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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:19 pm

No peace for the wicket. Fishy is in for a sticky wicket.

Another one of his SwineCunt has been suspended and Fishy has to have another byelection. How many fuckin byelections is the SwineCunt going to lose.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:07 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Is it any wonder the UK Military never has enough money for weapons? They spend vast amounts of money on accommodation for the families of ALL ranks, not just ' senior management' as is the norm in industry!

Then they need to supply schools, clinics and medical facilities, transport, a wide of sports facilities, tax-free supermarkets, restaurants, coffee shops, social facilities etc ............. the wives can even telephone 'maintenance' to get a light bulb changed! :roll:

Having spent a couple of years looking after the cats at Episkopi, as did many other ex-pats, and for free, what then becomes noticeable is the common use of the word 'ENTITLED' by these wives and it is based on not only the difference between 'civilians' and military wives entitlement but between wives according to their husbands Rank. This story shows that this observation is true ........ as it is officers wives that determine 'ENTITLEMENT according to their husbands Rank. :roll: :arrow:

Once again, you demonstrate your total ignorance and the bitter resentments you can’t seem to deal with regarding UK Forces, FFS, you’re in your 80s and all that must have been 60+ years ago.

I’ve served in more than a dozen locations around the world. Most of them remote from local “civilization”. Along with, often, many hundreds of others. Your idea that - because you as an individual had to find your own accommodation all of them should is totally ridiculous. Born out of ignorance and your eternal simmering resentments.

Do you think if a battalion/squadron of hundreds of personnel are moved from Oxford to Cyprus they should be told “Off you go, find yourselves somewhere to live, healthcare/catering/childrens’ education/religious support, etc? Really? :roll:

If you have hundreds of servicemen with families serving in fairly remote locations, or in foreign countries, of course you have to cater for their children’s education and provide healthcare and the other normal facilities.

The only things duty free to Forces personnel are tobacco and alcohol, both of which are rationed. Moreover, that only applies if you’re serving overseas. In the UK NAAFI supermarkets sell produce at prices which would tend to be unsustainable, we’re it not for the remoteness to people of the normal supermarkets.

I don’t recognise your “entitlement” slur. Perhaps I need to look after a few cats. I do know that on several occasions before, you’ve talked about Servicemen’s wives in terms of their being loud mouthed sluts. You really have a mental issue in that respect. Actually, it was another forum boot feather in your cap.

FWIW, after 25 years service, and as a staff officer serving in HQ British Forces Cyprus at Episkopi, I lived with my wife and 2 kids in a prefab at Berengaria Village, Limassol. It was so dilapidated that they didn’t have the cheek to charge more than a nominal rent. There were no rank distinctions. My next door neighbour was a Supply Squadron Sergeant and his family. Everybody got on great.

Do try to confine yourself to things you actually (think you) know about.

BTW. We used to change (and buy!) our own light bulbs. More, absolutely ridiculous, nonsense.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:28 am

It was a long time ago but it occurred to me last night that the ration card I had here back then entitled me to something like one duty free bottle of whisky a month and 200 cigs, or tobacco equivalent. Neither of which I believe I ever used in all of my tour.

Here then, when you could get a Demi-john of numerous drinks for threepence halfpenny locally, I don’t think it was much utilized by anyone. A leftover from many years before I suspect. I think everything else in the NAAFI shops was subject to normal taxation. As I said, it was a long time (25 years) ago. I don’t know how things are now, but can’t imagine they will have changed much.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:27 pm

I say ol chap just fuck off you hear?

Anyway you think you have heard it all before and than this. I mean the SwineCunt is just clueless.

Answering questions afterwards, he said there could be “large-scale” migration to Europe from Africa, the Indian sub-continent and Southeast Asia as they become richer and people who were previously too poor to consider relocation acquire the financial means to do so.

Who let the pig sty gate open again? Is this SwineCunt for real? If people made a decent living why would they want to move FFS? people move because either they are unable to make a living and they are called migrants or move because they feel oppressed and threatened in their own country which means they are refugees. Perhaps this ugly SwineCunt could understand what the two words mean and stop calling the refugees illegal migrants too. Somebody explain to this SwineCunt in Swine language please.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:51 pm

Once again you miss the plot completely! :roll: You are fortunate I have time to spare to even reply to this post ..........

