Lordo wrote:It is very important than a land which prides itself in her democracy like the Swine Land, the truth comes out.
They have just admitted at killing 64 children.
Of those deaths that have been recorded, the actual number of children killed could actually be as high as 135, because some of the fatalities are described in Ministry of Defence (MoD) documents merely as sons and daughters - with ages and circumstances of deaths not always included.
AOAV says it is possible some of those 135 were adults, but the likelihood of them having been under 18 is high because of the very young average age in Afghanistan.
Most of the 881 fatality claims made to the British were rejected and only a quarter received compensation.
Lordo wrote:Only a Tory fascist would say the negative comments made against the Tories which includes the establishment is an attack on the UK.
Another "Swineland" slag-off - which you apparently don't do. It's all it seems about the Swine party. Yeah. Of course.
After the March Kiev debacle and the loss of a large amount of armour, the Russians pulled back to Donbas and changed their tactics. Fundamentally, to the long range heavy bombardment of population centres. Primarily with artillery but including rocket and bombing attacks.
I've no doubt that there will have been single weeks when they killed far more Ukrainian children than your shocking revelation. Although, those which found there way onto the front page will all have been "false flag" incidents. Faithfully parroted by the useful idiot brigade.
That doesn't matter though does it? Because the invasion meets with your approval and the Ukrainian nation are getting what they deserve. Pity about the kids of course.
How may children were killed when Surovikin oversaw the flattening of Grozny and Aleppo? Like me you'll have no idea. That doesn't matter though. The important thing is you've no interest. You couldn't care less. It's called hypocrisy.
Back to weeping and wailing about the abused Swineland poor's electricity bills, ehh?
BTW. Isn't the BBC part of the great Western MSM conspiracy? Everything it says to be discounted as "propaganda".