Get Real! wrote:I’ve noticed that those of you who have this overwhelming fascination with “science” also happen to be those who never went to uni!
It basically stems from a profound respect you seem to have for those who academically achieved what you never got the chance to for whatever reason, and you now seem to think that uni-graduates are some kind of demi-Gods who have the potential to solve all problems!
Well as one of those “demi-Gods” you so admire, I have some news for you:
In my experience at two different universities, I witnessed mass-cheating during semester exams, and I had people who paid me cash to do their assignments so they could get through to the next unit.
My biggest challenge was changing the assignments (there were times when I had 3-4 to do) so that the lecturer wouldn’t recognize they all came from the same source!
I was poor, had a young wife and a toddler and I needed the cash... while they were young men from wealthy families who thought nothing of paying $50..75 bucks to buy a solution.
These are some of the “great scientists” you so admire today; who are no doubt enjoying great careers by now after 35+ years in some industry.
So this is where we basically differ… you look at them with admiration and I look at them and want to puke!
And here is Lordo today waiting for these “scientists” to give him the answers to the cosmos and lead him to God!![]()
Nooooooo I am not wating to be led to god you silly sod. I told you I have no need to worship anything.
I wonder how you came to my conclusion that I did not go to the university? Would you know what my qualifications are for instance? Like hell you do.
So you came across some lazy idiotic people who cheated their way into some sort of a qualification. And you generalise that we admire them.
So are you saying that all the scientists are like them and cannot be trusted?
Scientists continually disagree with each other on theory and till it can be proven one way or another it is not agreed. That is healthy.
Where as you have decided to worship a god not needing how or anything else. But you demand the proof from science. Well about 100 years ago man first flew an aeroplane. Who knows where we will be in another hundred years. Stop worshipping stupidity that was decided thousands of years ago with the condition that you cannot challenge it and if you do you deserve to die.
One last thing, the idea of god has not been hijacked by religion, it belongs to them, they created it to explain things they do not understand. if you have another view different to the view of the church, you better come up with another name, but you really are being so simple.
If you cannot see that it is gravity that forms stars and planets and it is also gravity that keeps us going in two different levels. I feel sorry for you.
Why did you have to go to two different universities then?
Let me guess you did your masters in another uni. But that’s not possible you do not come across as somebody with masters in anything except master debating.
So the second-choice left is you dropped out perhaps financial difficulties. If that was the case, you have my sympathies. On the other hand, I was very lucky, I was one of those students who had no financial worries going through my education, not only did my father pay for my education he also paid for siblings education to despite losing land to you swine in 1974.
I also suspect you do not have a uni degree otherwise you would not be wasting your time trying to write such a simple program that is readily available free of charge on the internet. But that’s a hunch. I have no proof.