Once again, you demonstrate your total ignorance and the bitter resentments you can’t seem to deal with regarding UK Forces, FFS, you’re in your 80s and all that must have been 60+ years ago.

We are talking quite recently in response to an article about Officers wives and the allocation of accommodation by rank. My beef is ......... why does the UK military have to take their families with them everywhere they go?

I’ve served in more than a dozen locations around the world. Most of them remote from local “civilization”. Along with, often, many hundreds of others. Your idea that - because you as an individual had to find your own accommodation all of them should is totally ridiculous. Born out of ignorance and your eternal simmering resentments.

Where on earth did you get the idea I had to ‘find’ my own accommodation? You do have a very vivid and distorting imagination!
From the early 70’s for ten years I worked for the engineering group of a large US Corporation and travelled all over Europe to the Company Plants from Norway to the South of France. Short visits I stayed at 4- 5 Star hotels booked by my employer and usually eat in the hotel restaurant. We worked very long hours, so no time for site seeing to sample the local cuisine.

For stays of more than a couple of weeks I always had an apartment allocated. I also travelled Business Class and always had an Avis rental car at the airport when I arrived. But if I wanted to take my wife ........ I paid for all her costs and she would have just sat in the apartment/hotel, left to her own devices from early morning until maybe midnight or even later. I believe the military in Cyprus only work a 35 hr week over five days?

Do you think if a battalion/squadron of hundreds of personnel are moved from Oxford to Cyprus they should be told “Off you go, find yourselves somewhere to live, healthcare/catering/childrens’ education/religious support, etc? Really?

THAT IS MY POINT! NO! because to any rational observer that would be ridiculous! What I say is why a ‘battalion/squadron’ of soldiers on active service needs to take their families with them? Why do the military not follow the norm in industry and provide travel and local transport, food, accommodation, and medical cover (if required) for the ‘worker’ whilst he is onsite, with a couple of weeks of home leave every three or four months. What the military does was proved to be an enormous and unnecessary financial burden on project costs many, many years ago and was all but abandoned.

From the late 80’s I went abroad to work on a permanent basis. Again the employer covered all requirements and, with one exception (soon corrected), accommodation was always to a very high standard. From Iran to Saudi always either an apartment or a shared ‘bungalow’ in an enclosed and guarded walled compound in Algeria and Saudi.

If you have hundreds of servicemen with families serving in fairly remote locations, or in foreign countries, of course you have to cater for their children’s education and provide healthcare and the other normal facilities.

THAT AGAIN IS MY POINT ....... why do you need to take your wife and children with you? Why not leave them in the UK, in their own house, close to relatives and friends, in a social environment they are familiar with and an education system the children are also familiar with?

The only things duty free to Forces personnel are tobacco and alcohol, both of which are rationed. Moreover, that only applies if you’re serving overseas. In the UK NAAFI supermarkets sell produce at prices which would tend to be unsustainable, we’re it not for the remoteness to people of the normal supermarkets.

You forgot the duty free cars and the fact the cars are flown back to the UK when the posting finishes without the duty being paid!

I don’t recognise your “entitlement” slur. Perhaps I need to look after a few cats. I do know that on several occasions before, you’ve talked about Servicemen’s wives in terms of their being loud mouthed sluts. You really have a mental issue in that respect. Actually, it was another forum boot feather in your cap.

One day after a couple of hours ‘doing’ the cats and walking the dogs, as a group of maybe 8-10 ‘civilians’ we regularly went to the coffee shop ....... that was until one day a ‘Do you know who my husband is?’ entitled officers wife told us that we were ‘Not entitled’ and should leave immediately or she would call in the MP’s. Guess what? She did call the MP’s and they could not believe what she had done or why, but suggested that given her husband’s rank, to avoid any trouble we should leave ..... after we had finished our coffee’s of course.

That day the base lost all those people who were prepared to look after the military families abandoned pet’s , all in their own time and without payment. So FWIW ..... I do know what it is like dealing with military wives ENTITLED phobia and their attitude to ‘civilians’.

FWIW, after 25 years service, and as a staff officer serving in HQ British Forces Cyprus at Episkopi, I lived with my wife and 2 kids in a prefab at Berengaria Village, Limassol. It was so dilapidated that they didn’t have the cheek to charge more than a nominal rent. There were no rank distinctions. My next door neighbour was a Supply Squadron Sergeant and his family. Everybody got on great.

