Lordo wrote:If ever you need to be sick the time to do it is after watching Hunt the Cunt explaining hw Inflation works. Assuming of course that you give a shit about UK. If you are one of those fuckin traitors who have left their country and set up home in the Paradise Island, you clearly do not give a shit so don't watch.
That seems a tad unkind.
After almost 50 years work I retired and came to Cyprus to spend some - or possibly all - of my twilight years in a country I'd known and loved for nearly 40 years. Having done my bit and taken care of the family I was of the view I deserved it.
How that translates into my being a "traitor" or not giving a shit about my country beats me.
If that's the case though, you're a Turkish Cypriot who left your home to live in the UK something like half a century ago. So, what does that make you?
Not only that but you spend day after day after day on this forum slagging Britain off. And please - spare me the Fascist/Patriot stuff. You've pretty much gone through the whole spectrum of vitriolic and spiteful views about the UK in your absolutely interminable efforts. The fact hardly anybody bothers to remark on them should be an indication of how tedious it's gotten. You seem to have Chobham armour thick skin though.
WRT your other post. It isn't about the question of responsibility for events in Ukraine. Although, I suspect even the most devoted would struggle to dispute that thousands have been killed there and millions forced from their homes by Russia's armed forces. It's about hypocrisy. On the one hand you've talked repeatedly about how Tory politicians and UK businessmen should be put against a wall and shot, because of their treatment of working class people - after a fair trial of course - whilst, sycophantically sucking up to the big boys of the forum, you support what's happened in Ukraine. No amount of multiple answer questions shite can deflect from that.
As far as Hunt and inflation are concerned, I read the news daily but have as much interest in hearing about that sort of thing on this forum as most others I suspect. More dismal attempts at deflection.