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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:13 pm

Talk of media making something out of nothing.

More than 100 officers have turned in permits allowing them to carry weapons, a source told the BBC. There are more than 2,500 armed officers in the Met.

So what if 100 objected to a policeman being charged for murder after shooting an unarmed individual and handed their weapons back. The police are not above the law. They are not supposed to shoot unless they see danger and an unarmed man displays no danger. How many armed incidents are there in a day in Met Police area that the army may be called in. Even if they are called it, what is wrong with one army man attached to each police armed unit as a back up.

On 5 September 2022, Mr Kaba was fatally hit by a gunshot fired by a Met Police officer into the vehicle he was driving in Streatham, south London.

The construction worker, who was months away from becoming a father when he was shot, died in hospital the following day.

It later emerged the Audi Mr Kaba was driving, which did not belong to him, had been linked by police to a gun incident the day before.

Where was the threat to the public or the police that prompted this policeman to shoot to kill. Surely he had other choices.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:43 pm

Now here is an idiot and a half. When Corbyn won the leadership this idiot instead of joining him to help win the election, he fucked off and decided to become mayor in Manchester supposedly he could achieve more for the north.

He did not consider the fact that it is the Swine government that would control what he could do. Perhaps now he realises but I suspect he is still none the wiser.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:46 pm

You cannot make it up.

Gordon Brown today demanded a global tax on countries which banked “staggering'' profits from the high price of oil last year

The former Prime Minister said the windfall levy would help poorer nations in the fight against climate change. Nations such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and Norway benefited from a "lottery-style bonanza" after their profits more than doubled in 2022 following the spike in the global oil price, the ex-Labour leader said.

The oil corporations make far more profit than the countries but this Swine cannot bring himself to mention how much profits they have made and tax them. Surely they can be taxed on the profits they make here. Currently they pay very little tax because it is so easy to evade tax under current tax laws.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 26, 2023 4:14 pm

Wow, this is an eye opener what has been going on in the Swine world. Amazing what you can find out about the Royal Family.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:40 pm

Kentler is mentioned in this podcast.

Here it is.

In 2017, a German man who goes by the name Marco came across an article in a Berlin newspaper with a photograph of a professor he recognized from childhood. The first thing he noticed was the man’s lips. They were thin, almost nonexistent, a trait that Marco had always found repellent. He was surprised to read that the professor, Helmut Kentler, had been one of the most influential sexologists in Germany. The article described a new research report that had investigated what was called the “Kentler experiment.” Beginning in the late sixties, Kentler had placed neglected children in foster homes run by pedophiles. The experiment was authorized and financially supported by the Berlin Senate. In a report submitted to the Senate, in 1988, Kentler had described it as a “complete success.”

You cannot make this up.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:02 pm

You spend couple of weeks in a city and it is amazing what you learn from it.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:16 pm

What a stupid excuse for a human being.

She says:

British culture ‘will disappear’ without migration controls, says Braverman

This is a page out of BNP propaganda but lets have a look at reality. She is not talking about 1,000,000 migrants which came into UK last year legally which this government allowed, she is talking about 40,000 odd refugees which came in small boats. Not that it does anything of the kind. Migration has taken for thousands of years and it enriches countries.

Now is she stupid or is she stupid.

On another note she claims it is too easy to be a refugee and yet my Swine friend here claims 96% of refugees are refused in Cyprus and 70% of Refugees are refused in Europe. So if he is correct it cannot be that easy.

Suecrappa is asking the UN to change the Refugee Convention when there are 100 Million refugees all over the world, 75% of which actually do not travel far but either stay in another part of their own country or in a neigbouring country which can ill afford to look after them.

In the meamtime the west is having a field day causing wars and selling arms like there is no tomorrow and stealing poor countries' resources on the cheap to boot.


Something does not add up here, who is right and who is wrong.

On the other hand surely she was not referring to the blond refugees from Ukraine right? Can you imagine if this Swine was white? Would she be able to get away with what she is trying to do or say? I suspect not. Of course she is also not aware that she herself is the result of multi culture policies of this country.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 27, 2023 3:47 pm

Private Schools can in no way be seen as charities and yet in Swineland they are registered as such. Which means they are exempt from VAT or any other tax.

The media immediately latches onto the idea that there are parents who have to go without in order to send their children to private schools and they cannot possibly afford to pay the VAT.

What utter nonsense.

They also assume that private schools are better than Comprehensive schools. Clearly they have no understanding of how the comprehensive system works.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Maximus » Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:12 pm

She has a point, the UN treaty for refugees was created over 70 years ago and needs modernizing with the times.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:34 pm

This has to be a joke right?

Britain and Spain are locked in a diplomatic row after Rishi Sunak demanded that illegal migration be the focus of a meeting of European leaders next week.

The Prime Minister wants the European Political Community (EPC) summit to make the issue its top priority as he continues attempts to tackle the Channel crossings crisis.

He actually wants to control what the EU leaders will talk about. I don't know how many times it has to be explained to this asshole, there is nothing illegal about refugees coming over in boats. They have only got themselves to blame. Suella admitted as much at a parliamentary committee meeting.
The only way for people to apply for a refugee status is when they land. People used to come over on planes with visas, but few decades ago they closed the visa offices for refugees and also banned people coming over any other way. Small boats is the last choice possible.

If you want to see this stupid idiot watch her at 2:34 how explains that by applying for refugee status at the point of entry is legal.

If you continue to watch it you will see the absolute incompetence of the Home Office.

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