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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:33 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...unlike Canada, the sun never sets on the British empire. Britain can expect the scrutiny. And while it might be said that England is not a superpower anymore they too have the Bomb.

...indeed, it is insulting to watch American newscasters talk trash and lie on Canadian issues that they know next to nothing about, (Tucker Carlson an excellent example), but in Lordo's case it is different, he is British and he cares.

...reminds me of the sinking of the Belgrado, of the first shot in the war (reported by the BBC), taken by the British and outside their own security zone, (it was a devastating announcement); i was there in London, stiff upper lip, not a word from anyone, in public or in private, if this (taking the first shot) was right or wrong: this seemed strange to me.

Loyalty to a State, a Democratic state, requires debate; Loyalty to a "Government" is a dangerous thing.

The British Empire was largely history when I was in primary school. My ancestors back in those times - long ago - were scratching a living in squalid East London poverty (a Great Grandfather died of pneumonia in the Whitechapel work house). None of the Empire's ill gotten gains managed to trickle down in their direction. So, perhaps you will understand why I don't feel the need to apologise and am not actually a "Colonialist". Given that Lordo's apparently third generation British ( :lol: ) and seems to be a man with quite an extensive property portfolio, perhaps he should take up that baton?

The Belgrado (sic) wasn't the "first shot in the war" by a long measure. Perhaps a little research would help? Can I recommend reading "100 days" by Sandy Woodward?

Lordo wrote:Not being able to criticize a government is not democracy. LR is one of those idiots which believe you should be loyal to your government so long as they are swine like himself. You know like common fascists. If it was a Corbyn government I doubt he would be loyal.

The ship was named General Belgrano. It was outside of the declared war zone and was heading to port when it was sunk. Knot tied himself into knots for the withholding evidence and had to resign.

Funny enough it was British government that sold it to them.

I'd say you're being misleading but that's a bit too subtle for you and I suspect it's the usual idiocy, or perhaps just plain lying. I've said on umpteen occasions I couldn't give a flying fuck about the Tory government and fully expect it to implode. Nevertheless, Corbyn was a joke. One which cost Labour it's greatest electoral defeat in nearly a century. (Although, on the plus side, it did give you a year off. :wink: ) That, against a buffoon like Johnson. Jeremy's now back where he belongs, someone who makes megaphone speeches to looney left gatherings. From a mainstream political POV he's history. Move on.

From your posts in this and the Ukraine threads you clearly have absolutely no interest at all in the concept of "democracy".

Again, do you ever actually look into things before you post? Because it's quite often a load of embarrassing BS?

John Nott was Defence Secretary in 1982 and offered his resignation because the invasion took place on his watch. Thatcher didn't accept it though (unlike Carrington's) and he remained in post throughout the conflict. Being replaced by Heseltine in 1983.

The Belgrano was an ex US WW2 cruiser that was a survivor of Pearl Harbour and saw service in the Pacific. It was sold to Argentina by the US in 1951. :roll:

You're just making it up as you go along. Then, without a clue of the irony or hypocrisy involved, accuse those who disagree with you of being your intellectual inferiors. :lol:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:31 pm

Londonrake wrote:As far as Mr Lordo’s concerned. The man has run a 20 month, 700 post (almost all his) thread dedicated in a large part to a racist denigration of my country and its people. Whilst I’m not a flag waving, Rule Britannia singer there comes a point where enough’s enough. Moreover, in that he posts passionately in defence of protecting ordinary people and punishing - lethally - those he perceives as their oppressors. Then he pops across to this thread to sycophantically support a bloody conflict which has brought the largest death and destruction in Europe for 75 years. Perhaps you’ll forgive and, who knows even understand, my reserving the right to react? If not you always have the option to ignore of course. :wink:

Lordo wrote: What? Who started this thread you blithering idiot?
Am I not allowed to comment on my own thread now?
I a till maintain you do not understand English. My attack is not about UK, it is about the establishment that run the UK government no matter who comes to power. We may change the government but the policies do bot change and one Chinese man said.

You don't like what I post, fuckin stop reading them, unless you have evidence to counter a single thing I post which is wrong, be my guest. This is the reason why I main post stuff from the Bullshit media which means you cannot accuse me of posting things from leftist media as propaganda.

Lets face it you cannot put an argument together to debate anything. All you do is bitch about my posts and me. You know nothing about me. Look back how much I disagreed with the people you mention here that I am supposedly following. I have been here for over 11 years, like fuck I do and you are stupid for even thinking it never mind expressing it.

Yes - you started the Ukraine thread. If you look, basically with "Anyone know WTF's going on?" :lol: What's your point though? People don't "own" threads. And, it's not me that's the "blithering idiot" :wink:

Judging by the disjointed nature of your post I'm guessing you were on the pop again. :eyecrazy:

When confronted, you often claim that all the tedious and juvenile "Swine" thing is about the Conservative party. It hasn't been though. You've repeatedly referred to the UK - the country - as "Swineland" and its population as "Swine". When you stop perhaps I will, too. Otherwise I will continue to fondly point out how going home would improve your outlook. In many years and forums I've never come across such a wrist-slashingly depressive and negative poster as yourself.