If it was that bad why did you subject your wife and children to such a degrading and dreadful abuse of their health and safety in the first place? You could have rented privately! Do you have no pride? Is that the same Berengaria Village that is currently derelict and declared a health hazard because of the asbestos used in the construction?

Do try to confine yourself to things you actually (think you) know about.

Unlike you, I do just that! If I know nothing about a subject I usually don’t comment and if I do make a comment I make sure to advise it is IN MY OPINION.
BTW. We used to change (and buy!) our own light bulbs. More, absolutely ridiculous, nonsense.

That was 50 years ago ......... now, in this entitled environment, the maintenance people are expected to comply with the occupants every wish.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:23 pm

Look - I've just skimmed through your responses. I could answer each and every one. However, it would be the Mother of all posts. It's the usual blagging. Who - really - can be bothered?

You have no experience of what you're - angrily (as ever)- posting about. I've over 30 years. Not that it's a consideration of course. Often, in your case, if you've actual experience of something it's irrelevant unless, heaven forbid, anyone expresses an opinion on the like of Iran. But, as far as those who've spent decades in the Forces opinions go - pahhh, what do they know? I've heard it all ................. at the cat sanctuary.

In my Service career I spent over 5 years seperated from my Wife and Kids, due to service commitments. That's by no means unusual. The idea that it's unreasonable, members of the Forces who usually take up 3 or more year postings shouldn't do so accompanied by their families is................. Although, a great many serve - in some cases quite long - unaccompanied detachments.

You have on quite a few occasions shown a very bitter - well let's call a spade a spade - pretty offensive attitude to the UK Armed Forces. It seems you've never gotten over the fact that you couldn't run for pilot, due to medical reasons? Although, IIRC, your service years enabled you to get an HNC, which acted as a springboard for your future. You have had a lot of tragedy in your life which it's impossible not to feel sympathy for. Nevertheless, you seem to have a strong compulsion to find people to focus your anger about it all upon. Certainly, none of it was anything to do with little ole me.

I've gotten to know you well over the past 15 years and - FWIW - think you would never have gotten through the OASC (Officer and Aircrew Selection Course) at Biggin Hill. It's a tough - 3 day - very difficult hurdle. Tests I think originally created by the Wehrmach, way way back when, in those days, a Corporal, having been selected, had to undergo quite a gruelling 6 month course to make Sergeant. It's a very tried and tested ordeal. There's a strong emphasis not only upon intelligence but teamwork capability. The latter not, I suspect, your forte.

However, in that - unlikely - event I think 18 weeks of IOTC would have simply been beyond your capabilties. Not physically - allthough it's pretty hard - but mentally. They're pretty good at weeding out people who see themselves as exceptional individuals rather than team workers - if you know what I mean. You've often traded upon related insults about "programming". Bitterness - nothing less.

For a man of your obvious outstanding potential the answer was clearly to fast-track you to the seat of a fighter jet. Bypassing all of that leadership nonsense. Allowing you to formulate a personal position on the morality of any missions. An opportunity lost.

Finaly to add - thank you for insight into these days, where "maintenace" are called - in order to "comply with the occupants every wish" regarding things like light bulb changes. I missed out on that one - unlike you.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:52 pm

Londonrake wrote:Look - I've just skimmed through your responses. I could answer each and every one. However, it would be the Mother of all posts. It's the usual blagging. Who - really - can be bothered?

You have no experience of what you're - angrily (as ever)- posting about. I've over 30 years. Not that it's a consideration of course. Often, in your case, if you've actual experience of something it's irrelevant unless, heaven forbid, anyone expresses an opinion on the like of Iran. But, as far as those who've spent decades in the Forces opinions go - pahhh, what do they know? I've heard it all ................. at the cat sanctuary.

In my Service career I spent over 5 years seperated from my Wife and Kids, due to service commitments. That's by no means unusual. The idea that it's unreasonable, members of the Forces who usually take up 3 or more year postings shouldn't do so accompanied by their families is................. Although, a great many serve - in some cases quite long - unaccompanied detachments.

