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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:27 pm

ahere is another one for my Swine friend to explain. The government is offering free nursery places for all 1 and 7 year olds. How many days that is I have to look at the detail but it really makes no difference. Nobody will be able to take up their offers as there is no new nursery places available. With the budget for Local Authorities cut to the bones, I can't imagine how much it would cost them to set up new Nurseries. They used to dot till the Swine came to power and decimated that sector with the cuts.

BTW it costs 15000 pounds a year to send a child to a nursery today
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:17 pm

My My the Swine led people to believe that they would increase the tax free allowance cap from 1.07 million to 1.8 million for their pensions and instead they removed the cap altogether. Another loophole for their friends to avoid paying tax.

Somebody pass the sick bag.....
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:27 pm

Not it has been 24 years since this report came out regarding Metropolitan police.

In his final report, published in February 1999, Macpherson would go on to label the police response to the teenager’s killing “institutionally racist”, a term that captured so well the unwitting prejudice and plain racial stereotyping afflicting parts of British society. The phrase became a lodestar for anti-racism and equality reforms launched in an effort to move the country on from sporadic race riots, racist violence and everyday prejudice of the “no blacks, no dogs, no Irish” variety. There were murmurs Britain was becoming a post-racial society.

We are about to receive another report next week and according to the leaks it will say the Metropolitan police force is racists, homophobic and misogynistic. So clearly instead of improving they have got worse as an institution. We have had a policeman raping victims of crime and we have had a policeman kill a girl.

You wonder what has been going on in the last 24 years, how did it get worse till you read this report about the last met police chief and then you realise the problem. They are rotten to the core. That does not mean all police are bad but what it does mean that the bad ones are allowed to run riot without any fear for consequences.

He is said to have described the bulk of rape complaints as "regretful sex".

When a top policeman thinks like the above about rape? Do you need to wonder why there is so few rapists prosecuted.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 19, 2023 8:19 pm

What can one say? The SwineAss is desperate.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:42 pm

Now this is a very interesting headline for the Swine by the Swine.

Jeremy Hunt isn't smiling now: Today's inflation shock shows he doesn't know anything

Clearly the Cunt is from the same schools as Maxicunt. He doesn't know anything either. We have had 10 rises in interest rates and it cost people hundreds of pounds a month and some thousands a month and inflation instead of coming down it has jumped up. It will not come down till they sort out the energy companies scamming the public. But I do wonder if this will swipe the smile off the Cunt's face. I suspect not. He can't even remember which country his wife is from. But he has got breeding I give him that, the Cunt is related to the royalty in a round about way.

Shiiiiiiiiit man, what a way to run the country.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:56 pm

Interesting day today with BoZo giving evidence about the parties during lock down. Government paid Lord Pannick over quarter of a million pounds to come up with BoZo's defense. He has a 50 page document showing nobody from his advisors told him the gatherings were not allowed. He also claimed that he was assure that covid rules were respected till the Cabinet Secretary claimed he never told him his gatherings were within covid rules.
And now he claims Sunak was there too and he never told him he was doing anything wrong.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:46 pm

Ok here we go agin. Another increase in interest rates and yet inflation is still not only not falling, instead it is increasing.

This happens when you put in charge an idiot from the aristorcray in charge of the economy when his experience setting up a company and just creaming it from the top and let others do the work. You would think the cunt who is in charge of the Economy would be educated to at least degree level or even higher.
The Swine have a habit of appointing cunts into areas they have no clue about.

Education - never worked in a school under any capacity
Health - You would think they would have anybody from a hospital Even a fuckin porter would do a better job that this Swine

The one they have got right but the wrong person is Cruella Braverman. She is a fucking lawyer but her character is suspect. Not only does she have no respect for law she has a sadist character. I mean fuckin bloody hell. Time to have an election. And if the Swine voters fall for the same lies, than it is fair enough.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:50 pm

Incredible statistic. 3% of UK families use food banks to survive
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 23, 2023 3:51 pm

'Tricky decision' for Bank of England to raise rates - CBI economist
Anna Leach, deputy chief economist at the CBI business group, says the interest rate rise to 4.25% is a "tricky one for the MPC ( Monetary Policy Committee)".

Leach says it was done "against the backdrop of recent global financial market turbulence, a surprise rise in domestic inflation and a Budget which provided more support for the economy".

Quote Message: The MPC will also have an eye to the recent turmoil in the banking sector.
The MPC will also have an eye to the recent turmoil in the banking sector.

Quote Message: While financial stability is the remit of the FPC (Financial Policy Committee), an excessive tightening in credit conditions for businesses and households arising from financial market turbulence could cause the MPC to reconsider the level of interest rates in future months." from Anna Leach CBI deputy chief economist
While financial stability is the remit of the FPC (Financial Policy Committee), an excessive tightening in credit conditions for businesses and households arising from financial market turbulence could cause the MPC to reconsider the level of interest rates in future months."

Anna Leach
CBI deputy chief economist

And another example

Blanchflower says there is huge incoherence in latest rate hike
Let's go back to Radio 4's The World at One where economist Danny Blanchflower has been giving his views on today's announcement,.

Blanchflower, you may remember, was one of the Bank of England's policymakers during the 2008 financial crisis, and has been calling for interest rates to be cut.

He says the Bank putting rates up again is a mistake.

"Over the last two weeks, the shenanigans that have gone on in global financial markets is basically equivalent to a 2% rise in interest rates," he tells the programme.

"That's going to clamp down on the economy hugely."

He adds there's a "huge incoherence" in the hike.

The Bank's own February forecasts of three years of no economic growth, then rates inflation dropping below its 2% target by 2024 and the recent market turmoil shows the Bank should be cutting rates, he says.

Perhaps this cove Blanchflower is as our toilet boy suggested is a secret islamofascist and Erdogan supporter as he is suggesting using Erdogan police on interest rates. Who knows what rat will crawl out of the next stone.

And finally consequences

Neil Sutton's monthly mortgage payments were £255 before they started going up in January 2022. They’ve just had a letter to say they’ll rise to £1,465 from next month. And today's rise means they'll be going up even further after that.

Quote Message: There's not a lot that you can do other than to try and work that much harder to find the extra £150 odd a month. I don't really have an awful lot of choice, he says.
There's not a lot that you can do other than to try and work that much harder to find the extra £150 odd a month. I don't really have an awful lot of choice, he says.

Quote Message: I think I'm just so used to going up every other month that I'm blasé to it. You know, you just despair, quietly, inwardly, but you know, I can't let that show.
I think I'm just so used to going up every other month that I'm blasé to it. You know, you just despair, quietly, inwardly, but you know, I can't let that show.

Mr Sutton's 20 year mortgage comes to an end next March, when he says he won't be able to afford to remortgage.

"So I guess the bottom line is that we're going to have to move."

I do wonder if Mr Sutton voted for the Swine party though?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 23, 2023 5:17 pm

The Swine Party has moved so far to the Nazi views that they cannot even tolerate centrists like Lineker.

In her speech, Mordaunt said: "They are a party of goal-hangers and the occasional left-wing striker. Hanging around the goalmouth, poised to seize any opportunities and take an easy shot.

"But that only works if the ball is in the right half. This country doesn’t need goal-hangers, it needs centre forwards.

"It needs people who put in the hard work, take tough decisions, grip a problem and work out how to solve it and create those opportunities - and that is what we are doing."

The football pundit took no time in responding, by thanking the cabinet minister for mentioning him in her "clumsy analogy."

He continued: "I’m just happy to have been better in the 6 yard box than you are at the dispatch box. Best wishes."
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