Lordo wrote:Thy must know thy self.
As with most subjects you just go round and around, paying no attention to what's previously been said.
When you've come up with the same foul-mouth ranting accusation in the past I've pointed out I couldn't care less about the current UK government. They're not Conservatives or even as good as the inept people that used to be called "wets". I fully expect them to take a dive at the next election, which will be well deserved. The alternative though I suspect won't be any better. It's the same Hobson's choice the US is faced with. Of one thing I'm certain. The UK will never end up with the loony-left Leninist governance you seem to fantisise about. Outside of your little north London bubble you simply haven't got a clue about the average voter there.
I'd be interested in a few examples of where I've expressed hate for criticism of the current governing gaggle.

Given you often don't read or understand your own stuff - let alone what others say - I'm not holding my breath though.
My attitude differs from yours, in that you're psychotically obsessed with a hatred of all things Conservative. Which is why we get a daily foul-mouthed dirge of stuff on the subject. About which I suspect the few active posters on this forum have little interest.
You should stick to Cypriot politics. At which some of your posts are at least interesting and informative.
You're a Turkish Cypriot. Try concentrating on those matters and stop boring people fartless with your incessant UK Swineology bile.
As an addendum. You are without doubt the most depressively negative person I have ever come across in over 15 years of foruming. Perhaps with the exception of your sucking up Ukrainian posts I can't recall your ever having a positive thing to say about anything. I imagine you don't get invited to many parties.