Lordo wrote:Crave what? I wish you stopped posting here. You have nothing but negativity in you.
Bugger off.
Well, so much for politeness.
Basically, you're a fucking idiot, who has this odd idea he's some sort of left-wing intellectual. Frankly. I'd be happy to leave you to your obscure blog - just like most of the (very few) members in here do - were it not for the fact that you've over the past 18 months persistently shit on my country. The one which has done so much for you that is.
Not only that, but whilst painting yourself as a champion of the UK poor - and talking about putting those perceived as their abusers against the wall - in order to suck up to the big boys on here you've supported a war which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, just like those you get so indignant about protecting in Britain.
Frankly - you're a hypocritical cunt.
I'm not really what you'd call much of a patriot but I doubt anybody in here would put up with your slagging off their country as much as I have had to.
I've tried to put things as politely as possible to express the idea many times but clearly it has had no effect. So, let me put it plainly, you should fuck off back to your own country. Get it?
And no. As long as you spout your vitriolic shite about the UK I am not buggering off.