Get Real! wrote:Lordo wrote:Most hacks are self inflicting by the users opening attachments they should not be opening.
Keep backup of all your files regularly and you have nothing to fear from anybody so long as you have virus software. Microsoft has one for free and it's good enough.
The secret is not an anti-virus program (I don’t even use such junk) but to clean all junk files daily BEFORE shut down.
If you don’t, then should a malicious file make its way to your HD it’ll activate at the next boot-up to do its damage.
Malicious files need to ACTIVATE (run/load in memory) to do whatever damage they are designed to do, and the trigger for them to load could be the 1. Task Scheduler, or the 2. Load at Startup list, or a service in 3. System Services.
If you cleaned up all junk files before shutdown the malicious file won’t be there to fire up at the next boot-up, regardless of how this call is made.
I find it entertaining that some of you consider yourselves technical enough to be giving out advice… in your case Lordo you’ve gone one step further by advising someone who has spent his entire adult life in the IT industry in multiple roles.
So yeah… I must say, you’re a funny bunch of fucking weirdos on this stupid forum.
You lost the plot mate.
How does your technical advice protect someone from a malicious Indian scammer making unsolicited calls and asking for remote access to someones computer to provide them with technical support.
You are saying; drop your guard and go for it.
We are saying, that the call you received was likely from a scammer.