You have on quite a few occasions shown a very bitter - well let's call a spade a spade - pretty offensive attitude to the UK Armed Forces. It seems you've never gotten over the fact that you couldn't run for pilot, due to medical reasons? Although, IIRC, your service years enabled you to get an HNC, which acted as a springboard for your future. You have had a lot of tragedy in your life which it's impossible not to feel sympathy for. Nevertheless, you seem to have a strong compulsion to find people to focus your anger about it all upon. Certainly, none of it was anything to do with little ole me.

I've gotten to know you well over the past 15 years and - FWIW - think you would never have gotten through the OASC (Officer and Aircrew Selection Course) at Biggin Hill. It's a tough - 3 day - very difficult hurdle. Tests I think originally created by the Wehrmach, way way back when, in those days, a Corporal, having been selected, had to undergo quite a gruelling 6 month course to make Sergeant. It's a very tried and tested ordeal. There's a strong emphasis not only upon intelligence but the teamwork capability. Not I suspect your forte.

However, in that - unlikely - event I think 18 weeks of IOTC would have simply been beyond your capabilties. Not physically - allthough it's pretty hard - but mentally. They're pretty good at weeding out people who see themselves as exceptional individuals rather than team workers - if you know what I mean. You've often traded upon reated insults about "programming".

For a man of your obvious outstanding potential the answer was clearly to fast-track you to the seat of a fighter jet. Bypassing all of that leadership nonsense. Allowing you to formulate a personal position on the morality of any missions. An opportunity lost.

Finaly to add - thank you for insight into these days maintenace are called - in order to "comply with the occupants every wish" regarding things like light bulb changes. I missed out on that one - unlike you.

How little you know! I went from drawing board to engineer, to Snr Engineer, to Lead Instrumentation and Control Engineer on a $1.4bn project, something I could never have done with UK Company ........ because I don't have a degree just an HNC! What I did in the RAF as an apprentice had nothing to do with my HNC or my eventual career. Luckily for me the Yanks go by performance and to get performance from a team you have to be one of them. I was ALWAYS a team player and worked well with people to get the performance the company required.

The last position I got whilst on the escalator to baggage reclaim at Heathrow on the completion of a Project in Algeria when the PROJECT MANAGER saught me out and told me to ".... expect a phone call"! :wink: I did the following week and was called to Head Office. I spent three months in London preparing for the Saudi Project with the design team and the clients engineers. After a brief holiday at home in Cyprus I went to Saudi ..... and stayed for over four years.

I have to admit that I never really got on with the 'I know everything knob twidler's' :roll: ..... known in the trade as Process Operators! Like you they knew everything, hated being advised or questioned and when things went wrong they then tried to bullshit their way out of it they found out that heir bull shit did not beat my 'brains' ! The reverse of course if they were blamed and it was not their fault, then I came down on their side.

As usual you spew a load of self opinionated, mostly irrelevant, garbage. :roll: :roll: So do me a favour and keep your opinions of me to yourself ...... I am not interested and I doubt many others are interested in your ego trips,

BTW: I see you have virtually collapsed the forum on the other side of the Island, the one you got me banned from for supposedly 'threatening' you? The last post in their Discussion section was added just before Xmas and you were obviously a prolific contributor. You do it every time! :roll:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:08 pm

RH, I was very lucky in life. I had a father who put value of education top. He used to say get your degree and hang it on the wall and do what ever you like after that. I suspect LR has no degree as he is forever trying to throw the chip off his shoulder. He has to prove he is better than anybody else and just makes himself look so stupid. Consequently he has no understanding what a degree gives a person, and it is not just the subject matter that they deal with, it is how to view, analyse and solve problems.

Consequently having a degree gives you the confidence to do anything you choose. And of course it opens doors in the UK as you found out not having it. Most companies ask for degree for any management jobs. But there is nothing like real experience and expertise to find one's place in life and do well, be respected and have a happy life. Which is why I no longer read his posts nor respond to them. There is no point. I try to make my posts short and to the point.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:18 pm

Robin Hood wrote:How little you know! I went from drawing board to engineer, to Snr Engineer, to Lead Instrumentation and Control Engineer on a $1.4bn project, something I could never have done with UK Company ........ because I don't have a degree just an HNC! What I did in the RAF as an apprentice had nothing to do with my HNC or my eventual career. Luckily for me the Yanks go by performance and to get performance from a team you have to be one of them. I was ALWAYS a team player and worked well with people to get the performance the company required.

