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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:24 pm

These poor corporations have been fined for paying below minimum wages to their workers.

Sports Direct
WH Smiths

You gotta feel for them right?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:06 am

And yet Swine claim wage rises are inflationary, despite the fact that people have had pay cuts for 13 years. You would think that would cause negative inflation but no we have higher inflation than our competitors.

Increasing interest rates is supposed to reduce inflation and it is not. So clearly there are other reasons for inflation.
Reason 1 - Brexit. We now pay more for the goods we buy from the EU because it is taxed.
Reason 2 - Excessive profits made by super markets and energy companies and other Corporations too.

Windfall tax does not help one bit. Because they can easily avoid the tax. There is only one way to curb inflation and that is to stop the Swine making excessive profits. If you can control what percentage pay rise people can have, why can't the government also control what percentage profit the corporations can make.

Our electricity has more than doubled and yet France only had 5% increase in Electricity. Why? Because Electricity is nationalised. After the Electricity prices went through the roof, Germans nationalised it too.

The solution is staring us in the face and we look the other way.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:59 pm

Oh shiiiiiit

so much for the Swine can be trusted with the economy.

The cost of servicing the Government's debt mountain to more than £500 billion over the next five years
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:06 am

OMG we now have a new member in the LA LA Land Club.

Greece has elected a new right wing government.

His second term “can transform Greece at a dynamic pace of development which will increase salaries and reduce inequality, with better and free public health care, with a more effective and digital state and a strong country”, he added.

Where have I heard that before. Shiiiiiit are the public that stupid. They fall for it every time.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:10 pm

When Fishy Surenack says he wants the Public sector to receive responsible pay rise, what he really means is a pay cut. He is offering workers 5% pay rise when Inflation is over 10%. That is a pay cut which ever way you cut it.

People are sick of hearing this shit. There is no better day it will never happen. They promised the same back in the 80s and they are still promising it today.

They can bugger ooouuuuuffffffff
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:22 pm

A Swine is a Swine is a Swine is a Swine.

Can you imagine Hitler going up to some Jewish families and saying Sorry? This fuckin cunt tried to.

What is it about the Swine that makes them him what ever they have done including murder, just saying sorry somehow will be acceptable. Like fuck it will
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:13 pm

If the appeal court decides the Rwanda policy is wrong on the grounds that it is not a safe country, the Swine are hell bend on doing it. Yet it will coat 169,000 pounds to take an individual to Rwanda and hear their case there. And of course once decision is made there, if accepted they are not allowed to return to UK. Niiiiiice

The Swine have lost their humanity. I would have said they are AI creation but they are not that clever too. But of course they suit the purposes of the Establishment so they can win power.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:39 pm

Home Secretary Cruella Braverman said the policy would "smash the business model of the people smuggling gangs" saying she was "determined to deliver and I won't take a backward step".

I mean surely there is another way. The Ukrainians were given access to an office in Poland, one in France and a website to be able to apply for visas to come in as refugees. Nobody went to any gangs and pay thousands of pounds and risk their lives. If this witch wanted to smash the business model of the gangs they could implement similar thing near Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen and hardly anybody would have any use for boats. Some of these refugees risk their lives twice on a boat to get here.

This is to do with the election. They want to go into election having fucked up the country first with brexshit and then the pandemic appealing to their racist following to win power. And they may still yet win again. It is not easy to explain to an idiot that he is being taken for fool.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:14 pm

Every so often you thin it can't get any worse and than bang. Out comes another statement that would put the Nazis to shame.

"Phoney humanitarianism" is holding back plans to tackle small boat crossings, the Home Secretary has said.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:44 am

What a turn up for the books for the Swine. In a show of QT where there were more Swine voters than any other party, when asked if they support the Rwanda policy, not one person said they did.

Fishy your time is a coming up baby. Time to get your net out.

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