I never said just exchange, I said a fair exchange. Pound for pound as it were.

But it seems you are as ignorant as some of the others here I have stopped taking seriously.

I have studied the issue, I never waited either from Denktash or the RoC to give me facts. Which once again proves you absorb like a sponge every lie the Denktashes, Eroglus, and Tatars tell you.
The facts are:
Area-wise the TCs left behind 1/5th of the properties they got in the Northern part in 1974.
Value-wise those properties worth 1/20th of the properties they got in the Northern part in 1974.

Btw what did the settlers left behind, what the hell did they "exchange"? They already outnumber you don't they?

Have you indeed studdied tghe issue. Well the example I have clearly shows the value of TC properties in the south at least 10 times the vlaue, But thats ok, you can carry on believing what ever you like. Even if it is utter nonsense.

By all means give me some examples where like for like.

For instance what you are caliming is that values in GC Nicosia properties in the north are 20 times the values of the TC properties in the south. And the same for Larnaka, Baf and limasol too. The TC properties in the south are 1/20 of properties in Girne.

Cause I need a good laugh.

Go explain example wise as you looked at this issue.

Guys, sorry to butt in like this but I don't see how there can be such huge price difference in land/property in any country let alone a tiny place like Cyprus. I honestly think you both have to reset your calculators and start again.

MR I am afraid it is not the calculators that need to be set, it is the brain cells. Perhaps a few electric shocks may begin to bring than top life.

There is no doubt that the values of TC properties in the south are at least 5 times the ones in the north but it has nothing to do with stolen properties, it is to do with 47 years of embargoes and lack of economic development. If you allow the part of your country to bomb as it were the property prices will bomb too. At least when IPC looks at property values, independent advice from the EU is represented so the correct value can be set but it will only be the value it could be sold in the north.

So really in trying to oppress the TCs into submission they have driven their property values down and shot themselves in the foot. I now am beging to feel sorry for them.

But thats ok even a fool cannot make the same mistake time and time again. Sonner or later they will learn.

Of course I have some 50 donums in the RoC south of nicosia. In the south a dunum must be at least 100K right so how am I worth again. Never mind the payment of not being able to use it for 47 years so rent and some even 56 years or so going back to 1963.

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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:22 pm

Maximus wrote:Of course there are price differences with property dependent on the area, in every country.

The thing with Cyprus though, is that the value and prices of property in the north dropped significantly BECAUSE, it is stolen, the area is illegally occupied and embargoed, the administration is not recognized and everything about that area is illegitimate in its dealing.

it is all very simple to understand.

So what you are saying is that Mr P when he says the GC values in the north donum for donum is 20 times the vallue of TC properties in the south he is talking out of his arse.

Even North and South nicosia is not the same never mind more. But are you boys really claiming that Girne, Omorfo and Karpaz properties ar 20 time the value of Limasol Larnaca and Baf properties.

I would visit a mental doctor if I thought that.

But it's ok, I wil still think of you as you are no worse. If you need help you need help mate get it.
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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Maximus » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:22 pm

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:Of course there are price differences with property dependent on the area, in every country.

The thing with Cyprus though, is that the value and prices of property in the north dropped significantly BECAUSE, it is stolen, the area is illegally occupied and embargoed, the administration is not recognized and everything about that area is illegitimate in its dealing.

it is all very simple to understand.

So what you are saying is that Mr P when he says the GC values in the north donum for donum is 20 times the vallue of TC properties in the south he is talking out of his arse.

Are you trying to be a wise guy?

The TC's stole and still withhold way more property than what they left behind.

They left one behind and collectively gained like 20 you muppet.

The values and prices in the north plummeted because of what I already mentioned above you crack head..
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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:29 pm

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:Of course there are price differences with property dependent on the area, in every country.

The thing with Cyprus though, is that the value and prices of property in the north dropped significantly BECAUSE, it is stolen, the area is illegally occupied and embargoed, the administration is not recognized and everything about that area is illegitimate in its dealing.

it is all very simple to understand.

So what you are saying is that Mr P when he says the GC values in the north donum for donum is 20 times the vallue of TC properties in the south he is talking out of his arse.

Are you trying to be a wise guy?

The TC's stole and still withhold way more property than what they left behind.

They left one behind and collectively gained like 20 you muppet.

you stupid asshole. GCs have 1.5 million donum of land in the north and TCs have 450,000 donums of land in the south. 20 times?

You stupid iriot.
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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Maximus » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:44 pm

Prove it
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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Maximus » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:51 pm

450,000 donums is 450 square killometers.

Cyprus is 9,251 square killometers in area.

So the TC left behind 450 square killometers in the south and gained 3,515 square killometers in the north.

Ok Bordo, you might have a point, its not 20x its like 8x.

and if we include the TC's already owning property in the north, it might be 6 or 7 times.


but you need to prove that the TC's owned 450 square KM in the south.......not that that really changes anything

the point is, the TC's stole far more than what they left behind in the south, as a collective.
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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:33 pm

Maximus wrote:450,000 donums is 450 square killometers.

Cyprus is 9,251 square killometers in area.

So the TC left behind 450 square killometers in the south and gained 3,515 square killometers in the north.

Ok Bordo, you might have a point, its not 20x its like 8x.

and if we include the TC's already owning property in the north, it might be 6 or 7 times.


but you need to prove that the TC's owned 450 square KM in the south.......not that that really changes anything

the point is, the TC's stole far more than what they left behind in the south, as a collective.

You really are very stupid. 450 thousand dounums into 1,500 thousand donum is approx 3 times. You stupid boy. How ever the land values is at least 3 times in the south as it is in the north and that being the case we hold equal value. But it is not 3 times the price. 27 donum of land and 2 building in Larnaka were calclulated by IPC to be the value 23 million Euros. Which was the same as 600 donums of arable land. Is there 600 donums of arable land in the south worth 23 million Euros. So don't tell me IPC is not calculation vlaues.

No go grab a dummy and you know the rest boy.

mavroyerimo naminede oullisas gavole isasdin delya xerodjehali.

Now how much land do you personally have in the north boy?

BTW why was there a need to convert the figures to any other unit. could you nt workout how many times 450 goes into 1.500? Faaaaackin ell maaaaaan
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Re: Milk Dad

Postby Maximus » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:45 pm

waste of time, you brainwashed crack head.
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