Paphitis wrote:Science and supernatural are 2 seperate things.
Unfair to expect science to have explanations on supernatural themes. This is why religions like Christianity survive on faith. There are no scientific formulas, mathematical equaltions or explanations for the details of the New Testament or things like it.
But, I do remember that as a young kid, I did have the ability to Astral Travel. Now if you look that up, that is a state of mind where you can subconsiously leave your body and float over your body and fly over houses and power lines. Maybe that is where I got the flying bug.
Now, I can't explain to this day if they were dreams, or something else more supernatural. Opinions vary. But I have never been able to do this since childhood.
Now I am not saying at all that this is supernatural at all. I don't have any solid explanation for it. And yes, I can't explain it scientifically.
These are not the only incidents I have had as a child. I would also lay paralysed in bed with some entities around me - not sure if they were good or bad. And when I would Astral Travel, sometimes I felt I was being chased by them.
The question of God and the supernatural. I also remember a time when a very great power and comforter came into my world, on my invitation. And all I could feel was love and comfort, plus guidance and strength to get me out of a jam that nearly claimed my life. I'd like to think it was Mary. I could actually swear there was something or someone that joined me that day. Unmistakable feeling, and then having such clarity of thinking to do what I needed to do.
I guess I should go into a white coat.

The problem with science is that it doesn’t accept the result of any experiment or real event unless it can be repeated over and over again without ever failing… At the very minimum Science can only accept a fact as truly scientific, if it can take measurements of known variables and watch them changing to achieve the final event.
Science can’t go far this way. It already got stuck at sub-atomic level where the laws of Physics don’t apply any more. Proceeded to Quantum Mechanics and theories upon theories starting from Heizenberg’s uncertainty principle….
The miracles of healing people however are real and verifiable. The person who performs them can’t repeat them over and over again on demand. He can only do them after e.g. praying for 3 days and nights without eating anything. The subject must be suitable of accepting the "blessing". And finally the healer thinks the miracle was done by "God".
Yet there are people who know the Scientific basis of miracles. Why are the Scientists afraid of starting with the basics? It’s not as simple as inventing gravity where Newton did all the work by himself. This is much more complicated and unless Scientists join forces nothing will happen.
I guess it’s better for them to work with theoretical models in finding all 100s of sub-atomic particles especially that damn Higg’s particle. They finally found it in 2012, so what’s next?
Actually there’s absolute Scientific denial even for telekinesis which is one of the simplest "miracles" applied on objects -not living beings. ... te_note-28Yet I witnessed it myself done by a person for the first time in his life.
He was an 18 year old soldier who while we were sitting having nothing to do at a military excercise, he said that someone told him that if he concentrates on something he could make it move without touching.
It was small talk actually, nobody took it seriously even himself. Having nothing to do he started looking at a pencil on the table. After about 10 minutes he jumped up pale and trembling from fear when the pencil started spinning very fast like the propeller of a hellicopter. We all saw that, it lasted for some 10 seconds. The guy thought he was possesed by demons, and what happened was satanic. He became a very religious person after that….