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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:32 pm

Interesting topic of conversation this morning on LBC. Apparently even 35K a year is not enough to live on once you have removed al the taxation, transport costs, energy costs, childcare costs and mortgages which have gone up for some up to 500 pounds a month.

I got some news for them. 50% of the working population in the Swineland is earning less that 25K a year.

Swineland really has become a third world nation.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:59 pm

Lordo wrote:Swineland really has become a third world nation.

May I suggest?

A good time to go home and escape all those swine in Swineland. I can heartily recommend it.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:13 pm

It ain't as easy as that. If you run away every time you are not happy with what is going on around you, you would have to adopt a traveler lifestyle. Not everybody is able to live like that.

We stay and fight out. Expressing displeasure is the rock bed of democracy.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:25 pm

Lordo wrote:It ain't as easy as that. If you run away every time you are not happy with what is going on around you, you would have to adopt a traveler lifestyle. Not everybody is able to live like that.

We stay and fight out. Expressing displeasure is the rock bed of democracy.

Nooooooooo! It isn't about "running away". It's finding happiness. After a lifetime of struggle you certainly deserve it.

Why on Earth are you subjecting yourself to all that suffering? From the swines in Swineland. Staying means dying in a country you hate for a cause which will absolutely never be attained. Trust me. Go home and be happy in the time you have left. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:36 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:It ain't as easy as that. If you run away every time you are not happy with what is going on around you, you would have to adopt a traveler lifestyle. Not everybody is able to live like that.

We stay and fight out. Expressing displeasure is the rock bed of democracy.

Nooooooooo! It isn't about "running away". It's finding happiness. After a lifetime of struggle you certainly deserve it.

Why on Earth are you subjecting yourself to all that suffering? From the swines in Swineland. Staying means dying in a country you hate for a cause which will absolutely never be attained. Trust me. Go home and be happy in the time you have left. :wink:

You still don't get. The issue is not the country, the issue are Swine who have been running it for 13 years.

I certainly will return not only to my home land but to the very house I was born in but I shall keep a home in Swineland and my right to vote too as well as speak freely.

Who said I am not happy? Happy is personal. You just don't get it.
what saddens me is people like you who vote for the Swine and do not care for those who are less fortunate than you. You just don't care. Nor do all Swine voters.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:40 pm

Lordo wrote:You still don't get. The issue is not the country, the issue are Swine who have been running it for 13 years.

I certainly will return not only to my home land but to the very house I was born in but I shall keep a home in Swineland and my right o vote too as well as speak freely.

Who said I am not happy? You just don't get it.

Ahh! You crave response, to break the loneliness of this thread. I understand. And yet, when that comes, you find it unwelcome. A paradox.

You keep trying to divert your views to the governing Conservative party in the UK (about which I personally couldn't give a fuck) but frequently refer to the country as "Swineland". I'm at a loss why you can't see how that might just be a tad offensive. Particularly coming from a Turkish Cypriot who's spent virtually his entire life doing very well out of the place. It's another example of your most prolific vice - hypocrisy. Please, do, look it up. As you're so fond of saying - you simply don't seem to "get it".

As far as your going home is concerned - something I have recommended many times - I do recall your saying the intention was to sell all your property (for a champion of the poor against capitalism you seem to have so much. Please see earlier reference to hypocrisy) and then you would "never pass water in Cyprus again". Confusing. As are many of your contradictory views.

Back to posting a dozen links to BBC articles then? About which most on this forum I suspect couldn't really give a toss. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:04 pm

Crave what? I wish you stopped posting here. You have nothing but negativity in you.

Bugger off.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:48 pm

Lordo wrote:Crave what? I wish you stopped posting here. You have nothing but negativity in you.

Bugger off.

Well, so much for politeness. :lol:

Basically, you're a fucking idiot, who has this odd idea he's some sort of left-wing intellectual. Frankly. I'd be happy to leave you to your obscure blog - just like most of the (very few) members in here do - were it not for the fact that you've over the past 18 months persistently shit on my country. The one which has done so much for you that is.

Not only that, but whilst painting yourself as a champion of the UK poor - and talking about putting those perceived as their abusers against the wall - in order to suck up to the big boys on here you've supported a war which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, just like those you get so indignant about protecting in Britain.

Frankly - you're a hypocritical cunt.

I'm not really what you'd call much of a patriot but I doubt anybody in here would put up with your slagging off their country as much as I have had to.

I've tried to put things as politely as possible to express the idea many times but clearly it has had no effect. So, let me put it plainly, you should fuck off back to your own country. Get it?

And no. As long as you spout your vitriolic shite about the UK I am not buggering off. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:43 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:Crave what? I wish you stopped posting here. You have nothing but negativity in you.

Bugger off.

Well, so much for politeness. :lol:

Basically, you're a fucking idiot, who has this odd idea he's some sort of left-wing intellectual. Frankly. I'd be happy to leave you to your obscure blog - just like most of the (very few) members in here do - were it not for the fact that you've over the past 18 months persistently shit on my country. The one which has done so much for you that is.

Not only that, but whilst painting yourself as a champion of the UK poor - and talking about putting those perceived as their abusers against the wall - in order to suck up to the big boys on here you've supported a war which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, just like those you get so indignant about protecting in Britain.

Frankly - you're a hypocritical cunt.

I'm not really what you'd call much of a patriot but I doubt anybody in here would put up with your slagging off their country as much as I have had to.

I've tried to put things as politely as possible to express the idea many times but clearly it has had no effect. So, let me put it plainly, you should fuck off back to your own country. Get it?

And no. As long as you spout your vitriolic shite about the UK I am not buggering off. :wink:

Let me split it down for you to bring it down to your level

Bugger off

get it?

I have no time for somebody who does not care how 50% of his people are suffering. Only a fascist cares more for his country and his flag than his people.
You still stuck on that phrase. It is an American saying. Which bit of I am taking the piss out of Americans do you not get. First time I heard it it was in a cowboy film.
They were about to lynch a man and one objected saying "we have to give him a fair trial".
The other than replied "Ok, we will give him a fair trial and than we;ll hang him".

You are one dense sub-human being comes to mind but that would be insulting to the sub-humans.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:08 am

I thought you were leaving from SlaveLandia... but it seems you got stuck there. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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