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Australians spreading viruses.

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Australians spreading viruses.

Postby erolz66 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:51 pm

Well as is my way I was re reading the entire "Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?" thread from the beginning. Try it yourself, might find some of the things said and claimed back then by certain people quite interesting / amusing / frustrating in light of all we have seen since re the covid-19 pandemic. I certainly have so far :)

But to the topic of this thread, whilst doing so I came across this post from our Australian friend. cyprus47300-320.html#p894890

In it he embeds an image from another website
Code: Select all

note the end of the file path - "droll-pro-trump-memes.jpg". So clearly a funny pro trump jpg. So what ? Big deal ?

well when chrome tried to load that jpg on my machine , my antivirus program felt it had to step in and prevent the loading of that image


:D :D :D

Now to be fair (being fair is a terrible weakness of mine) I know enough about this kind of stuff to know what the actual risk was / is and its zero with just the act of chrome downloading this jpg image from that site. However for someone who might regularly use such a site / source and embrace it and laud and respect the content on it, the risk are entirely different ;)
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Re: Australians spreading viruses.

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:21 pm

...indeed, it is interesting, such threads; easy reading, if you will, Historically speaking.

Could a "Light Web" be evolving, with the existence of a "Dark Web"?
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Re: Australians spreading viruses.

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:17 pm

I haven't used an anti virus in years. And never been infected with a virus.

I only use Malwarebytes. And even then, I scan my computer once every 4 months tops. And rarely do I even find anythung.

And i do have access or know how to access the dark web as well.
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