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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:07 pm

If Starmer actually does what he says he is going to do things may indeed turn out for the better.
His promises so far

He will remove the non-dom status
He will remove private schools' charity status
He will cancel the tax breaks the corporations were given which looks like they produced no groth as intended

If he can stretch the removal of chairy status from
Private hospitals
Football Association
Clubs if they are registered as charity

While he is at it also tax transfer money for players and try to bring in billions Duke of Westminster managed not to pay for his inheritance. While he is at that perhaps he can also get the Royal Family to pay their proper tax and stop giving 90 odd million a year, that will also go along way.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:52 am

Starmer in trying to avoid using the word "Working Class" has got himself into a pickle. He decided to use "Working People" instead. What the fuck does this mean? Old pit bull Ferrari was on him like a ton or two of bricks. Does it mean Simon Cowell does not have to pay any more tax he asks to which he does not answer. A Cunt who earned 100 million in the last decade or so certainly is not in need of help.
But he was unable to kill it. There are so many definitions and any one of them would have been adequate.
Here is one.
a social group that consists of people who earn little money, often being paid only for the hours or days that they work, and who usually do physical work

We have nearly 1 million people who are on zero hours contract and work when ever they are required. Some days they get no work at all. They have suffered as much as the unemployed and pensioners in since 2010 and are in desperate need of help. They should benefit from a Labour government and those who earn more than the median wage in the country should pay more tax. Especially those who are above 100K a year. It really is not rocket science.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:01 am

Today housing is being debated and nobody is really offering anything to solve the housing crisis. They do not even mention the reasons for the housing crisis. There are many reasons for it and unless they are all addressed it will not be resolved.

I had an uncle and he used to say in the 80a the way housing is going in the future people will not be able to buy a house or a flat they will buy a room. In fact we have reached a point that never mind buying a room people cannot afford to rent a room any more and renting prices actually prevent people from even saving the deposit.

So lets have a look at what has gone wrong.

Back in the 70s a home would cost 2.5 times your annual salary. The interest rates were as high as 15% but that was healthy because it stopped house prices from rising faster than inflation. In the 70s there was also plenty affordable social housing which also helped keep houses prices down and the rents too.

Then came along the Bitch that is known as Milk Snatcher who decided to sell the social housing at a quarter of their real value and prevent Local Authorities from building new ones. So the housing crises started in earnest.

The Banks did their bit too. They allowed the ration of salary verses house price to rise for borrowing purposes to 3 to 3.5 to 4 to 4.5 to 5. This started the increase in house prices and each time they were unaffordable they simply kicked the ration higher. While they were doing that they also increased to terms of the loan from 20years to 25 and in some cases 30.

So now we have ended up with a ratio of up house prices up to 20 time the annual salary. Despite this some people are blocked from buying a house despite the fact that people pay higher rent than what they pay if they bough a house.

So now the SwineCunts have offered to remove stamp duty for up to 425K which will not really make any difference unless you live in the north but even there it will not help because the earnings are so much lower in the north.

The biggest problem today is the ratio of house prices and annual salary. Unless this is addressed young people will not be able to get into the housing ladder unless they have some huge inheritance from their grandparents and that still fuels even higher prices for the rest.

In the mean time our youngest and the brightest are leaving in droves. Of course they do not even mention who are the half a million people leaving the country each year.

So what is the solution?
Build affordable houses? to solve the problem I suspect we will need a million affordable and social homes a year for the next 5 years. Of course it can be done but how? Just like the Labour Government did in 1945, when they went a head building homes despite the fact that they were broke. So saying it cannot be done is simply not true, it has been done. The real question is can you collect the taxes from the SwineCunts who's religion is to avoid tax.

Five richest people on earth between them have just under 1000 Billion pounds in wealth. How the fuck is that possible in in a civilised society. Amazon has allowed Unions to recruit workers if 75% of the workers agree. Of course Amazon say workers can join a union if they choose there is no rule against that except that Unions are not allowed to represent their members who work in Amazon in any negotiations. What the fuck use is joining a union if they will not be able to represent you when dealing with the company. In the meantime Bezos is getting away with paying their staff below a living wage and dress up zero hours contracts as being a benefit for workers when it is totally the other way round.

It is time to set up some fair trial courts to be set up and all these very wealthy corporations heads called to account.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:23 pm

Interesting bit of analysis about buying a home.
Experts have revealed how much the average first-time buyer needs for a household income to get onto the property ladder.

Zoopla estimated that the typical first-time buyer needs earnings of £60,600 – which it said is £14,900 more than five years ago and £2,400 more than a year ago.

The analysis was based on average asking prices of first-time buyer homes for sale on Zoopla of around the £250,000 mark, based on the homes that people wanting to get on the property ladder are looking to buy.

The website assumed buyers would have a 20% deposit and be borrowing 3.3 times their income as a mortgage.

