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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:50 pm

Even after looing two of the safest Swine seats, they still don't get it. They think if they give tax cuts to the top earners somehow they will win the election.

They are not worried about the cost of living for the low paid or the millions of people who are working and have to go to food banks to feed themselves. They are not worried about the mortgages that have gone up by as much as 1500 per month. Nor the price of gas and electricity which has fallen below pre Ukraine war level but still remain far too high.

What a shit show we now have. A Swine government which is hanging onto power no matter how much pain they are causing the people.
In case my Swine friends are wondering why I use the links to Bullshit corporation, I would have thought the reason is obvious.
Do I need to explain even that?
If I posted links to the Morning Star or Socialists Workers Party newspapers would it work better for you. The best way to defeat the Swine is to use their own weapons against them. That's the way you get through into their thick Swine skull.

Oh ok than here is an article you may not be interested in. There there, you can sleep easy now my Swine little friend. Little in body and mind and perhaps in many other ways too. Who knows?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:42 pm

The Swine are running for cover. First it was BoZo who changed mobiles and did not want to hand over his old mobile and now the same ploy is used by Dr Death. He claims he has changed his mobile several times and has not backed them up. We now also have Simon Case pretending that he is sick just as he is about to give evidence. I say that's rather convenient ain it?

What's up messages cannot be deleted after a while from the system, only what is visible on your mobile. It will appear in the mobiles of everybody else who have received the messages and I have no doubt it was backed up by Whatsap too.

So much for ruling with integrity and transparency. Sooner or later the truth will be out and these swine will not have a rock to hide behind.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:48 pm

Was this not done back in 2019 which gave BoZo a huge majority? Clearly the Brexshiites are not best please with the Brexit they managed to get under the Swine. They clearly wanted a far harder Brexshit. I wonder if they will help the Swine again next year in the General election but I suspect even if they do, it will make very little difference to the result.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:31 pm

Now this explains why the JCB CEO was so kind to BoZo just after he lost the vote to be leader of the Swine party. This is why he allowed Bozo to use his mansion in the country. He was helping him with his tax avoidance and the investigation by HMRC.
It also explains why JCB was given a contract to build ICUs during the pandemic. I suppose they could redesign some of their diggers to work as ICU.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:03 pm

Shared appreciation mortgages: The 1990s deals that became a nightmare

Which bastard came up with this idea to lend 16k to an old person and ask for 165K in return. It does have a nice sounding name though.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:53 pm

Don't you love our king. He inherited over a billion pounds without paying any tax, he claims Universal Credit from the tax payer of over 80 million pounds a year without paying tax, he also earns from his estate hundreds of millions of pounds without paying tax and apparently has also has offshore accounts. What the fuck for, he does not pay any tax anyway.

But he is a decent sort of a fella like, as he is trying to help the poor get some food right?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 24, 2023 5:54 pm

When a person is of dark complexion finding justice is not that easy.

it has taken the Swine 4 years to hear the plight of a child left in a refugee camp, with loss of all her children. The best justice money can buy that's for sure.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:00 pm

The two legged type Swine are a strange beast.

A Government minister has expressed regret that the Brexit referendum did not require a supermajority to pass.

Northern Ireland Office minister and leading Brexiteer Steve Baker made the comments as he suggested a “50% plus one” majority would not be advisable for a vote on Irish unification.

No shit Sherlock.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:38 am

You cannot make this shit up.

There are two reasons why they are floods.
1. Drains are not maintained to take the water away
2. People built in the flood plane.

Back in the day a peasant built a house on the flood plane of a stream and he had the common sense to build it on columns high enough not be effected.

And that was a fella who could not read or write.

Perhaps Koffeeffee can tell us what kind of rain caused flooding and what kind of rain does not.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Oct 26, 2023 4:51 pm

So a woman who died 1800 years ago was declared to be the first African origin human to be living on this land. It turns out her DNA says otherwise. She was a Cypriot.
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