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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:07 pm

Swine media is showing its parasitic nature again. They just will not let Schofield be till I guess he finally tops himself.

If indeed he groomed a 15 year old boy than give him a fair trial. He certainly was instrumental in getting him a job at ITV and getting him promotion too.

Now if this was an old man with a young woman most people would say whoa go on my son. But because this is a homosexual relationship all the knives are out to get him.

The other side of me thinks he deserves it for what he did to Corby on live TV shouting at him asking him to apologies for antisemitism. That's when I cursed him and wished him a really really bad piece of luck so his life falls apart. How was I to know it would turn out to work. I better use this new found power less frequent though.

On a lighter note.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:33 am

Lordo wrote:The other side of me thinks he deserves it for what he did to Corby on live TV shouting at him asking him to apologies for antisemitism. That's when I cursed him and wished him a really really bad piece of luck so his life falls apart. How was I to know it would turn out to work. I better use this new found power less frequent.

:D :D :D
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 04, 2023 12:18 pm

The Swine government has reached ne debts of depravity. The Swineasswipe sees nothing wrong with asking 4 people who do not know each other to sleep in a small room on bunkbeds.

They are also deliberately confusing the issue by referring to the refugees as illegal migrants. Fact is this are not migrants at all, they are refugees and this fact has been established by their own civil servants when they decided to grant 80% of the backlog refugee status without any checks. There is a case of a Afghan pilot who actually worked for the armed forces and was left behind during their retreat. He has made it to Britain on a small boat as there is no other choice for him and he is about to be deported. There is another case of a Judge in Afghanistan who was also left behind and he managed to get to Pakistan and has somehow contacted the British authorities to get permission and is told there is no accommodation for him to stay in Pakistan. So he keeps moving around in Pakistan so as not to be found and killed fear of his life.

In reality though the problem is not the boats at all. You can solve that by setting up an asylum office in France. The boats will stop over night. The real issue is the 1 million migrants they allowed in legally last year. Surely they are giving them permission to enter and they can just as easily reduce those numbers which is what they promised to do all along. The small boats issue is a very recent phenomenon.

This is very sickening situation indeed. Sooner we have an election the better.

On another note an enquiry has been set up to investigate the response to covid by the Swine and they are taking legal action to restrict what it can look at. If this is not a cover up I do not know what is.

I for one would like to know the conversation that took place between the ministers when they decided to ignore the offer of ICUs from company that produced them in this country and decided to award the contracts to Swine Dyson and the Swine JCB owner when they have never been involved in such equipment under the emergency situation we found ourselves in.

One last thing is BoZo's excuse for not making available his what's up messages before Spring 2021, which is the most crucial time. Why was the phone compromised if the number was available online. It is such a poor excuse to use to try to hide the truth.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:15 pm

So BoZo is up to his usual tricks, run for hills just before the verdict on lies in parliament. Now that the two Swinesteigers have has a falling out, perhaps a few more truths will come about the pandemic and the contracts awarded.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:36 pm

When you look at the situation in Swineland, shit really has hit the fan.

Even if we take it to be 12% per year the cost of what we consume has gone up by 12 pounds on an average weekly shopping. Lest leave energy out as it was about 400%. The energy prices have not really come down that much even though the price of wholesale gas is down to pre-Ukraine war level. In the meantime they have tried to control inflation by putting up interest rates 12 times in 12 months. So now we have average Joe paying more than 400 pounds per month. Where is the fuckin sense of increasing interests. Never mind whether interest rates were the correct tool to control inflation.

Interest rates is used to reduce inflation when tyhere is too much moone in the system. This is clearly not the situation when over 6 million people mostly working are having to claim Universal credit to just heat their homes and put food on the table.

It is clear as day the two reasons for inflation is supply problems due to due to pandemic and Ukrainian war and of course the idiots who voted for brexit which now means we have to pay tax on everything we buy from the EU.

But we still braind dead swine toilet cleaners here who claim that interest rise is the only solution.

If you want to control inflation, you have to adopt a prices and incomes policy like the Labour governments of 70s. Ironically we had high inflation in the 70s because the way Oil went from 7 dollars a barrel to 33 dollars a barrel. The Energy companies and Supermarkets have quadrupled their profits since Ukrainian war and nobody bats an eyelid. This Swine government has to go.

I wonder if Fishy has the balls to call an election. I remember a Swine member calling Corbyn a coward for not wanting an election not so long ago. What Swinecunts we have in the world.

You could buy a house in the 70s and after a few years the wages went up so much that you ended up paying a smaller portion of your wages than when you started, In them days you could buy a hose in London with 3 times your annual salary. Now you need 15 times your salary to buy the cheapest house
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:52 pm

What a revelation. They have just established that we were not ready for the pandemic. Bur for those of us who take interest the way the country is run it was obvious in 2016. Medical stores in hospitals were empty. And yet they took no action to get prepared.

The whole Swine government should be given a fair trial,
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:51 am

Finally some common sense in the Commons.

Bozo would have been banned for 90 days for his lies. His pass is also going to be removed to enter parliament as an x-MP.

He should really be locked up for the barbarism he inflicted in Swineland. He enjoyed his parties whilst people were forbidden to even bury their dead.

But he does hope that the Swine will lose the next election and he can come back and save the Swine. I mean how fuckin deluded is this privileged cunt.

Now this is coming from the Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation and they are bound to sugar coat situation.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 17, 2023 3:46 pm

Today a plane flew very close over my roof and I was convinced it was going to crash. Apparently it was a fly pass to celebrate the old Swineparasite's birthday.

What a waste of fuckin little resources we have.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:34 pm

This one was written for the Turkish people but it just as well applies to people in Swineland who are striking to get a fair pay rise.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:02 pm

When will this Swine government and the assholes and Bank of Swines realise that having increased interest rates 12 times in a row, increasing it 13th time to 6% which is a 23 year high is also not going to make any difference either. Instead they will make a lot of people homeless.

It really is not a rocket science to realise wat is causing the inflation. This type of inflation is Greedflation. The supermarkets buy the milk for 35 pence a pint and sell it for 90 pence. What the fuck do they do to it to cause such increase in price. Clearly the Energy Corporations and Supermarket Corporation are making huge profits while the people are suffering. Where as even though gas and oil wholesale prices are at the level before the Ukrainian war and yet the prices are still very high. They don't seem to realise that high energy prices is pushing inflation up and no amount of interest rates hike will make a blind bit of difference.

You go to love these assholes though claiming that the 5% increase in wages some people are getting is also responsible for keeping inflation high.
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