Quote LORDO: In case there are some out there who are wondering why I do not type a lot of text, I need to explain that that's the way I am. I do that in all my work too. In fact my agent calls me "the most succinct person on earth".
But the problem with that is that you cannot have a proper discussion with just a SINGLE FACT! You need many facts to strengthen the argument. That Is why I find your posts difficult to turn into dialogue.
My view is why post two words when one will do the job just as good. Dealing with 10 things is not my style, I like to deal with points one by one. In one face to face debate one adversary refused to debate with me for that reason. He realised I would take his every point apart one by one. From then on he never discussed anything with me. And of course he was a Zionist and we were talking about Israel.
But, try going into Court with a single piece of evidence that destroys the Prosecution case completely and beyond any reasonable doubt ! You will lose ..... guaranteed! In every Court case the existence of proven facts is undeniable and cannot be contested but, once the Lawyers apply the hypothesis of LAW they can alter the context of the FACTS. It is an illusion that the LAW ensures JUSTICE ...... it does just the opposite which is why those with lots of money usually win Court actions.

This is what certain members on this and other forums do ........ LR calls it 'whataboutery' and it is usually a case of 'whataboutery' is OK for them when the hypothesis of their 'law' is applied ...... but not for others.