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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:56 pm

Clearly some Swine here have some earplugs in so a louder song is required.

Enjoy Selda. There is nothing like great voice live. Go girl go tell the Swine what's it all about.

Crying Asia

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:15 am

This is very interesting info about the slave trade and how we finally paid off the slave traders in 2005 for giving the salves their freedom.

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Re: La La Land

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:21 am

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:40 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...worth a note, ... hs-crisis/

It is not just wining and dining RW, it is all the kickbacks which we never hear about. This is how Swine operate and have operated ever since time begun.

Today we hear that despite the fact that gas wholesale prices are lower than pre-Ukraine crises, the prices we pay will remain high. This despite the Billions of windfall profits they have made. It is time to nationalise the Swine.

If you allow the pigs to roam free they will destroy their environment.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:48 pm

Londonrake wrote:Ahhh. You're back in Swineland then, suffering. With those 67 million swines.



You see, you have not got a clue what I am posting about. Let me correct you.

In UK there is 175,000 odd Swine. There is also 13,791,451 idiots who are not members but never the less have voted for the Swine in the last election. I mean fancy not voting for Corby because he is not working class enough and voting for Eton educated Asshole. Of course media has no influence on the matter. The Swine supporters understood the policies and voted for the best person. But hang on a moment he sold us an over ready brexit but then wanted to change the agreement. Then the Swine decided to dump him and put a Sow in his place and no sooner they did that economy tanked and they brought in with 134 votes Fishy in instead. The sixth former who does not have a clue about anything. Anyway......

You really are just not getting my posts. Over your head as it were like.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:26 pm

Sorry. Not at all.

Whilst you may try to correct your slip ups. by attempting to deflect references to "Swine" towards the Conservative party (about which I am at best ambivalent) you have, over the course of this tedious 18 month slag-off thread often referred to the UK generally as "Swineland". At which I have, quite politely I think, gently reminded you - after your use of "our" "we" etc - that you're not in fact British, despite whatever it says on the front of any of your passports and that I'm certain from the general tone of your posts you'd be far happier back in your own Paradise Island country. Where I would wish you the best of luck in your efforts to promote a "put their backs against the wall" socialist revolution against somebody the like of that nice Mr Erdogan. He certainly seems to share your general attitude to those who disagree with your joint political views.

The posts from your recent trip home have reinforced my view that you're a man in the wrong place at the wrong time for your personal happiness. Go home.

Meanwhile, I'm sure, sooner or later somebody - apart from myself and Max perhaps - will respond to one of your interminable efforts to stimulate discussion on this backwater thread. I urge patience.

BTW, trust me, nothing you say, or ever have, goes "over my head". :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:45 pm

Oh dear, way over your head again. Its like being in late 30s and mid 40s and referring to Germany as Naziland is somehow attacking all the Germans. You need some help old man. You are worse than fuckin Milti. It is a good indication that if you see my posts as an attack on UK, you are actually a fascist and you don't even know it. Only a fascist would see an attack on their party as an attack on their country.

Anywaaaaaaaaaaay back to Swineland.

Gas wholesale prices are below what it was back before Ukraine invasion. You could understand that they pay 6 months in advance so the prices will not drop for 6 months but Swine Energy corporations have determined that the price may not return back to that level for a decade. They are actually going to keep the prices high to invest in renewable energy.

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice if you can get it.

I was under the impression that the rule was that they invest and then they charge appropriately to get a return on their investment. Its not as if they are risking anything, It is guaranteed income.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:53 pm

Lordo wrote:Oh dear, way over your head again. Its like being in late 30s and mid 40s and referring to Germany as Naziland is somehow attacking all the Germans. You need some help old man. You are worse than fuckin Milti.

“When the argument is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:45 am

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:Oh dear, way over your head again. Its like being in late 30s and mid 40s and referring to Germany as Naziland is somehow attacking all the Germans. You need some help old man. You are worse than fuckin Milti.

“When the argument is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”

Night, night. :wink:

I see no slander here, just fact. It works with every fascists in every country. Stupid boy is another. He cannot stomach any criticism of the Swine in RoC. Especially those who see Cyprus as Greek. It is no surprise to me that you think alike. Birds of a feather flock together old man.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:40 pm

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