Quote LR: Look. As I said before - and before that. I tried hard to strike a reasonable line with you. Sadly, I understand now that actually it's a fallacy. You simply can't tolerate anybody who doesn't just sycophantically accept your views. Very quickly reverting to insulting posts - and that's what you did, quite shortly after you rejoined this forum. You ........did........ this.
You are looking in the mirror again! I think most readers would notice that most of your posts express your personal opinion of posters you have a beef with..... not on the content of the thread. It is always about what you think about others. The description above is of YOU but ‘YOU just don’t see it’!
But you have blown it this time and posted something that shows just what you are really like!
Quote LR: “You wouldn't have noticed but we've both actually sat next to a "real" Project Manager in your particular domain. He was PM of major Petro Chemical projects in Saudi, Russia, China and the UK. Remaining a consultant for many years after retiring here. A man with quite impressive properties, here, in Dubai and the UK.”
Here we go ..... (
note the inverted commas on ‘real’) .......LR has primed and selected his suitable source for an impeccable original opinion .............. ( BTW:
I have absolutely no clue who this guy is and LR admits it! Had we met he would have immediately recognised the company I worked for ...... it is the largest of its type in the World.)
Quote LR: “When I
passingly touched 
upon your claim to fame (
thinking innocently

that you might actually have worked together)
he momentarily weighed it up then expressed the view that you're a bullshitter.”
Now let’s get this straight ..........
with you nothing you think is innocent, it always has an end purpose as we will now see ..............
YOU discussed
ME with someone who I didn’t know and who didn’t know me and gave him the benefit of
YOUR ‘passingly innocent’ opinion

, no doubt suitably embellished and edited, and then
asked him for HIS opinion of ME? :?:
Based solely on your description this
‘real’ Project Manager he then decided that the person you had described, without him even knowing anything about me ........
that I was a ‘bullshitter’ ? If that is true, which I very much doubt,
he would not have been a ‘real’ Project Manager, they are not like that at all in my experience ...... he would have replied more on the lines of ”
But I have never spoken to the guy ...... how could I possibly come to any conclusion as to his capability?”
Your ‘
passingly touched upon’ story would be like
Zelensky giving
Rishi Sunak his personal
opinion of Putin ...... someone Sunak has never met ......... and
then advising him on how Ukraine was winning the war against Russia. I think that is an example of the blind leading the blind!
Quote LR: Much as the man who was one of the top execs in Halifax/BoS, within our same group, thought you were with your "authoritative" money creation BS.
So once again you asked for an opinion? But he agreed with me and admitted he found a great difference between how the Building Society worked and how Banks worked. So you think the Banks creation of money out of thin air ..... is bullshit?

You still believe that when you ask for a loan the Bank actually lends you money?

You still think Banks lend their customers money to borrowers?
I suggest you look up the papers on the subject by Prof. Richard Werner (
Winchester University)!
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1057521914001070He is the man that invented the description ‘
Quantitative Easing’ and the one who also proved in an empirical live experiment with an Austrian Bank, that Banks
DO create money out of thin air and that is the only way money
IS created! BTW: even the Bank of England agrees with him. It is you that has the problem ......
https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/-/media/boe/files/quarterly-bulletin/2014/money-creation-in-the-modern-economy.pdfQuote LR: Let people be their own judge of what Project Management in the high flying world of the petro-chemical industry means.
But I never claimed the title of 'Manager' ! I was a Lead Engineer, which is a management function ........... like you have a Pilot OFFICER or Flying OFFICER ...... a Flight Lieutenant is also an officer but although not noted in his title he is still an Officer.
Think back to your days as a ‘
Knob twiddling Flag Officer’ ......... when you ‘
twiddled’ and nothing happened ? You called in the engineers and specialist to fix it. As the Lead Engineer in my own discipline, my job was to coordinate the Instrumentation and Control Group, to get the team working toward a common goal and to ensure they had access to experience, expertise and the equipment/tools to do the job. Without a team of specialists and engineer’s and someone with the qualities to manage them ........
YOU were as much use as an ashtray on a Harley Davidson.When you are a
REAL Project Manager you make sure your supporting engineering groups have the best people for the jobs, because success in
YOUR job depends on them ...... not the other way round! They don’t need you because they can do your job but you can’t do theirs!
Quote LR: I've never done you any harm at all - bar denting your ego on various forums - and have never had any interest in doing so. Your fantasy that I was intent upon "paying you a visit" was just that.
But you have admitted you did just that and that was in a post of yours, describing how you declined to join them in ‘
paying me a visit’ so you were obviously involved. Funny how on the other forum .... the one that is tanking through lack of members willing to join a discussion ....... it is
YOU once again that knows all about “.....
the gang of three who even had coffee together to plan their ‘attack' ...... until Admin broke them up! Now I wonder WHO told Admin about the ‘
gang-of-three’ and their cunning plan? The most likely candidate would be you in my book, because you have done it before by exaggeration and just plain lies ...........
to ME!
Quote LR: A few days ago Lordo posted something about an anoymous person on a radio show talking about his anonymous friend from Ukraine, as if to make some sort of point. I used a well known metaphor of somebody hearing about something from a mate down the pub. Out of the blue you jumped in and made an insinuation that I was a drunkard. That was a typical example of the way you do forum business wrt me these days. There are others.
But you do have a reputation for being close to actually being an alcoholic ......... I have been told that by a very reliable source and have witnessed it first hand. Your original lying story about being collected by a mutual friends wife, because you were both blind drunk ........ set off your animosity when your lie was exposed, the guy you lied about got upset, you blamed it on me and you have been getting your own back ever since ....... by telling more lies.
You are quite pathetic really as you need constant assurance you are top dog ..... I’ve got news for you! Every post attacking others makes it clear your knowledge on most subjects political is clouded by your own insecurity and obvious bias.