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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:06 am

Robin Hood wrote:WTF ..... so Kate decides she will do a bit of photoshopping ...... and is clearly not very good at it! SO WHAT? :x

Possibly because the "tampered with" picture is being presented as evidence by those responsible for the conspiracy theories about her absence that have been doing the rounds.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:01 am

Today LBC excelled in their ignorance. The topic of the hour was 3.9 million people who are declared sick by the medical profession and do not need to look for a job to get their Universal verdict and they can claim an uplift of 4000 pounds per year for their sickness. Not a Doctor in sight to advise under what conditions a person can be declared as unfit to work. A doctor is even a rarer commodity at the DWP as they have no Doctors in in their ranks and actually have two people who is claimed are "Medical Professionals", so clearly not Doctors.

The fact that there are 7 million people waiting to be seen does enter their single cell brain that maybe their condition is stopping them whether it is physicals or mental condition. To think that the presenter was also working for May when she was PM at no 10.

Admittedly a listener sent him a message accusing him of being stupid but did not elaborate on what grounds.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:08 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Lordo wrote:Today I feel shattered. my whole world has collapsed on top of me. If you cannot believe the highest Universal Credit claimant in the land, who can you believe. She took a picture for mother's day and released it to the press only to admit later that she actually photoshopped it herself. I mean it would not be so bad if some other individual did it, at least she can claim she was not aware of it.

So I propose as punishment she is not allow to claim any Universal Credit for 6 months. That'll learn her not to cheat. Ya kna wha a mean like?

If I were Kate or William I would announce that in future there will be no private photographs released at all, they would remain just that private. If the press want photos they can make an appointment, supply their own photographer and pay a fee for the privilege. Before the photos they take are published they would have to be cleared by experts working The Family ........... any photos that have been altered will get the photographer thrown into Bellmarsh Prison for at least five years and his employer fined millions.

WTF ..... so Kate decides she will do a bit of photoshopping ...... and is clearly not very good at it! SO WHAT? :x

RH without these private photos the Royal Family's standing would plummet. It is already ata low point after what Charlie did to Diana as it is. There is a serious side to this. Why the need to alter? What is driving the need? Clearly there is something serious in the family for which they are trying to hide. In the meantime where is William in all this. If this was a family photo surely he should be there too unless he was airbrushed out. If males are to be excluded the other two boys should have been too surely.

Belmarsh is not as terrifying as it sounds. I have been in it, the people in there have a better time than the rest of the prison community in Belmarsh.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:00 pm

Failed asylum seekers are to be offered up to £3,000 to move to Rwanda under a new voluntary scheme.

The plan, first reported by The Times, is understood to be a variation of an existing voluntary returns scheme, where failed asylum seekers receive cash to return to their home country.

It will be open to anyone whose asylum claim has been rejected by the UK.

In particular it is aimed at those who cannot return to their home countries.

So how the fuck did they lose their asylum application if it is unsafe for them to return to their home countries. If they are willing to pay Rwanda 400 million to take 200 Asylum seeker, why not pay these people 2 million and ask them to go anywhere they wish. With 2 million in the bank, no country would refuse them not even UK. I look up in the air and ask:
Allah where the hell are you?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:49 pm

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:41 pm

I am so sorry this will upset my SwineCunt friends but I am afraid I lose control of my fingers and they just type no matter what I think and ignore me. I must see a medical person about this and while I am there I will seek advice to help my SwineCunt friends long suffering from egoistic and inferiority complex to see if their pain can be alleviated somewhat. I mean an animal in such pain would normally be put down but such lowlife not even at the level of an animal like an amoeba, I am afraid medication is not available as yet.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway the news today is an interesting one for Fishy. What a dilemma to be in. To give back the money or not is the question.

Why won’t the Tory party do the right thing and hand back ‘dirty’ money?

And low and behold it did not take long did it. More importantly is he still member of the party though?

I won't return race row donor's money, says Rishi Sunak
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:44 pm

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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:49 pm

Lordo wrote:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:58 pm

Londonrake wrote:

Don't be bloody silly ..... everyone knows Paddington Bear! Who's the Bird with him?

I have to say this though ...... they have a very good taste in china! :)

It is a design called YASMIN by Minton, which is owned by Royal Doulton and it is very expensive! It is about the only set they made in ivory coloured china. We have the full set ....... complete 8 place dinner set and all the serving dishes and oval platters, the tea set with the same tea pot you see in the video and the 6 place coffee set. All in perfect condition ....... cost a bloody fortune and rarely used. Got a Palace of Westminster coffee set as well, 6 place set ............. Royal Doulton with gold leaf Parliament Logo .......... make me an offer anyone? :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:15 pm

The plot thickens. It seems this ol cove has form at corruption and all that. He was given a contract during the pandemic worth 400 million and allows Fishy to use his helicopter too.

Niiiiiiicccccce innit?

TPP is worth £1 billion after winning more than £400 million of NHS and prison contracts in the last eight years
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