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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 15, 2024 1:45 am

Here is another factual information.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 15, 2024 1:50 pm

Now that is a surprise. X-leader of Reform party having been deposed now claims Reform is not democratic enough. Nor are the SwineCunts for that matter. They replaced their PM without even allowing their members or the MPs to vote. ON the other hand of course we have Starmer behaving like Stalin, removing anybody he did not like off the candidate list just before the election. But this Swine has nowhere to hide. He will be brought back to democracy even if he is in government. The fist vote will give an indication how much power Starmer has.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 15, 2024 2:00 pm

It couldn't happen to a nicer person. He wanted brexit and he got it. I seem to remember he claimed prices will drop after brexit. Like hell they did.

He elaborated on the increased costs, stating: "For example, compared to the 2019 financial year, labour in this financial year has increased by approximately £164million, energy by £28million, repairs (also affected by labour costs) by £38million and interest (excluding IFRS 16 interest) by £16million."
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:07 pm

We have a homeless crisis and yet there are over 320,000 empty homes while there are 227,000 homeless households.
What about all the empty shops and offices. Surely they can be converted rather than kept empty.

It is time to act.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:13 pm

Now that we have an individual incharge of prisons who actually understand the justice system and believes the system is in need of reform. UK is hooked on locking people up. This clearly does not work as the re-offending rate is high, clear as day light it ain't working.

Why not look at a system that is working. Re-offending rates are low and prions are closing down due to the decrease in number of prisoners.

While the UK and much of the world struggles with overcrowded prisons, the Netherlands has the opposite problem. It is actually short of people to lock up. In the past few years 19 prisons have closed down and more are slated for closure next year. How has this happened - and why do some people think it's a problem?

Funny enough the Dutch were also first to recogise the link between drug use and crime and have dealt with that too.

It is so simple and to the benefit of everybody. We don't have to pay for the to be locked up in a small room with others at the price of staying in Hilton.

"If somebody has a drug problem we treat their addiction,
if they are aggressive we provide anger management,
if they have got money problems we give them debt counselling.

So we try to remove whatever it was that caused the crime. The inmate himself or herself must be willing to change but our method has been very effective. Over the last 10 years, our work has improved more and more."

He adds that some persistent offenders - known in the trade as "revolving-door criminals" - are eventually given two-year sentences and tailor-made rehabilitation programmes. Fewer than 10% then return to prison after their release.

In England and Wales, and in the United States, roughly half of those serving short sentences reoffend within two years, and the figure is often higher for young adults.

Short sentences are the worst. People get locked up for a few months only to get out and find themselves in total chaos where they have lost their job and home and now have a criminal record which means they will find it impossible to get a job. Talk of crapping the room you sleep in is exactly what the prison system does to a person. And of course they have very little time to understand what has hit them.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:45 pm

Interesting day today. We have just seen a law implemented which was passed by the SwineCunts. Five people have got sentenced to jail for planning a protest, 1 for 5 years and the other 4 for 4 years each. In the meantime we have had people who have caused needless death of 10s of thousands of people, we have also go people in the post office that have destroyed the lives of 700 people and none of the have been tried for their crimes never mind sentenced.

It can be see that the SwineCunts were after making an example of people just like Rwanda affair. The threat did not work against the refugees and people will not give up their fight for the environment until the government shows that they have started to take environment seriously. The fact that they declared no more licenses for fossil fuel drilling is a start but they have to invest heavily on renewable energy too. They should cover every roof in the country with solar panels.

Of course these people will have to be released or there will be protests about them too.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Jul 19, 2024 2:38 pm

Finally some sense. Whay not this? It was good enough for the blonds.

But the Prime Minister suggested he might favour a different model of offshore processing, where asylum claims can be heard close to countries of origin of migrants, for example by allowing those fleeing conflict zones to submit applications in neighbouring nations, as happened in the Ukrainian refugee scheme.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:10 pm

Have you ever wondered where the term Boycott comes from. Well, wonder no more.

The term "boycott" originates from the actions taken against Charles Cunningham Boycott, an English land agent in 19th-century Ireland. Boycott worked for Lord Erne, a major landowner in County Mayo, and was known for his harsh treatment of tenants, including evictions and high rents. In 1880, during a period of agrarian unrest, the Irish Land League, led by Charles Stewart Parnell, initiated a campaign against Boycott. They encouraged local workers and tenants to withdraw their labor and services, effectively isolating him from the community. Shops refused to serve him, and even his mail was disrupted.
This non-violent form of protest gained significant attention, especially after Boycott wrote to the British press about his plight. The campaign against him became a cause célèbre, and the term "boycott" was coined to describe this method of social ostracism. The episode highlighted the power of collective action and had a lasting impact on labor and social movements worldwide.

Although he lived in Ireland, he was a true Swinecunt and English to boot. Just like some on here.

And here is his ugly ass mug too.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:10 pm

Lest see how it takes because before Stamerlin responds.

More than 1,200 artists, athletes and academics have condemned the "injustice" of sentences handed to five Just Stop Oil activists for peaceful protests.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:42 am

The SwineCunts are now declaring they will leave ECHR. It is easier to withdraw from the UN Refugee Convention rather than deprive us our Human Rights.

With a bit of luck Reform will do to the SwineCunts what SDP did to Labour back end of 70s.

Setting out his stall to be the new leader, Mr Tugendhat said his party had lost the last election because it “lost the trust of the British people”.

“The public wanted the things we promised: lower taxes, lower immigration, more control over their everyday lives," he wrote in the Telegraph.
"Those are Conservative ideas. We just didn’t deliver.
“We couldn’t deliver because we were too focused on fighting each other.”
He also suggested he would be willing to leave the European Court of Human Rights if elected, saying: "We know that if institutions do not serve the British people and make it harder to control our own borders, then we will have to exempt ourselves from them, or leave their jurisdiction."

Which fuckin planet does he live on.
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