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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:28 pm

So it seems we are almost there for a new Brexit deal. Considering we never voted for this deal, would it be unreasonable to expect to say yey or a ney to this one in a vote. After all it has been nearly 7 years since we last voted and we have to vote every 5 years for a new government right. Why should this be any different.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 25, 2023 5:26 pm

Lordo wrote:So it seems we are almost there for a new Brexit deal. Considering we never voted for this deal, would it be unreasonable to expect to say yey or a ney to this one in a vote. After all it has been nearly 7 years since we last voted and we have to vote every 5 years for a new government right. Why should this be any different.

You lost - in a historic way - the worst for almost a century - and, quite rightly, Corbyn's now irrelevant toast. :lol: Suck it up. :eyecrazy:

Go home, where you can enjoy being in your EU. Well - sort of - in the north. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 25, 2023 9:23 pm

How interesting. How very democratic of you ol boy. No need to ask once in a lifetime is enough.

The shelves are empty of vegetables. Very nice, who needs vegetables.

I see there is still strong support for Brexit
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:29 am

I’ve no personal problem with any further referenda on EU membership. As long as it’s open and above board. Unlike Heath’s stitch up.

The way it’s done would be simple - outside of your fair trial and execute people world that is (and I’m the Fascist :roll: ).

A political party makes a manifesto commitment and campaigns for election on the issue of negotiating the UK’s reentry into the Federation. Outlining the terms which will be sought, with a subsequent national referendum to accept the outcome - or not. The result to be binding.

I suspect the EU, with Sholz and Macron running the show, would perceive it as an act of national acquiescence and the terms sobering. Gone would be the previous opt outs and rebate. They would certainly insist upon the UK adopting a commitment to ditch the £ after a reasonable transitional period. I would wish them good luck selling that to the British people (sorry, “Swines”).

It’s academic though, because both of the main political parties are currently committed to Brexit and staying out of the single market.

Should such a campaign come about I would earnestly advise that they do an “Abbott” on Jeremy Corbyn and keep him well away from any micro or megaphones. Apart from looney left worshippers like yourself the man’s anathema to ordinary working class folk (which is what Labour was all about, once upon a time………… old boy) :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:56 pm

Noooooooo you cannot mix referendum with general election.

Looney left you say. The idea of getting a deal and then putting it to the people you reckon is a looney left, well that puts you the right of the fascists that's for sure.

So you reckon Starmer is for the working class is he? If you had any brains you left them somewhere. No good looking for them though unless you use a microscope to search with.

What are his 5 pledges?
1. Stop crime - how?
2.Grow the economy highest in G7 - fat chance
3. Build an NHS for the future - like Blair PFIs. That really helped.
4. Break down barriers for opportunity - I will continue after I stop laughing at this one.
ok now I am ready.
5. Make Britain clean energy super power. Was it not the Nazis who said they will make Germany great again?

And you think he has the interest of the working class? Shiiiiiit man I wish I had your conscience. Life would be so much easier.

First you win the election.
Then you hold a referendum after all you have no problem with that.
The time to spell out how was during the Brexit vote. In fact they did say that nothing will change and that once we leave we will continue to trade as before as we were so important for their trade. Which was shit.

Joining is easier. There is nothing to negotiate. You join according to the rules. You don't like it, fuck off.

Anyway more important news today from the Observer

Revealed: one in 100 police officers in England and Wales faced a criminal charge last year

I know that MRs T said our police force was the best police force money can buy, but I don't think many people realised at the time what she actually meant.

Nothing there abut looking at the Energy market and how the people are fleeced by the corporations.

Good news though. Lord Sainsbury and Luciana Burger (ohhps) has joined the party again. Now he has to find another couple of hundred thousand members and he will be fine.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:26 pm

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:33 pm

I mean lost for words now.

Boris Johnson reportedly hit out at suggestions that supporting Rishi Sunak’s Brexit deal would help the UK’s relations with the White House, saying:
“F*** the Americans!”
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sun Feb 26, 2023 7:46 pm

Lordo wrote:Noooooooo you cannot mix referendum with general election.

If you're going to undertake something as important as rejoining the EU it has to be part of an election strategy. What's the problem? It seems that - given the lack of vegetables - winning would be a certainty.

To legitimise re-joining would require acceptance by the nation. After the terms of doing so have been agreed and presented to the people. It's called democracy.

Looney left you say. The idea of getting a deal and then putting it to the people you reckon is a looney left, well that puts you the right of the fascists that's for sure.

You are certainly one of them and it's me suggesting the way to go would be negotiating re-entry and putting the result to a national vote. Your contribution was to post a poll showing support for Brexit waning, with an inane comment about vegetables.

As far as fascism goes, it's you that advocates executing those that disagree with your views and you that repeatedly makes racist comments about the UK and its population. What do you think are the characteristics of a Fascist, if not those? :roll:

So you reckon Starmer is for the working class is he? .........................................And you think he has the interest of the working class?

Do you ever actually read posts? :roll: Let me help. What I said was "Apart from looney left worshippers like yourself the man’s (Corbyn) anathema to ordinary working class folk which is what Labour was all about, once upon a time

You're an idiot. But like when you're dead you don't know it. It's others that feel the pain. Every time you post you make yourself look more of a twat. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:05 pm

As to why joining the EU again should not be an an election issue is really very simple. In an election the votes are split three ways which favour the Swine. It was a referendum that got us out and it will be a referendum that gets us back in. I cannot understand for the life of me why any true democrat would be against holding one. It's been nearly 7 years since the last one. especially as the final agreement has not even been agreed yet. You just have to put your hands up and admit it is the best deal we could get. Do you agree with it or not?

My I suggest to the idiot who feels pain every time he reads my posts to save himself the suffering. Unless he is a true Christian in which case he believes I was sent to punish him and he must suffer the pain to go to heaven. I got news for you ol man, in order to go to heaven you have to buy a special key from the pope.

Bugger off and stop reading them. It ain't rocket science.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:42 pm

Lordo wrote:My I suggest to the idiot who feels pain every time he reads my posts to save himself the suffering. ...............................Bugger off and stop reading them.

Actually - like just about everybody else on this forum it seems - I've very little interest in your interminable rantings about the daily ins and outs of UK politics. As I've also pointed out, I'm a bit of a disappointment in the patriotic area. Nevertheless, you've invested a lot of effort in insulting my country, it's history, culture and population. 20 months actually. I've had a belly full of you. In the unlikely event of your desisting in those efforts (I'm not including the Conservative party here - who are busily committing suicide - and it seems to me are fair game) rest assured, you will hear very little more from this person.

It does seem to me that, despite your "bugger off" protestations, in your loneliness you like to court the odd response, fishing for them with wind ups. So, you'll understand when I say I'm not holding my breath. In which case - trust me - it will be a case of more of the same. :wink:
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