Londonrake wrote:Given your scathing view of the "British Broadcasting Cunts", or "British Bullshit Corporation" as Lordo's often called it, I'm sure a man like you won't be hypocritically linking to their articles, in order to support your posts, half a dozen times a week. Because that's exactly what Mr L does.
I don’t know what point(s) you’re trying to make, LR?
By nature I am a news junkie/newsaholic and get news from ALL sources and make my own determination how worthy or worthless that news was. When the chief editor of BBC comes out and says that Lineker has crossed the impartiality line as an BBC employee in criticizing the UK government on his private time whilst exercising his freedom of speech, then I have to believe that the BBC Chief Editor /Director General Tim Davie is a cunt who would infringe on Lineker’s rights to speak his mind as a private citizen, and if Tim Davie is a cunt in doing what he did, then by default, so is the BBC he represents, because he and BBC crosses the impartiality line everyday with the war in Ukraine when reporting the “news”. What cunts!