Lordo wrote:This posting lark is really not that hard. You mind your own business. If somebody tells you they do not wish to interact with you, just create your own thread and say what you wish to say.
There is no need for any animosity or judgement.
But in reality how much time do I spend here posting for my friends.
Joined: Wed Oct 05 2011
Last visited: 3:13 pm
Total posts: 21945 - 2.39% of all posts - 4.68 posts per day
Now this 4.68 posts per day considering I spend no more than 5 minutes for each post that makes it less than 25 minutes per day. Shiiiiiiiit man is that all.
I must make a note in my diary - do more posts.
My SwineCunt friends are rattled to no end.
What a joy in life to unhinge SwineCunts.
Ut repetere.
On a good half a dozen occasions lately your name has appeared in all 7 of the Recent Topics list as the last poster. Were it not for RW’s nightly YouTube efforts it would have been more.
As far as “animosity” goes - are you having a larf? Really?

Your just about every post, including the above reeks of it. You’re a “dish it out but can’t take it” case.
Forums aren’t about “minding your own business” and if you wanted the essence - reasonable discussion - you would act accordingly. Instead, you throw insults and the like of racism about with abandon. Then cry “Foul!” when you get a kicking back.
As far as “rattled” goes - that’ll be the day sunshine.

BTW - wrong thread.