This is interesting news. years ago a priest actually said that if an individual steals food to survive he should be allowed. Of course we have now food banks where people do not have to steal to get food if they cannot afford to buy it.
But this phenomenon of stealing has to causes in its roots. One is cost of living, people simply do not have enough money to survive. But there is another cause which is connected with the police force decision as to which crimes to respond to. If you call the police, unless your life is in danger they do not bother to respond especially if the stolen goods are less than 200 pounds. In these cases they will just send you a crime number for insurance purposes. If it exceeds their limit, they will send somebody to collect evidence etc in the next few days.
But I can assure this has nothing to do with the Swine cutting the Police numbers by 20,000 back in 2012 despite what our Swine here claim that they were increasing public budgets.
I mean there are mushrooms and there are mushrooms but our mushroom in this forum are something else, you know what I mean?