Very interesting. The 3 Ps that brought down Churchill No 2. Of course, we all know what No 2 stands for in life and at least he did not kill at least 3 million people through starvation, but he got close to killing quarter of a million though covid. And all we could here was leave him alone he is doing his best.
It would also be beneficial to examine how he started distributing vaccines and how successful that was at the beginning. Also interesting is why they stopped announcing how many were vaccinated at certain points and instead they were announcing how many vaccines were available. I do wonder why?
After all they claim that was a great success. How many of the 211,346 who died could have been saved we actually had a PM who cared and the party in government that cared rather than the Swine we had in power.
It is also worth adding that because of the practices of the West forcing the pharmaceuticals to sell them all their vaccines the rest of the world got their vaccine much later and hence over 6.6 million people dies worldwide. They are also responsible for a lot of those deaths too.