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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:04 am

Welcome once again to La La Land where we live in a make believe world.

Soaring inflation led interest costs on UK government debt to hit a new record for August.

Interest due reached £8.2bn during the month, £1.5bn more than last year and the highest August figure since records began in 1997
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:19 pm

Who says socialism does not work. it seems when shit hits the fan the western world remember the word socialism. If only we had a great leader who would do such a thing. Oh shit, so we did but the Swine's decided to vote for a donkey instead, Oh well you win some you lose some.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 22, 2022 1:42 pm

Talk of cost of living crisis and helping those in need and here they are once again, using the sledge hammer called interest rates to slow down demand when it is not demand that is driving it up, it is profits by the corporations.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Maximus » Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:20 pm

Lordo wrote:Talk of cost of living crisis and helping those in need and here they are once again, using the sledge hammer called interest rates to slow down demand when it is not demand that is driving it up, it is profits by the corporations.


You cant get enough needy "refugees" to swamp the Europes welfare system, squeeze wages for low earners even lower, drive up demand for consumables and accommodation, and then complain about it, can you?
Last edited by Maximus on Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: La La Land

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:25 pm

...interest measures confidence; something to think about.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Maximus » Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:32 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...interest measures confidence; something to think about.

"Interest measures the rate at which your money will multiply if you save it or lend it out." - J. D. Rockefeller and Tony Stark aka Iron Man
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Re: La La Land

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:02 pm

...yes, Rockefeller would say that, never a borrower was he.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:36 pm

Lordo wrote:TCs leaving their homeland is not new. Before 1974 there were 25,000 people who migrated all over the world. Since 1974, more than 50,000 have migrated. Of course migration from the island is not restricted to just the TCs, you will find same thing with GCs too, to this day I might add.

Not that I would expect you to be up to date with the current news.

Now, that reminds me I must order Karl Marx's book to see what dude had to say for himself. After all not that much has changed since his time. Poor workers are even poorer now.

Interesting comparison to make about Swineland is the house prices. In my day you could buy a house with 3 times your annual salary in London. Now you would not be able to buy a house with 10 times your salary.

But never mind, your days ov living in poverty is over, you is doin alwhit right. Fuck the poor now.

Good evening. :lol:

Forgive me for mixing posts up a bit here.

You're wonderful. Classic. Like Dick Emery (I'm sure you will remember). "Ohh............... you are awful but............... I like you." :lol:

I posted a recent CM article which outlines reasons for the current quite large scale exodus of young Turkish Cypriots, due to the virtual collapse of the Turkish economy. You talk about events of almost 50 years ago and accuse me of ..................................wait for it..................not keeping up with current events. :lol:

You accuse me of being a "latent fascist" - when you talk regularly and eagerly about executing "Swineland" politicians and businessmen. :lol: To paraphrase your past efforts - you really couldn't make it up (spelt correctly :wink: )

You and I have different perspectives of poverty. Mine are based upon experience. Yours theoretical. You really need to get out more - in a global context.

I once - regretfully - submitted angrily to your incessant, wrist-slashingly depressive posts and told you to "fuck off!". However, my repeated urging that as you approach retirement you should consider going home isn't the same.

It's a fact that you started and have run a thread which slags off most aspects of the UK for 42 pages. About 400 - 500 posts, Virtually all yours. You clearly are not at all happy with the place. My earnest advice is that you should retire a year early and go home. You will be much happier.

When you talk about "I love my country" I yet again have to point out that in fact it isn't. You are a Turkish Cypriot. Be happy - go home.

Despite that, I would love to know which aspects of "my country" you "love" because I'm fucked if I can find absolutely anywhere in 42 pages you've had anything good to say about the place. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:51 pm

Can we stop with the bull here please. We are talking about 4 different types of inflation, but it seems the Swine have only one solution, increase interest rates.

So, let's assume your car has run out of fluids. It does not matter which fluids. you will only put water in it.
1. If your radiator is low put water in it.
2. If your fuel tank is low put water in it
3. If your engine oil is low, put water in it
4. If your fluid is low put water in it.

it is that simple.

Demand-pull inflation –
aggregate demand growing faster than aggregate supply (growth too rapid)

Cost-push inflation –
For example, higher oil prices feeding through into higher costs.

Devaluation –
increasing cost of imported goods, and also the boost to domestic demand.

Rising wages –
higher wages increase firms' costs and increase consumers’ disposable incom

Clearly there are 4 occurrences that cause inflation, and you cannot treat all of them with the same cure.

How many times do I have to fuckin say it.

Interestingly back in the 70s when oil price went 1100% in 5 years which caused inflation of 17%. Now we have only seen the oil prices double and shit has hit the fan. There is one main difference between 1970s and now. The utilities were nationalised so could not make the crazy profits.

Lets take EDF in UK and France. Same company, in France put the prices of energy up by 4% and in UK put the prices up but 400%.

The answer is staring you in the eye.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:03 pm

Myth - the housing shortages are caused by refugees entering the country.

This should enlighten the ignorant fascist swine some.

Myth 2 - Refugees drive wages down.
In UK refugees are not allowed to work for years and when they do work, they have a net contribution to the economy.

Get off your arse toilet brush boy and learn some facts
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