Good luck finding a house for 250K in London and the South East

Zoopla found that in London, first-time buyers would typically need a household income of £103,000.
In Wales, they would need £38,800 and in Scotland an income of £31,500 would be needed, according to the calculations.

The median income in the UK is about 35K which means half the population is priced out of the housing market. ... 385d&ei=16
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:04 pm

You learn something new every day. It seems SAS had a veto power who from the Afghan Commando Unite who fought along them against the Taliban could settle in the UK. They were trying to prevent people from giving evidence against the SAS who murdered innocent civilians. Add to tat they also lied in Parliament about the veto.

You cannot make it.

Add to that the fact that some of the SwineCunts have put bets on when the election will take place. After a while you come to expect from the SwineCunt the worst.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:00 pm

Poor BoZo he aint never gona play marbles with Starmer again.
While Covid was spreading like wildfire trough all the airports which had free access, he missed 5 of the 7 COBRA meetings first 3 months of 2020 and claimed he was writing a book about Churchill. What an asshole.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:09 pm

So this is what has put the cat amongst the pigeons the other day. Starmer has promised to change the law to allow prosecution of veterans for their murderous activities.

The complaint was that the IRA men cannot be prosecuted because of the GFA. As if the two are equal. IRA were fighting to free their country of the colonialists where as the soldiers were playing colonial roulette. Just like the Zionists today.

You can't invade a country and expect the natives not to fight you and no killing them is not self defense. Zionists will eventually realise this just as soon as America turns off the tap of arms.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:38 pm

A young man claiming to be 22 years old with no NHS experience what so ever and trying to set up a young wing for the reform party is allowed on air to claim that the issue with NHS waiting lists is to do with migration into the country. When it was pointed out to him that if there was no migrant medical professional were allowed in the NHS it would collapse he denied this was true. He claimed that migrants who work in the NHS bring their dependents in and they become self absorbing. They in effect make no difference to the waiting list.

So if a Doctor bring their family in for them not to make any difference, they would have to treat their family all day long every day for365 days. This mentality reminds me of the SwineCunts we have on this forum. They have shit for brains but insist they know best. While we are on the subject of them having shit for brains, I would like to apologise for accusing them of causing the smell a few weeks ago. I was wrong. The fuckin Carrion plant flowered recently and it was that smell that caused the confusion.

Of course all this started because Farage said the reason for the war in Ukraine was Nato expansion. The presenter followed by an example saying that two countries joined since Ukraine war begun and before that Ukraine never made any serious attempt to join the EU or Nato. He also claimed that Robertson who was head of Nato had many meetings with Putin and he claimed Putin never complained about the expansions of Nato towards the east in the past. Not a word about Zelensky claiming before his election that he would not ask to join EU or Nato and then changing his mind the day after the election. Not a word about Minsk agreement which Ukraine refused to sign. There must a farm for idiots the mainstream media grow these mushroom presenters.

What was interesting was an example given that if Mexico wanted to join the Warsaw Pact, would America object and they accepted that if America objects that is a might thing. They have the power to object so Sovereignty clearly does not come into it. They very conveniently ignored the fact that Cuba did try to join the Warsaw Pact and America nearly started a third World War in blockading ships into Cuba totally against International Law. Also ignore the fact that the way America appeased the Russians was by withdrawing nuclear weapons from Turkey so the Russians would change their minds.

You have to be quite thick to make such an accusation.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:54 pm

This makes very interesting reading. How Capitalists think to milk people at every opportunity.

CVC Capital Partners, the private equity giant, is buying one of Britain's biggest chains of veterinary clinics as it seeks to exploit a boom in pet ownership during the pandemic.
Sky News has learnt that Medivet is being sold by Inflexion Private Equity to CVC in a deal worth more than £1bn.
Medivet, which operates around 300 branches and more than 20 round-the-clock clinics across the UK, has been part-owned by Inflexion Private Equity since 2016.

There is more.
It would be the latest large deal in the industry this year, following IVC Evidensia's sale of a €3.5bn stake to Silver Lake, the buyout firm, and Nestle.

That deal valued IVC Evidensia at more than £10bn.

They are taking advantage at clobbering pet owners in their hour of need.

This corporations are making a killing.

"they said if you want him seen today it's £1,000 to see a vet and then it will be £4,000 for an MRI scan. "If he needed surgery after that they were quoting up to £7,000 more, depending on his recovery."
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:58 pm

Don't believe a word anybody says, the economy is in safe hands under the SwineCunt government.

The FTSE 100 slipped on Friday after official figures showed UK state debt rose to levels not witnessed for more than 60 years in May.
The blue-chip index fell 35 points to 8,238 on Friday, a 0.4% fall.
Earlier, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that public sector net debt as a proportion of UK GDP (gross domestic product) rose to 99.8% for the month.

BTW we now pay 90 billion a year in interest payments.
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