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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:02 am

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:36 am

I wonder if anybody died because of the wait and standing up all that long but it is not reported.

Another thing is the fact that they claim thousands are getting in line but not how many.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:01 pm

I should start by saying I withdraw my earlier view that you have no sense of humour.

Lordo wrote:You are clueless as to how racist you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol: We're only allowed 10. Have to be careful. :wink:

I think there are something like 130,000 Turkish Cypriots in the UK. Mostly in North/North East London. Just like you I suspect.

I don't know any of them - other than you of course, and then only hereabouts - but I've absolutely no problem with that. Really, like so many ethnic groups in the capital and for that matter the rest of the UK, it's nothing to do with me. I'm an immigrant myself. Good luck to them all.

I've "known" you for about 6 years in here. Apart that is from one, when you disappeared with your tail between legs after making such a prat of yourself over Jeremy Corbyn. Frankly, I don't blame you. The like of CG would have been merciless I suspect. You waited until you were sure he'd gone before returning. Acting then like nothing had happened. :lol:

Throughout that 6 years you've spent a vast amount of time on this forum slagging off many aspects of the country you've apparently lived in and prospered from over the past half a century or so. Clearly, you are very unhappy with the place. As I've said many times the solution to your unhappiness is obvious. You've indicated that you intend to retire in the next 18 months and return home. Painting an eager picture of the prospect.

It's a fact. Despite whatever it says on your passport, the UK isn't your home country - something I've repeatedly reminded you of - which isn't at all racist, and I've offered my advise that, given you have the wealth, means and wherewithal to do so you should return to Cyprus, where you would certainly be very happy. Despite it's problems it really is a wonderful country.

I've lived in Cyprus for a total of 15 years now. I suspect that's more than some who were born here and regularly post. I've had permanent residency status for a decade. I could, I'm sure, have successfully applied for citizenship. Nevertheless my view has always been that I'm a guest in this great country and have acted accordingly. I don't think I've posted on Cyprus politics at all in that time. That's in stark contrast to your daily slagging off of the UK.

Look up the definition of "racist". Let me help. It's what you daily do, with your incessant contemptuous posts about "Swineland". Or, it's talking about a desire to see hundreds of millions of men, women and children dead, simply because they are of a particular nationality. That's the lunatic Nazi flavour racism of course.

As a further example, it's this sort of sick view: ... -the-cuck/ I guess you didn't read it or, if so, like others in here you say nothing about it because - let's not upset "the man".

People of principle. :roll:

I say again - to you as an individual and not the other 129,999 - be happy, go home. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:55 pm

Who the fuck is CG that I had to waited to leave before I came back. Only one reason I came back, and I will not say why. You will have to find that out for yourself.
As to Corby not winning the election? You mean to tell me you do not understand how it happened and you believe it was because he was unelectable.

I for an individual who was born into poverty but has not time for people who are in it now says quite a lot about what you are.

Home? is where I choose to be and when I choose it and how long I choose it for. I am in a position to live wherever I want whenever I want.

As to say something about the man?
You must have missed it. I have not time for the blood suckers, but I have even less time to waste on a nutjob who sees British Media as left wing. They are from Uranus.

Did I not start a thread to give you and any other fucker to attack me when I returned? And you chose to keep away.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:33 pm

Lordo wrote:Who the fuck is CG that I had to waited to leave before I came back. Only one reason I came back, and I will not say why. You will have to find that out for yourself.
As to Corby not winning the election? You mean to tell me you do not understand how it happened and you believe it was because he was unelectable.

I for an individual who was born into poverty but has not time for people who are in it now says quite a lot about what you are.

Home? is where I choose to be and when I choose it and how long I choose it for. I am in a position to live wherever I want whenever I want.

As to say something about the man?
You must have missed it. I have not time for the blood suckers, but I have even less time to waste on a nutjob who sees British Media as left wing. They are from Uranus.

Did I not start a thread to give you and any other fucker to attack me when I returned? And you chose to keep away.

I'm pretty confident in saying I'm probably not the only on who finds that post to be a load of disjointed gobbledegook. :?

I suspect you're a bit one over the eight-ish.

Don't take things so personally (racist? :? ) Yes, by all means, you're free to live wherever you wish. Well, not exactly :lol: but nevertheless. It's just a great mystery to me why you choose to do so in a foreign country which you clearly find so obnoxious that you've spent hours every day for years slagging it off. :? Wouldn't it simply be better to go home and be happy? It really is great here. 8)
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:38 pm

How stupid can some people be?

Who the fuck says one cannot criticize one's own country? Only a fascist would say such a thing. I am not even criticizing UK, I am criticizing the Swine Party and the Establishment, and you see it as an attack on the country.

What the fuck are you on man? Just stop reading this thread as it is clearly upsetting you. But I am not making them up, they are real reports.

One poor man today told King Charlie how he felt. He cannot afford to pay for his heating, but his taxes are paying for his parades. Go figure.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:50 pm

Lordo wrote:How stupid can some people be?

