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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 21, 2023 6:01 pm

The old Tory in Labour disguise has one decent principle in him after all. He does not want UK to diverge too much from the EU regulations. It makes financial sense. The closer we are the more we can sell to them. If divergence means lowering of standards that's bad news. If divergence means higher standards, the more the better.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 21, 2023 6:58 pm

There you have it folks. The Swine bank cuts off the honey to our Swine friends and they do a run on the pound. So there goes any gains made in inflation, it will go up again. There is only one way to deal with these blood sucking parasites. I say give them a fair trial first............
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:17 pm

Interesting question though is who did Fishy consult before deciding to break his own law his MPs voted for to delay no new petrol and Diesel cars for sale beyond 2030. it seems he caught the motor trade unawares. In any case without getting it through parliament he will be challenged in courts. If he cannot get in through parliament now with his majority he inherited from BoZo, he is unlikely to have the same majority after the election if at all.

In nay case he could have waited for a few more years and a consultation with motor trade before deciding to delay it. He should have put it to parliament before announcing it.

This is clearly an extension of the trick they have done in Uxbridge by-election where they lied through their teeth as to how much it would affect the poor people. That was a bit of a cheek mind you as they implemented the cost of living on the poor and the increase the mortgage payments supposedly to fix inflation despite the fact that the problem was never too much money supply.

So it seems Fishy thinks being against ULEZ saved his skin at Uxbridge byelection so he can use anti-environment policies to win the election. What an absolute bastard he has turned out to be. Mind you tell me a Swine that is not a bastard.

You cannot make it up. While the schools are in dire trouble with teacher shortages and dangerous buildings, instead of concentrating fixing these problems Fishy goes around a goose chase to change the A'Levels. What the hell is wrong with the fuckers that needs urgent fixing now other than cause a lot more havoc for A'Level Students and Teachers.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:32 pm

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Re: La La Land

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:55 pm

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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:18 pm

Lordo wrote:Very well put by the Gruniad.

Do make your mind up. On some occasions calling the BBC "the British Bullshit Corporation" whilst repeatedly using their articles to support your point of view. Here using the Guardian - regardless of it being part of "The criminal western MSM".

Gotta stay in with "the boys" though of course.

Hypocritical twat.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Sep 23, 2023 12:27 pm

The media here is full of shit.

One Swine today on a call claimed today that Germany and France turn down 70% of applications for the Refugees and all these refugees are instead getting into small boats and travelling to UK.

Now considering about 40,000 people arrived here last year, this suggests that 64000 people came into France and Germany last year. That is full of shit as France alone gave asylum to over 100,000 people and Germany had over 2 million because of the Ukraine war.

The caller was talking out of his ass and the presenter did not challenge him at all.

The cheek of asking the Germans and the French not to allow any refugees to come here when they take far more than is beyond belief.

Anyway the rant is over, back to normal life for a Saturday.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:56 pm

If only we can find out how much back handers the Swine are getting from HS2. To call a construction scheme a Project when it will take 20 years just goes to show how much they understand about Project Management. I suspect they are not using any methodology at all. Make it up as you go along. Otherwise known as MIUAYGA. The most chaotic project management known to mankind.

At the time of the 2010 election, estimates of the cost of HS2 ranged upwards of £20bn.

By January 2012, when the broad route of the proposed scheme was in place, this had risen to £32.6bn.

In June 2013, the coalition government increased the overall cost to £42.6bn and in November 2015, when the figures were updated, in line with inflation, to £55.7bn.

The DfT's latest estimate of the cost of HS2 has spiralled even higher, to between £72bn and £98bn.

But Lord Berkeley, former deputy chairman of the government's independent review into the project, says it could climb to £107bn.

How the hell can they work out how much something costs 5 years down the line never mind 20 years down the line. Judging by the current increase in price it looks more like 500 billion, and for what? to travel to Birmingham 20 minutes quicker. Add to that the fact that the pandemic changed the way we work now and most of us can work from home and you begin to realise how stupid this enterprise is. Whilst at the same time you have such a bad service from Yorkshire to Manchester.

What a shit show this has turned out to be.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:56 am

Interesting call this morning on London Bullshit Corporation presented by the stupidest presenter in the world Andrew Castle.

He believes people pay tax twice if their children pay inheritance tax. Which is simply not true.

Lets take an example. A person bought a house 40 years ago for 20,000 pounds. By the time the house is paid for that person must have paid 50,000 pounds. So, this individual was taxed at about 30% tax and insurance for the money paid. So, move on 40 years on, this house is now worth a million pounds. The house has gained in value of some 950,000 over that period. It is this gain that is being taxed. But before it is taxed the original value is taken out first. Then there is the Inheritance tax allowance of 350,000 pounds so in fact the 40% tax charged is for 600,000 gained over the period.

In UK, there is a facility for an individual to transfer their wealth to their children 7 years before their death so the children do not need to pay any tax. This 7 year rule only applies to the property one lives in if they vacate it after transfer or pay their children the going rate of rent for the house. Now this is the one that catches most people as they have nowhere else to go and once they retire there is no way of paying the rent so they are trapped, they have no other choice other than wait till death and let the children pay tax.

The Swine have been in government for 13 years, and yet they have not once increased the ITA whilst the houses have probably trebled in that time. But it is funny how looming election concentrates the Swine brain cells and they start talking about lowering inheritance tax.

Of course the Swine themselves can afford to employ lawyers to set up schemes to avoid this tax or give most of their wealth to their children without paying a penny in tax.

Go figure.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:54 am

Going back to HS2, I see today it has flared up again. In reality the time to scrap the whole thing was back 2012 when the cost went up by more than 50% in a matter of two years. Three more years later it went up by 150% and now it is about 500% higher. The alarm bells should have been ringing by then as they were not expecting to finish it before 2030. But to make themselves look good they continued anyway. And now they are blaming cost of living crises for the excuse to scrap it which is something they deliberately created.

What shower.
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