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Is there god

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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:26 pm

Ok I accept. I have found the evidence god exists, Enjoy.

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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:59 pm

OK thats it. I am now convinced there is good after all. If you look in the background you will see your god doing his magic creating galaxies and stars andand planets things.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:11 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I 'd like to ask a question:
Are the miracles witnessed today performed by deeply religious people (Christians, Islamists, Hindu, Budists) real or fake? E.g. Just touch a sick person, and heal him instantly.

They would be fake obviously.

It's all fake.

But what we can't be so sure of is whether the reported miracles in the New Testament that were done by Jesus were fake. i mean they could be fake too, but he managed to convince a lot of people, some very intelligent people as well, including the Roman Centurian (part of the Roman Aristocracy in those days) who oversaw the crucifixion and a couple of days later decided to follow the disciples. And if he followed the disciples, he would have witnessed what they witnessed too - which is purported to be Christ in the flesh after crucifixion.

So who knows...

What we do know, is that from then on in, thousands of people died in his name (a rather heavy price to pay if it wasn't true) and the entire Roman Empire completely tranformed over time. This is akin one man conquering a superpower as far as i'm concerned.

So there has been no man with greater influence that has lived ever since.

That is what I find hard to understand. If Jesus was not true, then he would still have to be the smartest man to have ever lived throughout history.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Maximus » Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:19 pm

Jesus was a great salesman, he sold hope and faith to people.

He met his demise because his teachings challenged the authority of his time and his influence was growing.

He probably didnt rise from the dead, he probably didnt create any miracles.

These are probably exaggerations from his followers who decided to write a book about him, his life and his teachings in story format.

He was simply a good, well intention ed man that wanted to help people become good people and claimed to be the son of god.

He probably used that to add authority to his teachings.

But god permeated the minds of men and women long before Jesus walked the earth.

Only there will you find god, because the universe is consciousness. Without conciseness, you can not experience any of it.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 12, 2021 6:34 pm

Maximus wrote:Jesus was a great salesman, he sold hope and faith to people.

He met his demise because his teachings challenged the authority of his time and his influence was growing.

He probably didnt rise from the dead, he probably didnt create any miracles.

These are probably exaggerations from his followers who decided to write a book about him, his life and his teachings in story format.

He was simply a good, well intention ed man that wanted to help people become good people and claimed to be the son of god.

He probably used that to add authority to his teachings.

But god permeated the minds of men and women long before Jesus walked the earth.

Only there will you find god, because the universe is consciousness. Without conciseness, you can not experience any of it.

Could you not see that monster in the background pulling all the levers?
On a scale of 1 to 10 just how stupid are you exactly?
What fucking evidence do you have that Jesus existed as a person. At least the muslins peygamber was an actual real person who married a very rich widower.

There is no evidence jesus was even one person. There were lots of people at the time pretending to be a faith healers. And we all know what a scam that is to this day. The bible was not written down for hundreds of years after jesus was supposed to have been killed. And we all know what happens to a story when it is taught word of mouth.

Long long time ago we did an experiment under liberal studies. We had 9 people leave room. One person read a piece of text to another from a written page and then the listener had to tell the same info to the next person who was kept outside and came in to the room. Each time a person would first listen and then they had to explain it to the next person coming in. By the time the 10th came in, there was nothing left of the original text.

Chinese whispers was not named so for no reason.

But if it makes you feel better you have a god then you continue on your path.

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Re: Is there god

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Aug 12, 2021 7:32 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I 'd like to ask a question:
Are the miracles witnessed today performed by deeply religious people (Christians, Islamists, Hindu, Budists) real or fake? E.g. Just touch a sick person, and heal him instantly.

They would be fake obviously.

It's all fake.

Replying to you to save time, but my reply applies to all 3 persons who commented.
No the vast majority, are/were not fake!!
I have great respect for Jesus too, and i beleive every miracle he did was true.
Yet I consider all religions nonsense and I don't follow any of them. They are more of social directions rathger than having anything to do with God.

So the question is, what did those deeply religious persons discover (without knowing) after extreme practice, devotion, prayers, and presumable help from God, to perform miracles? It's something for which Science is almost totally in the dark.

Although you may guess the answer, I won't give it to you ready on the plate.
You have to be open minded, show up as someone who has questions and wants to learn. Pretty soon you will find out there are people who will help. You won't find such answers on the internet....

NB. Caution: stay away from any organized group either religious/pseudo-religous/ paranormal and the like.
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Re: Is there god

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Aug 12, 2021 7:47 pm

You raise a good point Pyro; maybe Lordo's beef is not with God, but with Religion. Indeed, as "they" would have you believe, Religion and God are the same; moreso "their" God is the one and only. This may discount all these Religions, because (if there is a God) there is one God. Religions, at least in principal are not inherently bad, but power, and absolute power corrupts. Counter-intuitively, people seeking corruption must necessarily move to positions of power to succeed. It is not a far stretch from there to see corruption institutionalised.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:24 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:You raise a good point Pyro; maybe Lordo's beef is not with God, but with Religion. Indeed, as "they" would have you believe, Religion and God are the same; moreso "their" God is the one and only. This may discount all these Religions, because (if there is a God) there is one God. Religions, at least in principal are not inherently bad, but power, and absolute power corrupts. Counter-intuitively, people seeking corruption must necessarily move to positions of power to succeed. It is not a far stretch from there to see corruption institutionalised.

Agree RW. Imo everybody including Lordo is against religion of any kind.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:53 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:You raise a good point Pyro; maybe Lordo's beef is not with God, but with Religion. Indeed, as "they" would have you believe, Religion and God are the same; moreso "their" God is the one and only. This may discount all these Religions, because (if there is a God) there is one God. Religions, at least in principal are not inherently bad, but power, and absolute power corrupts. Counter-intuitively, people seeking corruption must necessarily move to positions of power to succeed. It is not a far stretch from there to see corruption institutionalised.

How can I have a beef with something that does not exist. Mankind first invented god to explain what he did not understand. Then mankind realised the power of such control and invented religion and started selling plots in heaven.
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Re: Is there god

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:24 am

Lordo wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:You raise a good point Pyro; maybe Lordo's beef is not with God, but with Religion. Indeed, as "they" would have you believe, Religion and God are the same; moreso "their" God is the one and only. This may discount all these Religions, because (if there is a God) there is one God. Religions, at least in principal are not inherently bad, but power, and absolute power corrupts. Counter-intuitively, people seeking corruption must necessarily move to positions of power to succeed. It is not a far stretch from there to see corruption institutionalised.

How can I have a beef with something that does not exist. Mankind first invented god to explain what he did not understand. Then mankind realised the power of such control and invented religion and started selling plots in heaven.

There are a lot of people who have a "personal" God. GR's God is such a "personal" God.
A "personal" God depends on how the person understands it to be.

For me it's impossible to understand the properties of God so I remain without any personal or other type of God.
Problem is we can't prove that something doesn't exist. Re: the Boila University debate you posted.
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