Well they have tried it again but this time it is 12 years of Tory rule and austerity. Even the Barristers are going on strike. Lets see who wins this time.
In reality when there is a strike there are two sides involved and Swines always take the boss's side and Labour the Unions normally the workers'. This time our Kier is a little shy to back the Unions but his deputy slapped them in the face. She simply asked how it is acceptable that the cabinet ministers resign from the cabinet and force BoZo out and are the striking workers not doing the same thing.
Soon the Doctors and the BA workers are joining them soon to be followed by teachers.
They are talking about reducing tax for the rich but that does not cause inflation but pay a worker a few quid extra to be able to feed his/her family and the world economic order will collapse. In reality if all greedy rich cnuts