Where, the hell do you get these BS talking points from?
You pay towards your own pension through taxation during your working life.
You listen to too much unsubstantiated garbage from the left. "We need foreigners and huge migration to pay our old peoples pensions". Bollox.
If you arent aware, the EU has been undergoing a migrant crisis for some years now.
The camps in the front line countries are overcrowded and bursting and few in Europe want to see a repeat of yesteryears mass migrant influx. Especially the front line countries.
Get your head examined fool.
If Greece needed them tpo pay their old peoples pensions, they would realize that for themselves and they wouldnt be building walls instead.
If the EU wanted them, then member states wouldnt be paying them to voluntarily leave. Many "refugees" take the money and go back to their country of origin.
If the EU needed them, why are they paying them to leave you idiot?