Maximus wrote:Lordo wrote:Before we understod how the planets were created humanity assumed there must be a god and he did it. I assume it is indeed a he as no woman could create so much mess. Well yeah the obvious question is then who created god, Leave that aside.
We now know that step before the planets and stars are created is a lot of gas. It is this gas that is used to create the universe and everything in it. it has now been established beyond doubt that it is gravitational pull hat forms the stars and the planets in a universe. More to the point religous nuts did not understand relative motion and believed that the sun and the stars were rotating around the earth which was total nonsense. But you can understand how they came to conclusion at least that the earth was at the centre of the universe. But religous people decided to use religion to control the people and not to question them so they used the idea that it is god people were obeying not the religous order. Add to that without any evidence what so ever to come up with the idea that earth was created in 6 days and god rested on the 7th and that the earth is only 6000 years old andb it was formed as it is today and that if the scientits have found fossils that they date to be millions of years old, it is becasue the devil has put them there to confuse us just goes to show that they are full of shit and anybody who believes in what they say is also full of shit. Considering al the evidence today I am not sure what to call people who understand that they have been lied to for thousands of years but somehow they still hang on to the idea of god other than the fact that they are weak minded and need to believe that somebody is looking over them. But then again the first thing I learn about god is that the swine only helps those who can help themselves. So what the hell is god's role then.
What do you know?
Not a lot and here you are trying to tackle the question of god, that is infinitely complicated, trying to explain that gravity and gas is the reason that the source of creation doesn't exist.
If you lived 2000 years ago, you would have invented the disposable lighter using your bordo and used that to prove Jesus Christ wasn't the son of god.
You stupid plonker.
yeh it amazes me how we have a couple of numbskulls on this forum, one of whom just questioned humanities intelligence, and his own (can you believe it?

), who are trying to educate us about God or the ultimate eternal creator if he indeed exists or not.
This who created God question...well it's totally beyond them that they say he is ETERNAL.
But I digress. I am just astonished how anyone can question their own intelligence and ours or all of humanity.
When, we are building Aircraft Carriers like the Gerald Ford.
When, we are sending rovers and have conducted the first powered flight on Mars when we only managed to have our first powered flight a mere 100 or so years ago on planet earth.
When, we are able to make astonishing medical advances and develop vaccines to a virus in just a few months when we need to
I mean, we can spend all day making a massive list of what mankind can achieve, so there is no doubt humans are an intelligent life form and that this intelligence is constantly evolving and expanding with our every advance, which seems to be accelerating so much more faster these days.
I kindly ask, if people have the need to question human inteliigence, to please stop doing that as they have no right to talk for others in that discussion. They should just question themsleves which is the best thing they can do to help themselves and self improve!
I know my intelligence level, and what I can achieve and am very proud of my achievements.
To be told otherwise by Lordo and likeminded numbskulls like him who graphically wrote about penus hygiene, is just friggin most annoying....I am tring to erase that from my memory with little success.

Humans also have every right to make up stories and to Philosophise about their origins and purpose. Ancient Egyptians did it, Ancient Greeks did it, Ancient Romans did it, and we still do it today and some of these Philosophers displayed immense intelligence and sophistry. It is another example of our intelligence - that we as a species are able to ponder over extremely complex issues and that we have an immense array of emotion which seperates us from the animal kingdom to a different level.
Some idiots like Lordo, think that because we can't answer all questions, that we are unintelligent. That's a rather very big statement to make when are capable to do so much in every facet of life.