Who the fuck says one cannot criticize one's own country? Only a fascist would say such a thing. I am not even criticizing UK, I am criticizing the Swine Party and the Establishment, and you see it as an attack on the country.

What the fuck are you on man? Just stop reading this thread as it is clearly upsetting you. But I am not making them up, they are real reports.

One poor man today told King Charlie how he felt. He cannot afford to pay for his heating, but his taxes are paying for his parades. Go figure.

It isn't your own country. You're a Turkish Cypriot.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Sep 17, 2022 10:14 pm

I think what you mean is I can never be English right?
What the fuck is English when it is at home?
No such fuckin race on earth. It is a mixture of all sorts of people going to the beaker people. Even they were from somewhere else.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:13 pm

Lordo wrote:I think what you mean is I can never be English right?
What the fuck is English when it is at home?
No such fuckin race on earth. It is a mixture of all sorts of people going to the beaker people. Even they were from somewhere else.


Prior to moving out here fulltime I lived and worked in West London (Knightsbridge) for 11 years. I suspect it was about as cosmopolitan as you could get. In my small apartment building alone the neighbours were South African, Greek, Pakistani, Kuwaiti, Hong Kong Chinese, one US and two Saudi couples, plus some Brazilians. One couple and myself + Mrs were the only English. Everybody got on absolutely fine for more than a decade.

Not sure what "beaker" people are. :? But then you do tend to speak in gibberish quite a lot. Pointing that out tends to have you frothing at the mouth even more for some reason.

The problem I have with you is that you've lived in the UK virtually all your life but seem to feel so pissed about the place you devote hours every week to slagging many aspects of it off. You're apparently so angry that you speak about executing those whose politics you disagree with. I have absolutely no doubt that somebody as fucked up as you would do just that, given the chance. This slag-off thread alone is 40 pages long, virtually all of it consisting of your acerbic comments. That's not healthy and I think my attitude to your endless snide efforts in confronting your view about what an apparent shithole the UK is would be considered by most reasonable people to be understandable.

You really need to calm down, get a new hobby and evaluate your options. You can take my word for it, this is a great place to spend the last phase of your life. You would be happy. That is, unless you're one of those people who are not happy unless they've got something to angrily rant about all the time. You've always come across as a very morose, negative person. Well you could reasonably say "toxic".

Think about it. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:03 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:I think what you mean is I can never be English right?
What the fuck is English when it is at home?
No such fuckin race on earth. It is a mixture of all sorts of people going to the beaker people. Even they were from somewhere else.


Prior to moving out here fulltime I lived and worked in West London (Knightsbridge) for 11 years. I suspect it was about as cosmopolitan as you could get. In my small apartment building alone the neighbours were South African, Greek, Pakistani, Kuwaiti, Hong Kong Chinese, one US and two Saudi couples, plus some Brazilians. One couple and myself + Mrs were the only English. Everybody got on absolutely fine for more than a decade.

Not sure what "beaker" people are. :? But then you do tend to speak in gibberish quite a lot. Pointing that out tends to have you frothing at the mouth even more for some reason.

The problem I have with you is that you've lived in the UK virtually all your life but seem to feel so pissed about the place you devote hours every week to slagging many aspects of it off. You're apparently so angry that you speak about executing those whose politics you disagree with. I have absolutely no doubt that somebody as fucked up as you would do just that, given the chance. This slag-off thread alone is 40 pages long, virtually all of it consisting of your acerbic comments. That's not healthy and I think my attitude to your endless snide efforts in confronting your view about what an apparent shithole the UK is would be considered by most reasonable people to be understandable.

You really need to calm down, get a new hobby and evaluate your options. You can take my word for it, this is a great place to spend the last phase of your life. You would be happy. That is, unless you're one of those people who are not happy unless they've got something to angrily rant about all the time. You've always come across as a very morose, negative person. Well you could reasonably say "toxic".

Think about it. :wink:


Where can I begin to teach you your own history, gavole.

My sympathies that you have a problem with me. I also have a problem with myself. I find seeking help from the specialists, helps. You will learn to ignore me and then your problem will vanish.

As to executing the Swine, it will be after giving them a fair trial and it will only take place after the revolution, if you get my drift. Not that I am in involved in such things, I am merely speculation if the revolution should take place. It is not the opponents that get tried, it is all those who were corrupt whilst in power.

As to my retirement, it makes no difference where I am, I have been like this since I was 16 and became aware of politics. On the contrary I am not angry, I am just posting factual news about life in the greatest democracy on earth. Where one uses 1000-year-old rule to select one's head of state. A swine that cannot even take a piss by himself, some swine has to hold his dick for him and wipe his ass. I am now lost for words.

Just stop reading these posts ffs. I put you on the list where you do not see my posts automatically. You have to click to open them. I mean if I had the power, I would forbid you from being able to read them so that you do not get upset. How much more can I do for you.
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