Get Real! wrote:Londonrake wrote:Go home.
You're not welcome in my country.
And who says you’re welcome in
Two can play at that kind of primary school trash... it’s easy.
Concentrate on the topics at hand and give up your incessant personal cheap shots.
I love (if that alien expression doesn't confuse or offend you) this country. And appreciate, I'm a tolerated guest here. I rarely express any opinion on it's sad history and politics. Unlike Lordo, who's spent his life in the UK building up a substantial property portfolio it seems, whilst bleating on about the oppressed poor. When he's not supporting the massacre of Ukrainians that is. Frankly...................... the man should feel free to STFU and perhaps piss off back to his own country. I find his pious bleatings hypocritical and boring. Apart from that, I really have no strong views on the matter, Although, I feel I should add, I have absolutely no problem with the other 129,999 Turkish Cypriots who live in Swineland.
Ultimately though, I really couldn't give a fuck what a cunt like you thinks about it.

As far as "primary school trash" and "personal cheap shots" go you really aren't somebody who should make such hypocritical "criminal", "trash" comments.
BTW. Regarding your earlier post about Milti's face and your Dr Martens. Trust me....................... don't even think about going there.