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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:11 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:TCs leaving their homeland is not new. Before 1974 there were 25,000 people who migrated all over the world. Since 1974, more than 50,000 have migrated. Of course migration from the island is not restricted to just the TCs, you will find same thing with GCs too, to this day I might add.

Not that I would expect you to be up to date with the current news.

Now, that reminds me I must order Karl Marx's book to see what dude had to say for himself. After all not that much has changed since his time. Poor workers are even poorer now.

Interesting comparison to make about Swineland is the house prices. In my day you could buy a house with 3 times your annual salary in London. Now you would not be able to buy a house with 10 times your salary.

But never mind, your days ov living in poverty is over, you is doin alwhit right. Fuck the poor now.

Good evening. :lol:

Forgive me for mixing posts up a bit here.

You're wonderful. Classic. Like Dick Emery (I'm sure you will remember). "Ohh............... you are awful but............... I like you." :lol:

I posted a recent CM article which outlines reasons for the current quite large scale exodus of young Turkish Cypriots, due to the virtual collapse of the Turkish economy. You talk about events of almost 50 years ago and accuse me of ..................................wait for it..................not keeping up with current events. :lol:

You accuse me of being a "latent fascist" - when you talk regularly and eagerly about executing "Swineland" politicians and businessmen. :lol: To paraphrase your past efforts - you really couldn't make it up (spelt correctly :wink: )

You and I have different perspectives of poverty. Mine are based upon experience. Yours theoretical. You really need to get out more - in a global context.

I once - regretfully - submitted angrily to your incessant, wrist-slashingly depressive posts and told you to "fuck off!". However, my repeated urging that as you approach retirement you should consider going home isn't the same.

It's a fact that you started and have run a thread which slags off most aspects of the UK for 42 pages. About 400 - 500 posts, Virtually all yours. You clearly are not at all happy with the place. My earnest advice is that you should retire a year early and go home. You will be much happier.

When you talk about "I love my country" I yet again have to point out that in fact it isn't. You are a Turkish Cypriot. Be happy - go home.

Despite that, I would love to know which aspects of "my country" you "love" because I'm fucked if I can find absolutely anywhere in 42 pages you've had anything good to say about the place. :wink:

You certainly are fucked. If I was going to say nice things, would I call it La La Land.
Why don't you start up a thread and tell us all the good things.

There is only one good thing left in this country at that's our NHS and the Swine are fucking that too. They have been in power for 12 years and now left us 100,000 NHS staff short. Tell me that's a good thing.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Maximus » Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:11 pm

I will tell you what you can do to solve your problem, its so simple yet you need a toilet cleaner to tell you.

Leave la la land, leave it to the swine.

Use your brain.

I got no idea why you want Islamic refugees to go to swine land either. Doesn't make any sense. Its not halal.

Use your brain.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Maximus » Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:26 pm

Lordo wrote:Myth - the housing shortages are caused by refugees entering the country.

This should enlighten the ignorant fascist swine some.

Myth 2 - Refugees drive wages down.
In UK refugees are not allowed to work for years and when they do work, they have a net contribution to the economy.

Get off your arse toilet brush boy and learn some facts

Idiot posts a propoganda article from the WEF and thinks the tories can build more homes than the number of "refugees" trying to enter Britain. :roll:
Last edited by Maximus on Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:27 pm

Lordo wrote: our NHS

You really don't seem to get it. It's not "our" NHS. You're a Turkish Cypriot. :roll:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:00 am

Strange enough, you blink, and rampant racism spews out of mouths like a rabid salivating dog growling looking for anything to bite.

Anyway, a budget tomorrow which must not be called a budget. I look forward to it.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:12 am

Boris Johnson's slip of the tongue... :lol: ... jMJ9TS.mp4
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Re: La La Land

Postby Maximus » Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:16 am

Lordo wrote:Strange enough, you blink, and rampant racism spews out of mouths like a rabid salivating dog growling looking for anything to bite.

Anyway, a budget tomorrow which must not be called a budget. I look forward to it.

Only a buffoon confuses good advice with racism. Is it any wonder you are so unhappy?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 23, 2022 1:51 pm

There you have it folks, those who need help has got it.

Priority is their friends. Anybody earning 150K+ gets a 5% reduction in the tax they pay over that figure and it is all going to be borrowed to pay for it. Ordinary folk who can be earning as little as 12.5K a year only get 1 percent reduction from 20% to 19%. 3 Trillion debt here we come.

Interestingly 1p cut was announced by Sunak after he put up the NI contributions to be applied just before the election so it looks like they are cutting taxes. So perhaps we are having an election sooner rather than later.

The Swine put interest rates up and then increased the threshold to 250K. Supposedly to encourage house buying. I suppose you will find a house at that price in the Outer Hebrides or nearby.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:25 pm

I knew we were back in the 70s, which is what the Swine accused Corbyn of going back to but flippin heck.

Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget has been compared to the budget presented by Anthony Barber, Tory chancellor in 1972.The resulting ‘Barber boom’, then bust, was deemed reckless.
Gripped by sluggish growth and low investment, the UK decided to solve its problems by embarking on a “dash for growth” – spending big and cutting taxes. Barber set growth targets of 10% for the following two years and shaved £1 billion off income tax. His budget did grow the economy but inflation surged. This was worsened by the hike in oil prices following the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
Within 18 months Barber did a U-turn, bringing in a deflationary budget, and Edward Heath’s government was forced into introducing an incomes policy (wages freeze).

This was in a way understandable as they were not aware of the impending oil price hike? But these fuckers are doing it despite the hikes in energy prices.

And we all know what happened next right?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 23, 2022 3:28 pm

Government estimates 31 million people getting £170 a year more. That is less than 50 pence a day. Not forgetting that the Swine are borrowing money to give us that and we will have to pay it back.

This was done in Turkey 90s. About how much pay rise the public workers were going to get. Unfortunately it is only for those of us who speak Terggish.

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