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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:23 pm

Typical fuckin bullshit reporting.
Top international researchers cannot afford to take jobs in the UK because of a “tax on talent” that makes it impossible for them to afford the upfront costs, the head of the Wellcome Trust has warned.
Dr John-Arne Røttingen, who has led the biomedical research charity since January, said some of the best researchers offered posts in the UK would have to turn them down because they faced having to pay “tens of thousands” in visa fees and surcharges.

Far from being tax on talent this is tax on migrant workers. WTH is the Gruniad playing at.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:19 am

There is nothing this cunt will not do to get some publicity

Nigel Farage’s recent praise for controversial influencer Andrew Tate has sparked intense debate, drawing both support and fierce criticism
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:19 pm

Going back to this Slater boy, there seems to be a few things that do not make sense.

Boy goes to a festival gets picked up with two men and they end up in a place the two men were staying 27 odd miles away. Boy calls his friend saying he will be staying the night with them and wil return in the morning.

Boy wakes up at 7:30 in the morning and calls his friend saying he missed the bus so he will be walking back. The next bus is at 10 am and he decided to walk back which will take him a 10 hour walk. This is the first bit of the lie. He did not mis the bus, the service did not start till 10 am. and it was an hourly service.

Boy decides to walk back with no water and the mobile out od power but instead of staying on the road hoping somebody can give him a lift, decides to take to walking though some mountains.

In the meantime his family have raised 43000 pounds and decided to use that money to pay for themselves and their friends to go look for him.

I smell a scam. Not a well thought out scam though. It will come out sooner or later.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:24 am

The French in reality are about 5 years behind us. We elected BoZo with his fascists in 2019 and they are electing theirs this year. A word of comfort to my friends in France is do not worry it will not last long.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:12 pm

What will be very funny is if Starmer gets less number of votes than Corbyn in 2017 but gets a huge majority. in 2017 election the Liberal vote collapsed and that never helps Labour, Now not only do we have strong showing of the Liberals but unless Farage bottles it his party is quite strong too, so it looks like the SwineCunts with be fucked both up the ass and the mouth at the same time.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Jul 03, 2024 12:35 pm

This is just incredible.
If you are worker earning less than 40 000 a year of which most of British Worker are they pay
20% income tax + 8% national Insurance
But if you make capital gains you only pay 10% tax.
What a shit show.

On another note, the SwineCunts are so desperate they brought out BoZo to speak for them. This is the cunt that did more than anybody to destroy the country. When he was asked about the business men who said Brexshit was not good for business he replied fuck business.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Jul 03, 2024 2:06 pm

Interesting view of the way democracy works.

Some may argue that the far right is here and we should simply get used to it. Far-right parties have won elections in recent years in other European countries, including Italy and the Netherlands. But we cannot get used to it. A far-right victory represents a major threat to our basic social contract and our liberties. We face the implementation of policies that discriminate against foreigners, migrants, women, minorities and more. Because it has no credible economic platform, the far right will revert to the only thing it knows – the exacerbation of tensions and the politics of hate.

Of course the Gruniad does not mention that the far right are the puppets of big corporations. They will serve their masters by oppressing the workers. But the French are not as docile as your average British worker. They did not have someone like the Milk Snatcher to crush them to oblivion.

But of course we has similar here since 2019 and see where it got the SwineCunts. Very interesting to see how many votes they get as well as how many seats of course.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 04, 2024 12:42 pm

It seems only TV and radio is not allowed to talk politics today but newspapers can continue with their lies.

The Mail believes Britain is an innately conservative nation, marked by love of country, fairness, family, self-reliance, and a strong commitment to equality of opportunity.

Of course it is that is why we have over 10 million having to collect food from the foodbanks.

And there is more.

Traditionally we have trusted the Tories to further these values over Labour. In nearly 50 years, Tony Blair is the only Labour leader to have won an election – and it was because he ran on a ticket of moderation.

Not forgetting the fact that the SwineCunts in early eighties actually received the revenue from Oil and sold all out assets on the cheap to their friends in order to finance the tax cuts for their friends. They also decimated the British Industry both manufacturing and coal.

An election the SwineCunts say. Blair won 3 and Wilson won 2 in the 70s too.

But the most disturbing thins was on radio last night when a diehard SwineCunt rang in to say Blair inherited a strong economy and by the time they left in 2010 there was no money in the kitty. And of course the presenter swallowed it like a piece of shit laced with sugar.

Fact is Swine Cunts had 300 Billion debt when they lost power in 1997 and Labour pushed it up to 1000 billion by 2010 and 500 billion of that money was paid to the banks in 2008 financial crises. But no, SwineCunts are better in economy despite the fact that they took the 1000 billion debt and 14 years later they pushed up to 2600 billion. This is what you call strong economic performance right? And all of this was done with deliberate implementation of austerity where they started by cutting 20% across the board in all spending and cut the police force down by 20000 too.
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Re: La La Land

Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Jul 04, 2024 5:06 pm

Lordo wrote:It seems only TV and radio is not allowed to talk politics today but newspapers can continue with their lies.

The Mail believes Britain is an innately conservative nation, marked by love of country, fairness, family, self-reliance, and a strong commitment to equality of opportunity.

Of course it is that is why we have over 10 million having to collect food from the foodbanks.

And there is more.

Traditionally we have trusted the Tories to further these values over Labour. In nearly 50 years, Tony Blair is the only Labour leader to have won an election – and it was because he ran on a ticket of moderation.

Not forgetting the fact that the SwineCunts in early eighties actually received the revenue from Oil and sold all out assets on the cheap to their friends in order to finance the tax cuts for their friends. They also decimated the British Industry both manufacturing and coal.

An election the SwineCunts say. Blair won 3 and Wilson won 2 in the 70s too.

But the most disturbing thins was on radio last night when a diehard SwineCunt rang in to say Blair inherited a strong economy and by the time they left in 2010 there was no money in the kitty. And of course the presenter swallowed it like a piece of shit laced with sugar.

Fact is Swine Cunts had 300 Billion debt when they lost power in 1997 and Labour pushed it up to 1000 billion by 2010 and 500 billion of that money was paid to the banks in 2008 financial crises. But no, SwineCunts are better in economy despite the fact that they took the 1000 billion debt and 14 years later they pushed up to 2600 billion. This is what you call strong economic performance right? And all of this was done with deliberate implementation of austerity where they started by cutting 20% across the board in all spending and cut the police force down by 20000 too.

Have you placed your cross in the Reform box yet Bordo...?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:57 pm

I can smell shit coming out of my computer for some reason. I should have guessed the SwineCunts are back.

Any way back to the refugees. Now this blaming of refugees for all the problems is spreading. The Tergggish people are up to the same trick now. The idiots are blaming the Syrian refugees for all the problems they are having as if life was smelling of roses before they arrives.

Anyway back to the important matter of voting today. For the first time in my life I am tempted to vote for Rishy Fishy today. I must be grateful for the great service they have bestowed on out country. Between the 3 of them, BoZo, Truss and Fishy they have destroyed the SwineCunt party. With a bit of luck Reform will take over the right which will force them both to be in permanent opposition.

Perhaps I should vote for Reform but if I do it will let in the SwineCunts.

On my way to the polling station I could not help noticing a Rolls Royce, Porsche, Lamborghini and a Range Rover as well as a massive Jag. What the fuck is the matter with these people. How can they afford such cars in a council estate.
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