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Re: La La Land

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 06, 2022 7:52 pm

Lordo wrote:This makes very sad reading. According to Lloyds Bank boss most people have less than 500 pounds saved. has been like this for a long time now (decades), i imagine.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:13 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Lordo wrote:This makes very sad reading. According to Lloyds Bank boss most people have less than 500 pounds saved. has been like this for a long time now (decades), i imagine.

Not at all, it started in 2010 with the new swinw government and their austerity measure against the low paid and the unemployed.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:54 pm

Can somebody exolain how a asshole who won 80 majority is about to be arted out of office only after just over two years.

Was he shite all along and presented by the media as golden or did he become shite since then.

Which is it?

He claims he cannot and will not change so by ordinary logic he was shite all along.

By all means anybody have anything positive to say out our Great country, knock yourself out. We can all have a good laugh.
Last edited by Lordo on Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:57 pm

Lordo wrote:Can somebody exolain how a asshole who won 80 majority is about to be arted out of office only after just over two years.

Was he shite all along and presented by the media as golden or did he become shite since then.

Which is it?

He claims he cannot and will not change so by ordinary logic he was shite all along.

By all means anybody have anything positive to say out our Great country, knok yourself out. We can all have a good laugh.

Ohh, I agree. Not for the same reasons as you I suspect. I would be very glad to see the back of Johnson. My point though is - as a Turkish Cypriot who has lived in the UK and done very well out of it - what the fuck has it to do with you?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:04 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:Can somebody exolain how a asshole who won 80 majority is about to be arted out of office only after just over two years.

Was he shite all along and presented by the media as golden or did he become shite since then.

Which is it?

He claims he cannot and will not change so by ordinary logic he was shite all along.

By all means anybody have anything positive to say out our Great country, knok yourself out. We can all have a good laugh.

Ohh, I agree. Not for the same reasons as you I suspect. I would be very glad to see the back of Johnson. My point though is - as a Turkish Cypriot who has lived in the UK and done very well out of it - what the fuck has it to do with you?

Thats because I have worked here and paid my taxes for 45 Years. Thats more than what you ever did. I find that the people who cannot tolerate critisism of their country are the fascists. And in reality I am not slagging off the UK, I am slagging off the establishment and the Swine Party. And how poor peoople are being used and abused.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:20 am

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:07 pm

Very interesting that Bozo wants to resign today but wants to be left in charge till Autumn. What an absolute shitbag.

I can only think of one reason for that, he wants to make as much money as possible out of his job selling favours tohis friends with government contracts.I hope they lrt hin in a way he can cause more damage to the swine party.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:16 pm

No end to British embarrassments... from their criminal “royal” family to their corrupt and incompetent politicians, and to Scotland’s yearning for cessation from the rotten empire!

And not to mention the utterly worthless British media who for the past four months propagated that it was Vladimir Putin that was meant to resign, get assassinated, die from cancer, commit suicide, and what have you!

Boris Johnson expected to resign as U.K. prime minister ... ar-AAZiGlY

Just kill yourselves! :lol:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:03 pm

Boris is just a another Trump cunt. :D
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:46 pm

Evening Standard

Surely we can all agree that Boris Johnson is the worst PM we’ve ever had?

Spare me any crocodile tears, Johnson did nothing but harm. So, he is going then.

But for now it is still in the future tense. The actual moment of departure cannot come a day too soon.

Boris Johnson will go down in history as our worst ever Prime Minister, the most dishonest, the most corrupt, the most incompetent, the one who did the most damage to our strength and standing in the world.

As he retreats to doubtless wealthy oblivion, however, there has to be a reckoning about him that goes well beyond the personality of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.

The big question, which some of us were posing long before he got into this position of power, was how did it happen?

That a crook and a liar, a charlatan and a narcissist, could rise to the highest elected office in the land, suggests a complete failure of our political and media systems and the vulnerability of our constitution, which he exploited so effortlessly and so ruthlessly to land the most important job in the country.

Spare me any crocodile tears, Johnson did nothing but harm.

Spare me all those ministers who will now seek to take credit for taking him down when they were so utterly essential in propping him up for so long.

The only Tory heroes in this are the ones who refused to sacrifice their principles to him.

Spare me too any observations from those right wing analysts and commentators who will now glide effortlessly from removing their tongue from Johnson’s backside to explaining why he had to go and why the next utterly unsuitable candidate of the hard right is the person to take over.

They are all in it together. Everyone who sat at that cabinet table should be barred from running.

History will be harsh on a man who has debased our politics, undermined the rule of law, trashed alliances with our closest friends and neighbours, normalised lying and corruption, and put the peace process in Northern Ireland at risk.

However the one part of his legacy that will outlast him, even if his colleagues agree to his ludicrous demand to stay on until the autumn, and debase and degrade our country further just by his presence in that great building, is the biggest.


It would not have happened without Johnson, who is now exposed for all to see for the liar and crook I and others have been warning he is.

Brexit was won on that same brand of lies and crookery too and it is a further sign of our broken politics that despite virtually every expert now agreeing it is going badly for Britain, it seems that nobody in politics wants to confront that reality.

That is the next battle that has to be fought to take back control of normal sensible grown up politics.

For now, just be glad Boris Johnson is going.

But don’t quite believe it until he is finally out of that famous door for the last time, and off to his meetings with speaking agents, publishers, oligarchs and general ne’er do wells so he can bank himself a few million, and maybe find a few more women to father a few more children and spread his amorality elsewhere.

At least we won’t have to care too much any more.
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