The last position I got whilst on the escalator to baggage reclaim at Heathrow on the completion of a Project in Algeria when the PROJECT MANAGER saught me out and told me to ".... expect a phone call"! :wink: I did the following week and was called to Head Office. I spent three months in London preparing for the Saudi Project with the design team and the clients engineers. After a brief holiday at home in Cyprus I went to Saudi ..... and stayed for over four years.

I have to admit that I never really got on with the 'I know everything knob twidler's' :roll: ..... known in the trade as Process Operators! Like you they knew everything, hated being advised or questioned and when things went wrong they then tried to bullshit their way out of it they found out that heir bull shit did not beat my 'brains' ! The reverse of course if they were blamed and it was not their fault, then I came down on their side.

As usual you spew a load of self opinionated, mostly irrelevant, garbage. :roll: :roll: So do me a favour and keep your opinions of me to yourself ...... I am not interested and I doubt many others are interested in your ego trips,

BTW: I see you have virtually collapsed the forum on the other side of the Island, the one you got me banned from for supposedly 'threatening' you? The last post in their Discussion section was added just before Xmas and you were obviously a prolific contributor. You do it every time! :roll:

Look. As I said before - and before that. I tried hard to strike a reasonable line with you. Sadly, I understand now that actually it's a fallacy. You simply can't tolerate anybody who doesn't just sycophantically accept your views. Very quickly reverting to insulting posts - and that's what you did, quite shortly after you rejoined this forum. You ........did........ this.

You wouldn't have noticed but we've both actually sat next to a "real" Project Manager in your particular domain. He was PM of major Petro Chemical projects in Saudi, Russia, China and the UK. Remaining a consultant for many years after retiring here. A man with quite impressive properties, here, in Dubai and the UK. When I passingly (thinking innocently that you might actually have worked together) touched upon your claim to fame he momentarily weighed it up then expressed the view that you're a bullshitter. Much as the man who was one of the top execs in Halifax/BoS, within our same group, thought you were with your "authoritative" money creation BS.

Conversely, although living in a very nice house here (lovely panoramic view of the Akrotiri peninsular) within the "Police State" cultural sphere that you so clearly despise, you scrape by on a basic pension. Let people be their own judge of what Project Management in the high flying world of the petro-chemical industry means.

I can trade insults with you until the cows come home. How bad do you want it? Pointing out that you can't confine yourself to - whatever - on any forum but have to try to make trouble by winding other people up or writing poison pen emails to newspapers? I've never done you any harm at all - bar denting your ego on various forums - and have never had any interest in doing so. Your fantasy that I was intent upon "paying you a visit" was just that.

A few days ago Lordo posted something about an anoymous person on a radio show talking about his anonymous friend from Ukraine, as if to make some sort of point. I used a well known metaphor of somebody hearing about something from a mate down the pub. Out of the blue you jumped in and made an insinuation that I was a drunkard. That was a typical example of the way you do forum business wrt me these days. There are others.

I'm willing to draw a line under all of this. Returning to a state of treating each other - despite often disparaging views - with a modicum of respect. Or, we can continue slagging off each other. Which, lately, I have started to form the view that you actualy enjoy.

Trust me in that though, it isn't me that will be losing any sleep.

What's your pleasure?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:23 pm

Lordo wrote:RH, I was very lucky in life. I had a father who put value of education top. He used to say get your degree and hang it on the wall and do what ever you like after that. I suspect LR has no degree as he is forever trying to throw the chip off his shoulder. He has to prove he is better than anybody else and just makes himself look so stupid. Consequently he has no understanding what a degree gives a person, and it is not just the subject matter that they deal with, it is how to view, analyse and solve problems.

Consequently having a degree gives you the confidence to do anything you choose. And of course it opens doors in the UK as you found out not having it. Most companies ask for degree for any management jobs. But there is nothing like real experience and expertise to find one's place in life and do well, be respected and have a happy life. Which is why I no longer read his posts nor respond to them. There is no point. I try to make my posts short and to the point.

You've formed the habit of - in essence - replying to my posts but via third parties. That's gutless. Either confront the issues that your often provocative posts on controversial issues present or have the balls to actually STFU. You have the option to block of course - but you don't want to, do you? Heaven forbid you shouldn't know what responses your posts are attracting, There really aren't that many. :wink:
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