Lordo wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:Lordo wrote:
Just one though.
Home is not an investment. It is where where people live. Investmentising it restricts a persons human right to a home to live in. It is time to look at this shitty situation and correct it. After all slavery was also legal and was got rid of. An Empty home is a crime against humanity when hundreds of thousands of people are homeless around the world.
Apparently millions and millions of people disagree with you, I guess that makes them racist or something...?
weeeeeel you are assuming that the people who have a vote and vote the for the Swine all do it because of free will. So the Swine whop take control of all the media and make no money from their activities are doing it out of the goodness of their heart.
One day you may see the light, but I fear your light will suddenly become visible at the point of death.
So you are claiming that the millions and millions (billions?) of people that invest in property (rather than shares, gold, hide it under the mattress, etc.) do so against their free will...?
Honestly, if you hadn't done so many times before I'd have said this was a 'Jump the Shark' moment!

What a mong...