Lordo wrote:I would give up if I was you. This is beyond your comprehension. You need to be a real British and a real Cypriot to understand what I post. You are neither as you are a true Swine.
As Max says. And after a while I came to understand and agree. When you’ve got nothing sensible to say in response you just resort to a pathetic standard of slander. Then, for some bizarre reason, you seem to believe that the rubbish you spout is in some way incomprehensible to the rest of humanity. Well I guess, in a sense you didn’t mean, you’re spot on there. Hilarious.
No, I’m not giving up. Pointing out what a prat you are’s fun. And you’ve worked hard to earn it. Spoilt slightly by the way you help out so much.
When it comes to “real”, you’re a real idiot.