Just another thought. There must be over 500,000 students each year at the age of 18.
How are they going to be selected?
Can the Army take on training 30,000 18 year olds per year. What will it cost?
If they are going to volunteer, who will organise the work and record their activities.
Clearly the SwineCUnts have thrown out a suggestion that will appeal to the right wing old supporters who have nothing but contempt for the younger generation hoping to get them to come out and vote.
What ever next? Do not worry there will be another policy tomorrow even more ridicules than this one.
Of course it was not that long ago where the SwineCunts cut the funding to all the youth clubs so the young children found themselves in the street with nothing to do. The seem to forget some very simple facts the bastards. Although calling them bastards is an insult to all the people born into a fatherless family.