I don't really want to know anything about you and you certainly suck up to others in the Ukraine thread. What you post being entirely at odds with your supposed support of ordinary people in here. If you applied those principles jointly then it might engender a degree of respect. Who knows?

I don't care if you post things from the like of the BBC but to do so and then refer to it as the "British Bullshit Corporation" or "Bullshit media" is hypocritical. Make your mind up FFS. Provide links which actually reflect your views. Rather than ones which you seem to think will add weight to them with simpletons like me. :wink:

I've often posted arguments to refute your fantasies. The previous one being the most recent example. You clearly haven't got a clue and were just making it up. You get away with that most of the time because just about everybody ignores you. With RW I think it's sympathy posts. He's quite a way from Cyprus and I suspect has been there for a long time. Diaspora tend to be more patriotic (can I say that?) than actual residents. As you're a Cypriot, oh no - wait! You're a third generation Brit! You can say no wrong - sorta thing.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:57 pm

Of course that goes with the territory. If you are a Swine you can never be wrong?


Me, as I am not a Swine I can make mistakes. So you found one mistake about who sold the ship.

Big wow.

The Belgrano was outside the 200-mile total exclusion zone at the time of the attack and Mr Nott was asked whether the bombing was therefore justified. He replied: "The General Belgrano was a threat to our men and therefore it is quite correct that she was attacked by our submarines."

It was outside the 200 mile exclusion zone declared by the Swine and it was heading to port when it was sunk. Its like shooting somebody in the back without even giving them a fair trial beforehand.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:13 pm

Anyway back to 2023 and this wonderful agreement Fishy has made for NI where they can be in the UK market and the EU market at the same time. Funny how nobody else has got such a deal.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:39 pm

And here is another very interesting release of messages.

Matt Hancock: Eight government WhatsApp Covid messages revealed
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:09 am

Lordo wrote:Of course that goes with the territory. If you are a Swine you can never be wrong?


Me, as I am not a Swine I can make mistakes. So you found one mistake about who sold the ship.

Big wow.

The Belgrano was outside the 200-mile total exclusion zone at the time of the attack and Mr Nott was asked whether the bombing was therefore justified. He replied: "The General Belgrano was a threat to our men and therefore it is quite correct that she was attacked by our submarines."

It was outside the 200 mile exclusion zone declared by the Swine and it was heading to port when it was sunk. Its like shooting somebody in the back without even giving them a fair trial beforehand.

Don’t be so modest. You make lots of mistakes. Usually because you either can’t be arsed to research your subject or simply don’t comprehend what you’re posting about. It’s just the general lack of interest usually lets them pass without comment.

Here, in this instance, you’ve posted that Nott was forced to resign over some subterfuge about the Belgrano (it wasn’t “bombed” it was torpedoed. Oops, there’s another one!) and that the “Swine” sold Argentina the ship. Both totally wrong.

See. I’m a “Swine” apparently. Well, just like the rest of the “Swineland” population. It’s got nothing to do with any political party. That’s BS.

Given a pig’s propensity for ignorance I suggest that in fact the biggest Swine hereabouts is your good self. Old boy. :wink:

More? :?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:03 pm

You mean to tell me there is a difference between bombed and tropedoed? Fuck man.

As to who sold it to them, of course I did not check who sunk it because I remember at the time the fact that those who sold it sunk it. Now of course you are going to say that is wrong. It was those who sild it who told the Brits where it was and where it was heading so they are as guilty of sinking it as those who fired.

So who gives a shit on such fine detail. We are not in a court of law. If only the Swine were held to the same scrutiny we would not have half the problems.

Like when Bullshit Corporation reporting on video miners throwing stones at the police and the police were shown charging them. Only later when it was found that The Bullshitters reversed chronology of the incident, and they were questioned about it and only to ask What difference it makes.

Or the way in Question Time they pack Tory voters into the show or only have one moderate and 3 Swine on their pannel.

You know what this is not a court of law. You don't like my posts then stop fuckin reading them. I said I would not respond to your posts but you keep demanding attention. If I was you I would seek counseling my friend.

Now bugger off.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:15 pm

This is very revealing. After he caused the death of 10s of thousands of care home residents by sending out of hospital untested to spread the virus. Lets see what he agonised over for hours.

Matt Hancock and his staff agonised for hours over whether or not he broke Covid guidance when he kissed his aide, leaked messages in the Telegraph show.

I wonder if this SwineCunt will ever get his day to have a fair trial.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:17 pm

According to this SwineCunt he is innocent of all charges as nobody ever told him what he was doing was wrong. He could not have worked out got himself could he?

SwineAsswipe indeed
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Mar 06, 2023 7:12 pm

You cannot make it up. BoZo has listed his own father in his resignation honours list. Especially when you consider that not only touched another MP inappropriately but also hospitalised his wife by breaking her nose.
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